Here's a pic I took this morning. I've been clean for a little over two months. I did a quick Shoulder/Tri workout this morning and snapped this pic.
I think it turned out pretty good. I'm at around 185-190lbs, BF I have no idea.
Here's a pic I took this morning. I've been clean for a little over two months. I did a quick Shoulder/Tri workout this morning and snapped this pic.
I think it turned out pretty good. I'm at around 185-190lbs, BF I have no idea.
Lookin pretty lean Ronny... id say around 10-11% BF.
Keep on PUMPIN!!
Id let you kiss it![]()
Originally Posted by mass junkie
Looking nice and lean brutha... you tiny-waisted muthafuka...![]()
Man! I found some before pics! You guys are gonna laugh...
Here's a BEFORE and AFTER
Before was taken when I had never even touched the sauce...all natural.
The second was taken a few weeks back. It's very blurry because it was dark when I took the pic, but you can clearly notice the difference.
Funny now that I look at it....
Man...that would be tough. I'd have to Lay down or you'd have to get on some sort of ladder-device.Originally Posted by mass junkie
Very cool pair of pics...
I never knew you were a homo though... I mean... Guess jeans???....
Look great as usual brutha.. keep it up...![]()
Dang, you are a lean one. Looking good, keep it up, bro.
YES.. i thought i was the only one that took pics of myself after a workout..
in fact my avatar was taken after a leg workout (there WAS more to the pic)
Man, that was like 2 years ago. Why you gotta open your Haterade on me.Originally Posted by Blown_SC
I'm insecure, and wasn't hugged as a child.Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL
hahaha.....i was thinking the same thing mass...Originally Posted by mass junkie
Wish I was that lean bro
looking good
It took me a tonne of cardio to get lean I mean a tonne. I do 45-75 minutes every morning at a steady walk and eat very clean for the most part.
I can honestly contribute my success to CKD...that **** is awesome if you can manage it.
That's a good physique bro. Very good. Solid. I'd say you're body fat is 10% and no more. Just because you don't show abs doesn't mean ****.
Anyway, what is CKD?
Here ya go Doc...Originally Posted by DocHoliday
I did a modified's what it consisted of.
Beginning of "Glycogen Depletion"
Sunday - 200g Protein/200g Fat/20g Carb = 2680 Calories
Monday - 200g Protein/200g Fat/20g Carb = 2680 Calories
Tuesday - 200g Protein/200g Fat/20g Carb = 2680 Calories
Wednesday - 200g Protein/200g Fat/20g Carb = 2680 Calories
Thursday - 200g Protein/200g Fat/20g Carb = 2680 Calories
Beginning of "Carb Load"
Friday - (MORNING to 5:00pm)100g Protein/100g Fat/20g Carb = 1380 Calories
Friday - (5:00pm to Bedtime) 100g Protein/50g Fat/500g Carb = 2950 Calories
Saturday - 100g Protein/50g Fat/1000g Carb = 4850 Calories
Sunday - 75 Minutes AM Cardio (empty stomach @ 3.5mph/12% Incline)
Monday - 60 Minutes AM Cardio (empty stomach @ 3.5mph/12% Incline)
Tuesday - 60 Minutes AM Cardio (empty stomach @ 3.5mph/12% Incline)
Wednesday - 45 Minutes AM Cardio (empty stomach @ 3.5mph/12% Incline)
Thursday - 45 Minutes AM Cardio (empty stomach @ 3.5mph/12% Incline)
Friday - 30 Minutes AM Cardio (empty stomach @ 3.5mph/12% Incline)
Saturday - REST
Flat Bench Press - 5 Sets of 3 Reps
Military Press - 5 Sets of 3 Reps
Weighted Tricep Dips - 5 Sets of 3
Squat - 5 Sets of 3 Reps
Chin Ups - 5 Sets of 3 reps
Barbell Curls - 5 Sets of 3 Reps
Barbell Shrugs - 5 Sets of 3 Reps
Hamstring Curls - 5 Sets of 3 Reps
Incline Barbell Press - 5 sets of 3 Reps
Dumbell Shoulder Press - 5 sets of 3 Reps
EZ Bar Nosebreakers - 5 Sets of 3 Reps
Quad Extensions - 5 Sets of 3 Reps
Deadlifts - 5 Sets of 3 Reps
Hammer Curls - 5 Sets of 3 Reps
Dumbell Shrugs - 5 Sets of 3 reps
Hamstring Curls - 5 Sets of 3 Reps
Crunches - 20 Sets of 20 Reps
Standing Calve Raises - 20 sets of 20 reps
Forearm Dumbell Twists - 20 sets of 20 reps
Dumbell Chest Press - 2 sets of 20, 15 Reps
Lat Pull Downs - 2 sets of 20, 15 Reps
Lateral Raises - 2 sets of 20, 15 Reps
Bicep Curls - 2 sets of 20, 15 Reps
Overhead Dumbell Tricep Extensions - 2 sets of 20, 15 Reps
Leg Extensions - 2 sets of 20, 15 Reps
Stiff-Legged Deadlifts - 2 sets of 20, 15 Reps
Dumbell Shrugs - 2 set of 20, 15 reps
Crunches - 20 Sets of 20 Reps
Standing Calve Raises - 20 sets of 20 reps
Forearm Dumbell Twists - 20 sets of 20 reps
Last edited by RoNNy THe BuLL; 09-24-2004 at 11:34 PM.
- It's a High Fat/High Protein diet. Why so much fat? To help keep calories high and keep you in a semi-anabolic state while shedding bodyfat
- Most of the protein you consume should be from real foods; Eggs, Beef, Chicken, Steak, etc...
- As you approach a Calorie stand-still, I took a little bit of T-Mags "Cheat To Win" philosophy and threw in an early Carb-Load on the second half of Friday, so come Saturday morning your Glycogen stores should be full. Not only that, but the increased calories will stimulate your natural thyroid to kick into high gear
- When the calories get higher, it's normal for you to sweat. It's a good sign your Thryoid is in high gear and getting at that stubborn bodyfat that won't go away
- Keep in mind this is where all your fat burning will stem from
- You start off with a longer time since technically you're glycogen is still in your blood stream since Sunday's huge carb load, so you can handle more cardio without slipping into a catabolic state. It's not intense by any means, but it does the job well
- As the week goes on and you start to fatigue, your cardio tends to become lesser in length as you start to slip into Ketosis
- Once you carb load, your cardio stops completely
- You keep your reps and exercise length pretty low as you want to stimulate the muscle but not cortisol release. With the lower reps, you can hit muscle groups more often as the CNS doesn't release as much Cortisol that would regularly stimulate Catabolism (counter-productive when dieting)
- As soon as you start to Carb Load and the Glycogen is back in your muscles and system, you take advantage of it and switch into higher reps to 'burn' and 'pump' the Glycogen back out of the muscle when your Carbs and Calories are the highest
Last edited by RoNNy THe BuLL; 09-24-2004 at 11:36 PM.
Also, take into account I was on some sort of gear while doing this.
I was running...
500mg Test C - EW
500mg EQ - EW
100mg Fina - ED
50mg Winny - ED
That helped hold onto muscle too. I don't recommend this to Natty's but I do have another version for the Natural Bodybuilders that is on a short 5 day split that has yielded very similar results.
awesome traps bro
Yea you look good here bro, i think something you should hit hard is them abs.Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL
i dont know man, i'd say you were less than 10-11% but thats just my opinion
Consider adding 50mg proviron ED next time you run that... the muscle hardness it gave me was quite a nice feeling! And as a bonus it's a great anti-E.Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL
Nice job btw! Looking great!
IF I ever go back to the sauce, I'll be sure to add in some Proviron.
nice traps bro, pump them arms up..
Thanks bro. Right now everything is in proportion, I have no real bodyparts that are overpowering. I like it like that.
Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL
I'm interested to see your version for the all natural person. Thanks bro.
Here's for a Natural person....
Day 1/2 - Low Carb
200g Protein (No shakes)
200g Fat (EFA)
<20g Carb
Day 3
UP TO 5:00pm
100g Protein
100g Fat
AFTER 5:00pm
100g Protein
200g Carb
50g Fat (EFA)
Day 4 - Full Carb
100g Protein
600g Carb
50g Fat (EFA)
Day 5 - Back To No Carb
200g Protein
200g Fat
<50g Carb
Day 1 - Chest/Tri/Shoulders/Quad
Squats = 5 sets of 3 reps
Flat Bench Press = 3 sets of 3 reps
Incline Bench Pres s = 3 sets of 3 reps
Weighted Dips = 5 sets of 3 reps
Clean, Jerk & Press = 5 Sets of 3 reps
Day 2 - Back/Biceps/Hamstring/Traps
Deadlifts = 3 sets of 3 reps
Chin ups = 5 sets of 3 reps
Barbell Curls = 5 sets of 3 reps
Barbell Shrugs = 5 sets of 3 reps
Hamstring Curls = 3 sets of 3 reps
Day 3 - Abs/Calves/Forearms (PM after beginning of Carb Load)
Abs - 20 sets of 20
Calves - 20 sets of 20
Forearms - 20 sets of 20
Dumbell Chest Press - 2 sets of 15, 10
Dumbell Incline Press - 2 sets of 15, 10
Lat Pull Downs - 2 sets of 15, 10
V-Bar Rows - 2 sets of 15, 10
Dumbell Shoulder Press - 2 sets of 15, 10
Bent Over Laterals - 2 sets of 15, 10
Dumbell Curls - 3 sets of 20, 15, 10
Nosebreakers - 3 sets of 20, 15, 10
Leg Extensions - 3 sets of 20, 15, 10
Hamstring Curls - 3 sets of 20, 15, 10
Day 5 - REST
All first thing AM on an EMPTY STOMACH
Day 1 - 45 Minutes @ 3.5mph/12% Incline
Day 2 - 45 Minutes @ 3.5mph/12% Incline
Day 3 - 30 Minutes @ 3.5mph/12% Incline
Day 4 - None
Day 5 - 60 Minutes @ 3.5mph/12% Incline
Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL
Bro, we look a lot alike... body, skin, face... everything
Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL
Interesting, thanks bro!
Ronny loves his CKD...
That's really too bad bro....Originally Posted by EastCoaster
I don't think I could do a CKD but its interesting nonetheless..
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