I posted this on Anabolicmonsterz... Just want everyone to be safe..
I woke up at 6:00am with major tightness in my chest. I also had tingling in my left arm. I had to get up early to take my kids back to the suburbs. I immediately woke the kids up early and began to drive them home. (It's about a 45 minute drive) So, for 45minutes, I prayed to GOD just to make me at least live until I got them home (so they wouldn't see their dad die). I seriously thought the TEST/EQ &Fina, finally caught up with me. I finally got them home, HUGGED them like there was no tomorrow and drove myself to the emergency room. I got there and had my blood pressure taken (I think it was 140/76), they hooked me up to an EKG machine, and I got chest Xrays. Everything was perfect. They just think I might of messed up a muslce in my chest from lifting and because last night I had to sleep on a blow up bed, that had something to do with it.
If anyone has ever thought they were having a heart attack, you know how terrifying it can be. During that time, I promised I would never touch another steroid again and I promised GOD I would do something to help people in life.
I guess what I'm trying to say is live life everyday like it's your last. If you have children, never take them for granted. Hug them every day likes it's the last time you will ever see them. And REMEMBER your health is the most important thing!