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Thread: This proves frats are pathetic

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Decadbal
    yea i guess your right, all black ppl do drugs and steal, all southernerners are in the klan and all arabs are terrorist...

    I disagree with that completely and knew that would come up but didn't address it in my post. It's way more complex than that and there's no way I could do the topic justice.

    If you had to travel on business on the anniversary of 9/11 or even if it was shortly after the original 9/11 and you saw an disproportionate number of Arab men on your plane, would you really not think twice about it for even a single second? I flew out of LaGuardia Airport in NY about a month or two after 9/11 happened and I saw a few Arabs milling around my gate at the airport and I can tell you that I would have extended them every courtesy that I would any other person but on the inside

    a) I was rooting for them not to get on my plane and
    b) I was definitely scrutanizing them more than any other race of passenger that day.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by )(PimP JuicE)(
    How in the hell would you know if "they" have dedication??? im in college, i use steroids, and i am dedicated as hell bro...think before you talk next time and don't try to be a tough guy.

    Exactly!!!! I don't. So for someone to generalize about frat's is just as redicilious. Thanks for solidifing my point... you got pissed just as I did when I read the generalization about Fraternities.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    Quote Originally Posted by ECoastVIP
    You were in a group of dynamic dudes. Neat.

    sounds like the "rainbow coalition" to me!

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    a building
    majority of frats ive seen/been around its a bunch of loud obnoxious dudes that run around thinking they are the **** but when their alone or "break away" from their pact are just losers that wouldnt say a word to anybody, thus the reason they have to join a frat...

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