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  1. #1
    chinups Guest

    American Bulldogs and hip dysplasia

    SO I see that my AB has a hard time sitting now adays and I feel awful everytime she does, I have been gone for a minute but I have noticed there are dog lovers on this board and breeders as well. I just ordered some Gluco-C® which is for joints kinda like our flex-all if you will, fiugred that is a good start. Does anyone have a good food that wuold help with direct relation with hip and joint problems? Any info would be appreciated. My dog needs help....

    Thanks all

  2. #2
    OGPackin's Avatar
    OGPackin is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hey bro, good to see u!! Sorry to hear about ur girl!! Talk with Big N he breads American Bulldogs. I'll PM u his AiM screen name. I'll also tell him u'll be IM'ing him. Good luck!!


  3. #3
    chinups Guest
    Thanks G! I will PM him as well.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails American Bulldogs and hip dysplasia-dsc00260.jpg  

  4. #4
    chinups Guest
    I think I should add she has not been diagnosed with hip dysplasia but she does have discomfort in hine legs.

  5. #5
    clchase's Avatar
    clchase is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chinups
    I think I should add she has not been diagnosed with hip dysplasia but she does have discomfort in hine legs.
    First off, let me say that I am a veterinary technician with lots and lots of experience with orthopedics (Work with a veterinary orthopedic surgeon, who was president of the NACvS(National American College of Veterinary surgeons).Alot of things that could be happening here....(how old is your dog?) It certainly could be hip dysplasia, but most american bulldiogs tend to have relatively tight hips and its not usually a huge problem as it is in labs, etc. I am not saying it doesn;t happen, it does. We do a type of xray called the Pennhip method that truly assess' hip dysplasia and we have one client in NY who breeds am bulls, and they bring all their dogs to us to xray to determine their liklihood of passing hip problems on. Most of these that we do are pretty tight on the average, and we don;t see tons of Am bulls with bad dysplasia. We do see a fair amount of back problems (prolapsed discs, etc.) in Am bulls. Trying a product with glucosamine/Chondrotin, etc, is not a bad idea, but be sure it is from a good veterinary source and you are dosing appropriately. I would also recommend getting good xrays, (which really do require anesthesia to be done properly and to achieve good diagnostic films) of at least the hips and possibly the lumbar spine if the hips look ok. I can help you fins a good orthopedist in your area if you tell me where you are.

    Hope this helps.

  6. #6
    chinups Guest
    Wow that was great.

    I was doing alot of research and did read about those xrays that you have mentioned here. I just last thursday had her put out for an operation to have a growth removed and would hate to do that soon again, she was cocke eyed for two days. I am trying this brand of glucosimine to start but it doesn't hae any chon. in it, wonder is I should get more or get chon. Here is site I ordered from tell me what you think

    Also I live in Northern New Jersey but I am moving to East Brunswick NJ and I am actual looking for a good vet.

    Thank you

  7. #7
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    that was an awful nice reply carrie.

  8. #8
    chinups Guest
    This is why I came to this board. The people on this board know alo and I appreciate the responses. Its a roid board and I got a vet question answered. Lovely

  9. #9
    clchase's Avatar
    clchase is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrisAdams
    that was an awful nice reply carrie.
    Well, I am an awfully nice person! Thank you.

  10. #10
    clchase's Avatar
    clchase is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chinups
    Wow that was great.

    I was doing alot of research and did read about those xrays that you have mentioned here. I just last thursday had her put out for an operation to have a growth removed and would hate to do that soon again, she was cocke eyed for two days. I am trying this brand of glucosimine to start but it doesn't hae any chon. in it, wonder is I should get more or get chon. Here is site I ordered from tell me what you think

    Also I live in Northern New Jersey but I am moving to East Brunswick NJ and I am actual looking for a good vet.

    Thank you
    That glucosamine seems fine, it does help, but it takes a while to build up the blood levels, so you may not see results for a bit. What a shame you had her under anesthesia last week and din;t have xrays done...would have saved you lots of money on anesthesia for next time and saved her an anesthetic procedure.
    Keep her on the joint care stuff, and see how it goes...if you see any drunkeness looking walking in the back end, or she seems very uncomfortable or is draging her back toes...get her seen asap...these are signs of a disc problem...which, sometimes, if caught early enough can be treated medically and not ssurgically.
    Let me look into the vet thing in your area, and I will get back to you. Any more questions, I am more than happy to answer.

  11. #11
    chinups Guest
    clchase-Thanks for the post, PM me when u get some info on a good doctor. As far as the drunken master walk she has not done that it appears that she just has trouble sitting but I am going to watch her walk today maybe I didn't see that

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