I wish I just stayed in last night...
I was out with my friends hoppin from place to place on campus (they're all drunk and I'm sober.) My friend and I go into this one kid's place and I went into the bathroom to take a piss and when I come out they're yelling at each other and its getting really heated. My instinct is to calm both of them down but make sure I have my friend's back. There were about eight guys all yelling at my buddy and I don't even know what it was over. I was like guys drop it, don't fight this and that (I'm not the fighting type, I always try to avoid it).. and I was trying to get my friend to just leave but he was drunk and he was being stubborn. I finally dragged my friend out of the place and as soon as I walk out the door this punk kid who aparently took his tough guy pills last night decides to push me when my back is turned and i'm leaving. Keep in mind I didn't start anything and all I wanted to do was avoid a fight. So now i'm pissed and I got right up and said "what the **** do you think you're doing?" He said some stuff to me calling me a pussy and he wouldn't shut his mouth. So I walked up to him and told him that he better shut his mouth if he knows whats good for him. So he swings at me and I dodged it. I said you don't want to do this and he pushes me again, I said this isn't worth fighting over. He pushes me again.. and said do something about it. So I decided to do something about.. I hit him once and he dropped to the ground. Now the rest of my friends showed up at this point because my buddy who was getting yelled at called them. Everything got pretty ugly for the guys in that town house to say the least.
I know a lot of you would say I shouldn't have hit him and how stupid fighting is but I really tried to avoid it but he wouldn't stop and I am the last person to swallow his pride for some punk.
I just thought I would share that with you guys. I'm not trying to prove anything, in fact I wish it didn't happen.