And your proof is where?Originally Posted by IronReload04
And your proof is where?Originally Posted by IronReload04
it can be seen by looking at the biggest deuche in the universe
I can't see you, we're on the internet!Originally Posted by IronReload04
J/K brotha
i missed last nights debate ... does anyone know of a link on the internet where I can watch it? (not cnn, you have to pay to see their videos)
Boy I can't wait for this election to be over....oh, im for bush. Kerry is a pansy, countries that hate us will see this....terroist opinion anyway has it i thinkOriginally Posted by Spyder
I don't understand what's the logic of a bush voter? Do you think that Kerry is going to just liquidate our military and the "evil doers" are going to swim to our shores in kayanks and attack with shoulder missiles? Let's be serious..
www.msn.comOriginally Posted by Spyder
exactly, i dont get it either? ive never talked to so many flat out scared people in my lifeOriginally Posted by Elliot
If you vote for Kerry, youre a loser. You want the government to take money from successful, hard-working people and give it to you. You have no confidence in your ability to survive on your own. I feel sorry for all you poor, socialist bastards.
Originally Posted by chris64
Yeah.. we all know how hard it is to cash thoes intrest checks.. i mean Kerry's wife is just breaking her back.. and please if you dont have a vaild point dont speak at all..
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Originally Posted by )(PimP JuicE)(
You all swear like Kerry is going to surrender the f*cking U.S. to another country.
"I FEEL SAFE W/BUSH" is the claim of Bush supporters.
Wake up!!!!!!!!!
No President is going to let our country be a "b*tch". However, it's possible for us to be able to "punk" other countries w/out having to resort to stupid sh*t like this war.
Bush is a ****in' idiot, plain/simple, and has no respect for minorities at all.
Just go to
Now I have to break up!Originally Posted by jcstomper
TFG, you're a bush woman? I always thought of you cleanly shaven!!Originally Posted by TexasFitnessGirl
Screw both Kerry and Bush, Nader and the rest of them. I've noticed a few trends in dialogue on American politics.
1. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer.
What right does the government have to take more money from some and less than others? Why do we let the government plan our healthcare when they have never once delivered on something they don't have a monopoly over (and even when they have the monopoly, they do a terrible job). Social security? What a play on semantics! I would rather have the government leave my money alone so I can plan my own future instead of them breaking even or less due to inflation and the upcoming baby boomer crisis. What right do you have to steal, by force via the federal government, the rich's money and give it to the poor? Are you the new Bolsheviks? Big business is the new persecuted minority, and it is what built this country.
2. Outsourcing is bad.
This defies all economics. Why would you pay $2 as much for an american version of a product that China can make for $1? By saving that $1, you can use it on more goods, american or otherwise. If there are no american goods to buy, then we are screwed and/or are not producing to our strengths. Globalisation is here, its not going away, and those who refuse to engage it will become a third world country.
3. Clinton was good for the economy.
It wasn't that he helped the economy, he just was not able to get in the way. Is it a coincidence that a republican controlled congress, who have far more power than the president, were in power at that time? What exactly did Clinton do to boom the economy? Nothing! That's my kind of president! Do you blame him when the market crashed when he was still in office? Do you blame him when the feds started raising the interest rates when he was in power? Clinton was a decent president, but he had an easy 8 years. And I don't blame him for "passing on Bin Laden." Noone understood the threat back then...O.J. was probably a bigger threat in most peoples' minds.
4. Bush is tough on defense.
Only in rhetoric. He was against the HSD when Lieberman proposed it. He has been a disgrace as a leader in Iraq. "It's hard work" does not cut it. The press makes a big deal about their differences on stances with North Korea, but they are the same. Bush says multilateral negotiations, which have to occur. Kerry says bilateral, which will occur before multilateral. They both have the same plan for Iraq (more of the same), but Kerry thinks he'll get more countries on board. He won't, and he runs the risk of losing the ones that are there (look at how Poland responded to his insults to their part of the coalition).
It probably looks like I think Bush is better, and I think this is the case. This is only because I think the democrats picked a real loser in Kerry. Lieberman was, is, and probably will be the best guy in Washington for quite awhile. I would prefer Sharpton to Kerry (Sharpton has some of the most incredibly intelligent statements in his insane ramblings and when he isn't inciting riots). I want Bush out, I don't want Kerry in. The choice of Bush or Kerry is like a choice between a kick to the groin or a slap to the face. On voting day, I'll say "surprise me." Just let the master of all humanity, The great one, our new lord, Dich Cheney run the show. He is God.
i dont understand why any of you would support bush! "weapons of mass destruction" is why we went to the war, "supposedly".... iraqui oil would pay for the war "wrong"... we went there over political b*ll****, and now we are stuck there to democratize. Bush took the surplus clinton gave us and destroyed it 5 fold! We are now trillions in debt, and even our kids will be paying for that!
And on top of all that he's giving the tax breaks to company's who then OUTSOURCE THEIR JOBS ANYWAY!
(i like the republican *ssholes daughter though)
you got any pics?
jeezus, i read the first sentence of these 10 page posts on bush and kerry and lose my breath just looking at the rest of it.
Hod did Clinton give us a surplus? The money that built that surplus came from taxpayers. A surplus means overtaxation. The money just doesn't appear out of nowhere. Don't vote for Kerry if you think Bush lied on wmd's, Kerry has been saying it for years. I heard our kids will be paying for our dbebt in 1986, and then all of a sudden there was a surplus. Think about what a democratic Iraq would mean to the Middle East. Who are the biggest two losers if that happened?Originally Posted by angelxterminator
Also, explain why outsourcing is bad? Look at the jobs ratio created/lost from outsourcing. There was a decent article in Foreign Affairs a few months ago about the Outsourcing Boogeyman. Read it. Stop being a democratic lackey.
oh i almost forgot
cant stop, wont stop?
It's why I try not to get involved in these threads. Some don't know how to contain their emotions and stick to the facts without becoming insulting, and end up looking likes asses themselves as a result (not directed at anyone in particular). The internet is NOT the best place to go for meaningful political discourse.![]()
**** thats funny cause last time i checked i own two business's that are very successful? but your right about one thing, i dont work hard at allOriginally Posted by chris64
I dont see how the hell anyone can vote for Bush after he went into the war, wasted a $hitload of money, got a bunch of Americans killed, and came out with no WMD...
And I havent paid attention to their policies so I dont know if I'd vote for kerry or not.
Same here bro!Originally Posted by jcstomper
Kudos to you and I, Kerry, and our BigPimpin'!!!!!
If youre hard-working and successful, then why the hell would you want to vote for John Kerry? Do you enjoy giving your money to the government? I own a technology consulting company and two restaurants (total of 78 employees). The tax cuts and accelerated depreciation that Bush offered small businesses allowed me to expand and hire more people. So although I got a tax break, I was able to hire 23 additional people who are now paying taxes and spending. Why is this concept so hard for liberals to understand? Let people keep more of their money and they'll spend it or invest it. As far as the war goes, you're foolish if you think that UN "sanctions" were going to be successful. Saddam, the French, and various UN officials were bringing in billions on the oil for food program while the Iraqi people were starving. If we didnt take care of him today, then we would have had to deal with him in 5, 10, or 20 years. Why not eliminate that kind of threat now rather than having our children do it later? I really try to understand the mentality of a person who would vote for Kerry, but I just can't.Originally Posted by jcstomper
Originally Posted by IronReload04
how was that response "retarded" if you think about that is the exact situation, for the most part the people with the high income are the ones that employ a high percentage of the population, when kerry starts taking money from the owners, they will be forced to cover their loss through downsizing. and to compare the job market during the clinton era to now is like apples to oranges. there is no valid comparison because our economy operates in cycles. after a period of high growth and rapid expansion comes a trough with slow growth and high inflation...
so even though presidnet bush himself came out and said there were no WMD found you still think the sanctions didnt work? What were they trying to do with those sanctions? remove his wmd right? no wmd found...bells should be ringing about nowOriginally Posted by chris64
i dont understand why everyone argues on bush vs kerry.jeezus, vote, then let the polls tell whos really telling the troth.
and whats with all thisdo you people see any further than your wallet???? Perhaps if you had family in Iraq you might want a president who wouldn't go to war with no exit strategy...If youre hard-working and successful, then why the hell would you want to vote for John Kerry? Do you enjoy giving your money to the government
A deficit is different than debt.Originally Posted by carbs-rule
I agree with you... No WMDs. But once again, Saddam wasnt going away. One day the sanctions would have been dropped, and the same thing would have started all over again. We went to war on bad intelligence, but no one (including John Kerry) disputed that intelligence. So while we probably technically went to war for the wrong reasons, we're better off because of it, and so are the Iraqis. As far as the cost goes, by giving the contracts to rebuild the infractructure of Iraq to the US and the allies that stood by us, we're pumping the money back in to our own economies. Again, liberals dont understand this concept, but the companies that are doing the work are creating jobs, and thereby creating more tax revenue for the US government. John Kerry wants to give more of the contracts to the French and Germans so they'll like us. Screw those bastards.Originally Posted by symatech
I have a nephew and two cousins in Iraq, and they're all proud to be there and proud of what they're accomplishing for the US and Iraq.Originally Posted by symatech
That's because Bush-goers aren't intelligent enough.Originally Posted by chris64
Really, if you label everyone like that, expect to be labeled right back.
Originally Posted by chris64
They are not all inclusive of everyone, nor are they representative of all of the others and their feelings.
It's honorable what they are doing, yes of course, however there are a lot of people who do not want to be @ war and want to come home.
They have a life.
Last edited by SwoleCat; 10-10-2004 at 04:44 PM.
bump...amenOriginally Posted by scottp999
Ive got family there as well and the last time we heard from them they painted an entirely different picture.Originally Posted by chris64
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