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Thread: My Bone Head Move Of The Day

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Right here!Are you blind?

    Red face My Bone Head Move Of The Day

    As some of you bros know, I have been off gear for almost 2 years now. Well I decided the time is soon to cycle again after getting my shyt together again after all sorts of problems and stuff. So I decide to make a new batch of test-e for my next cycle. Everything goes smooth and nice. No problems at all, and I made 80cc's of test-e at 250mgs/ml. It was all perfect. I sat back and picked up my bottles and looked at them with lust in my heart, and that true sense of satisfaction you get from making your own brew. Just as I was admiring the 4, 20cc bottles of liquid gold I had in my hand, I thought I noticed something rolling off the counter I was working on. I had enough time to see a 20cc syringe with an 18 gauge pin attached to it, falling off the counter. I never really had a chance to move out of the way. I saw it that last split second right before the 18g pin plunged right into my left calf.

    I never flinched, said a word, or anything. I must have still been in dream land from looking at my new batch of heaven. I just slowly reached down and pulled the big ass syringe and pin out of my calf. I never felt any pain. I pulled it out slowly hoping that this would avoid the flow of blood that was sure to come. Of course this did not help at all, and the blood flowed all over the floor. After a while of applying pressure and having no success at stopping the river of blood coming out of me, I decided to go to the doc. Before I left though I remember picking up my gorgeous bottles of test-e and gently placing them in my little "special" place for them. I looked at them longingly as I put them away, almost oblivious to the blood flowing from my leg. I felt almost wrong in leaving them alone so soon after they were created.

    So to make long story short. I am OK, I did not hit a vein or anything. I just kind of tore up the tissue in my calf from the angle that the pin hit it at, and the fact that the pin and syringe kind of swung around a bit after it hit. I was not a straight shot into my calf, but more of an angled hit to the outside of my calf without a lot of meat to support the plunge. So, in the end I am ok, but I think my baby fresh test-e has been traumatized because of the separation anxiety it must have felt from being left alone so soon after being created. After all, it was just so new to this world when I left. But I will make it feel better by injecting it as soon as possible. I know it will feel better then.

    Anyway........I feel like a bonehead after this incident. Just a STUPID move on my guess we all make em.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    OUCH!!!!! **** bro

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    18g pin is like a pencil... ouch.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    in some pu$$y
    the important thing is that the juice is ok.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    what did you tell the doc you were doing when this happened?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    ****, my last cycle I made a bonehead move like that and ordered 18g and 20g needles by accident, and I thought nothing of it and injected day by day with those thick ass needles. like a week after I wondered why my ass hurt so much... needless to say I made another order

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Hitting bitches
    Ouch man that **** had to hurt well you utake it easy you here.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    As long as your juice is intact consider it a great day!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    On a beach in California
    Glad all is ok Gilster.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Aukland, NZ
    Quote Originally Posted by Gilster
    So, in the end I am ok, but I think my baby fresh test-e has been traumatized because of the separation anxiety it must have felt from being left alone so soon after being created. After all, it was just so new to this world when I left. But I will make it feel better by injecting it as soon as possible. I know it will feel better then.
    At least you did the right thing in the end. Glad you are OK Bro!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Harpoon!!! **** gotta be careful. Now I'm a little worried about your gear......send it to me so I can keep it safe for you. hahahahaha

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Right here!Are you blind?
    Quote Originally Posted by Maraxus
    As long as your juice is intact consider it a great day!
    I agree brother, I agree...I'd take another as long as all the juice is intact.

    I guess I hit a blodd vessel or something cause I will need to replace the bandage tomorrow again, and it is still bleeding, a little. It just kind of stings tonight but nothing bad. It looks like a hole with a cut leading to it. Doc said to come in again so he can clean it out again and stitch it up if necessary.

    And DevilsDeity, my doc knows so I told him how it happened. He uses gear too. He just thought I was careless. He rolled his eyes and laughed a bit when I told him how it happened. Then he said... "hope it was worth it".... I said it was...

    My test-e seems to be ok, as it still has this gorgeous gold color to it and it seems at peace last time I looked. I think it got over it's initial trauma. Poor

    As far as sending my gear to you.....Just hold on it is in the just wait for it.....bwahahahahahah!!!!!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    the gym
    If i had that much test E i would be so excited that i dont think i would have noticed if a pin stabed me in the calf

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Right here!Are you blind?
    Quote Originally Posted by juicehoe
    If i had that much test E i would be so excited that i dont think i would have noticed if a pin stabed me in the calf
    I hear you bro. I barely noticed myself. All I could think of was the test. I didn't want to drop it. So I just did things in a very relaxed way to make sure that No.1 was safe. No.1 was the gear. I was second for that but true.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    adrenaline high
    i thought you were gonna say that a bottle of test was rolling off the counter onto the floor. i was already reaching for kleenex to dab the tears but was relieved to find out it was "only" your calf. last week i took 18 stitches in the palm of my hand by way of a misplaced razorblade. how's your back doing Gilster?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Right here!Are you blind?
    Quote Originally Posted by shootdeep
    i thought you were gonna say that a bottle of test was rolling off the counter onto the floor. i was already reaching for kleenex to dab the tears but was relieved to find out it was "only" your calf. last week i took 18 stitches in the palm of my hand by way of a misplaced razorblade. how's your back doing Gilster?
    Hey bro!!!...Back is MUCH better nowdays. Still some pain now and again but I am about 95% recovered. It will most likely never get better than that but I will try. I took 2 stitches for this bonehead move. Had to have it cleaned up a little too before them. I probably would have had a tear or 2 if it had been a bottle. I am glad it was just my calf too. Hope your hand gets better soon.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Your doc juices?!? why dont you get him to perscribe you some real great stuff? anyway, glad the Test is safe and your calf is rebuilt.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Right here!Are you blind?
    Quote Originally Posted by PiecinItUp
    Your doc juices?!? why dont you get him to perscribe you some real great stuff? anyway, glad the Test is safe and your calf is rebuilt.
    Yeah, he uses. He flat out completely and totaly refuses to give me a script. He says that if he has to go to the guy at the gym or "other" places then so do I. He will not risk his license on it. In fact I met him at the gym and he is my sometimes but seldom used training partner.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    o the pain i can almost feel it, i sorta do what i gowge the 22gauge needle into me.. i love it tho..

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