First off, I know this is not the right place to be posting this, but everyone on this board has been so helpful with my cycles and all my newbie questions, and plus im in a desperate situation so i thought id give it a shot. Basically, I have 2 pittbull brothers from the same litter that need a home, they are 2 1/2 years old and are mainly outdoor dogs. I live in the bay area of california and im tellin people that if they take em, im willing to pay for their dog food for life! also, im willing to buy or build some type of dog run in the new owners yard if need be. their names are Shaymus and Gunner. If anyone is intersted i can send them pics of the dogs and more info. If anyone can help, please let me know so they dont have to be put down. You can e mail me at [email protected]. Again, i know this aint the right spot for this, but im tryin anything for these dogs. Thanks fellas!