Hows your pet spider doing?
Man drugs are bad .. 'muuummm KAY!
Hows your pet spider doing?
Man drugs are bad .. 'muuummm KAY!
Hey vette....
bad ass blown.. I dont think Vette made it to the fat girl convention last night.. lol
Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
I was there... and it was...
LMAO, nice pic blown! Ya know, maybe you should step up to a kiaOriginally Posted by Blown_SC
And Prin, we are not going to discuss king ****** spider![]()
That's for my avatar bitch...Originally Posted by 956Vette
A step UP to a Kia? I'd have to take a step DOWN just to get in it..![]()
Hey now, the avatar could easily resurrectOriginally Posted by Blown_SC
I mean, those were pretty mean body effects you had on that bird
You should have been proud!
But now you have a mean looking blown engine in your pic, i thought you were going turbo route?
HEY HES getting your stash go get him Vette!!!!!Originally Posted by 956Vette
Originally Posted by 956Vette
Yeah, cardboard is much lighter than steel you know
Alas, my broke ass can't afford a turbo setup... but, this spring, I will replace my roots-blown 231V6, with a centrif-blown 331V8 stroker... ahhh yeeeah(as soon as I get back from Germany)
Hope you have a daily driver beater set up! When i was your age (or so) i had built a SCCA autocross F-body with a custom 335 stroker...never ending project. and wasnt street legal or even streetable after enough time and $$ was spent.Originally Posted by Blown_SC
Fukers.. this thread isnt about cars... its about SPIDERS!!!!!!!
Spider story takes too much effort, passion and energy out of me. Pics would also be required. Hangovers dont help either - guess you wouldnt knowOriginally Posted by ttuPrincess
Nope... just a summer car... the car just needs the mill, I have a tranny and rear already.. I'm swapping the IRS for a SN95 rear, or one of my 9" at home... not sure... the SN95s already have discs, so I think I'll try to find one, but, my 9" has a posi, with strange axles....Originally Posted by 956Vette
Also, I have a built C4 for it... from Fireball Trannies...
Hey Blown,
What are you going to do with that IRS setup, I've been looking for a used
one for a while for my '68 mustang rebuild. Let me know if you want to sell it
and for how much. Shoot me a PM and we'll talk about it.
well if it's anything like partyboys anti-masturbation spider it would be well worth the effort.Originally Posted by 956Vette
Currently, I am going to swap out my IRS.... hopefully this spring when I get back to Canada...Originally Posted by joedog189
I won't want a whole lot for it, but I'm in Canada, so consider the shipping costs bro.. you can find one down there I'm sure.. for about 350US$...
Also, LORDBLiTZ, a member at this board, has an SC IRS rearend for sale for $500, shoot him a PM, and maybe he would be interested...![]()
no he called screaming that a spider was eating his stash.. and that it got into ours too...Originally Posted by symatech
what up with the name calling ****
my way of expressing love and admeration for such a wonderful human beingOriginally Posted by symatech
HHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHA **** that was hard to get out
Oh hush upOriginally Posted by ttuPrincess
ohhhh VETTE!!!!!! hows that spider now?? lol
dang.. i wanna see a pic of a spider..![]()
he says he took pics of it on his camera phone.. maybe hell post them.. when he can get to his computer instead of crying in the corner afraid of a spider... **** baby...
thats what you get for living in the ghetto!!!!
i see you reading down there vette.. come on say something
Okay, took me a half hour to maybe an hour. But i FINALLY got rid of the recurring king ****** spider!!! That muther fukker was laughing aat a whole **** bottle of spider/scorpion killer!!! BEfore that, he survived a go in the dishwasher, mace, windex, a stick, a entire fogging of my place!!!!!!!!
I tell you what, taht bastard was loving that spray, he ran like mass junkie into an ice=cream parlor! HE was talking **** the entire time to, i tell you. He had eyes like a glowing cat, and at one point ran under a couch. Then he was back all trying to act hard.... little did he know i had a louisville fukking slugger in hand this time along with the scorpion killer! So, a broken lamp, crippled couch, and doused carpet later....the fukker is detroyed like a little bitch outside on the cement! I swear to god i better not see him again!
LOL hahahaaaaaaaaaa scared of a spider
i can see you standing on that beat up old couch in the middle of your ghetto bachlor pad holding a bat with this eveil look in your eyes "here spider spider spider"
Spider killer,what did that spider ever do to you other then sleep with your girlfriend,wife and mistressOriginally Posted by 956Vette
Nope. He's waiting for you underneith your pillow! He brought some of his friends too. They're going to crawl on you while you sleep!!!!Originally Posted by 956Vette
Last edited by Money Boss Hustla; 10-08-2004 at 12:08 AM.
I seriously HATE you MBH. I havent been able to sleep already...appreciate it you dirty canuck!![]()
Money, that's actually two spiders humping. And the spider is really close to the lens. Look at the size of the pliers holding it.
Haha. Did they keep you awake!? They're still there bro!!! Better watch out tonight!!!Originally Posted by 956Vette
4mg of xanax later, and i was sober as a clam you POS! Dont know when i finally got some restOriginally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
But luckily for adderal, i was able to get **** done this morning. No thanks to your white ass
Hahaha. Tonight try and take 120mcg of clen and 50mg of ephedrine right before will help alieve your stress with spiders. Trust me.Originally Posted by 956Vette
h ha homo cant sleep without drugs.. get over your spider phobia will you .. you look like a sissyOriginally Posted by 956Vette
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