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ONE Cigarette in jail 10 years ago went anywhere from 5 -15 dollars.
Actual LA county jail facility: Candy bar sold for 5 dollars
A match to light the cigarette cost 1 dollar.
Sugar cost a dollar.
If you managed to smuggle in weed: One hit cost 5 bucks.
Some guys made a career out of going into the jail for the weekend.
If arrested on a thursday night, you would be sent from the police station to the jail for processing to make room in the station for the weekend crowd.
Usually, if it is just a misdemenor, they let the guy go on Monday as time served.
Well, he knows hes gonna be in LA county for the weekend and they really dont check that well during searches.
So, what the guy will do is: Gets the latex gloves. Fills each finger with a pack of cigareets, maybe some crack, maybe some cronic, maybe some heroin. Gives him a variety of items depending on the crowd he is placed with.
Well come Sunday, everyone is out of all their chips and candy bars and all the cigarettes are gone. Then suddenly, the guy comes up with a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, and other crap. 15 dollars per cigarette at 20 a pack= 300 dollars for a pack of cigarettes.
Roughly, the guy leaves LA county jail with about a grand or two in cash. All in a weekend.
LA county doesnt allow cash into the system anymore. All automated accounts scanned in on their wrist bands. Buy a bag of chips, they scan your wrist band and take it off your account.