Originally Posted by Decadbal
I disagree with that completely and knew that would come up but didn't address it in my post. It's way more complex than that and there's no way I could do the topic justice.
If you had to travel on business on the anniversary of 9/11 or even if it was shortly after the original 9/11 and you saw an disproportionate number of Arab men on your plane, would you really not think twice about it for even a single second? I flew out of LaGuardia Airport in NY about a month or two after 9/11 happened and I saw a few Arabs milling around my gate at the airport and I can tell you that I would have extended them every courtesy that I would any other person but on the inside
a) I was rooting for them not to get on my plane and
b) I was definitely scrutanizing them more than any other race of passenger that day.