Anyone know how I can permently remove some of the things that start up without uninstalling them? I go into System Config, and to start up, but you can only uncheck the boxes...
Anyone know how I can permently remove some of the things that start up without uninstalling them? I go into System Config, and to start up, but you can only uncheck the boxes...
try deleting things from your 'startup' folder in the start menu
start, run, then type in msconfig and uncheck what you dont want to start up at the startup tab
Originally Posted by wolfyEVH
yeah bro, I did this...i was asking if its possible removing them completely from this startup tab not just unchecking them.
all those programs should be in your Add / Remove somewhere.Originally Posted by PiecinItUp
Without uninstalling the program key
type this into the run menu: msconfig
go to startup tab
uncheck the programs you do not want to startup at window startup
hope this helps you some.
I give up...thanks anyways
haha. how many times are people gonna say Uncheck the items in MSconfig. haha.
why are you interested in removing them ??
Originally Posted by PiecinItUp
I know what u mean bro. Dont worry.
You do not want to remove the programs, you dont even want to prevent the programs from starting up. You simply do not want the box in the bottom right hand corner displaying the items, clock etc.
There IS a way of doing this, u can either download a program that will basically act as another GUI and place itself over windows, then u can manipulate it how you want
You can download a Resource Hacker and start hacking away at windows, and you can remove it that way.
Right click the programs in the sys tray. Then go to option/preferences and in some of them, there should be a box that says "start program when windows starts" or something like that. What are the programs.
oh my god please read the previous posts, his reply then my reply. you will see what he is ACTUALLY on aboutOriginally Posted by arthurb999
I love it....they just read the title and post....pretty funny...anyway, I'll just leave how is, I don't restart my computer that much anyway, plus I need some better ram, thanks Messy, your a good bro and a good help
I know exactly what you mean Peace... This is how you get them out of the start up section in msconfig. Mind you, you will have to go into your registry to delete them.. Here is how
The disabled entries are present in any of the locations:
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSConfig\startupreg]
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSConfig\startupfolder]
You don't have a clue what he meansOriginally Posted by MESSY_UK
Originally Posted by PiecinItUp
That is really all you need to do. That will stop them from starting on system startup.
If you want to clean up your startup tab in Msconfig... Then read previous post by "ME". I pointed you in the right direction. No worries though.. You won't harm your computer by going into the registry and deleting these items.
the items will now only start when "YOU" start them and not when windows wants them started..
Why are you bumping old threads?
B U M P !!!
Originally Posted by clhp20
Originally Posted by clhp20
guess i'll bump my own thread since it is SOOO popular....any body want to put me in the direction of the best ram for the PRICE, looking to get 1 gig of pc3200 (2 x 512) under 100 bucks
Originally Posted by PiecinItUp
or you could get this...
Just for you Messy_uk.... I love ya man !!!
lol ok i have no idea who you areOriginally Posted by clhp20
Originally Posted by MESSY_UK
The the post after that i BUMPED... and now i am bumping again, but not on purpose, Which almost makes it even funnier..
Just messy-ing with you bro.. LMAO
Wow, clever...Originally Posted by clhp20
You can also try this string in the registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Run
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