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Thread: just found out my two cycling partners are lifting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all

    just found out my two cycling partners are lifting

    I was definitely shocked to discover this, but it explains sooo much. Normally, when we go out 'bike riding', we get to this part where there road turns to crap and since we're on road bikes, we have to get off and walk the bikes to avoid screwing with the tires. Just to show off, my two partners will sometimes hoist the bike up in the air for a few seconds...some sort of display of upper body strength.

    Today, however, BOTH of them picked their bikes up over their heads and started raising them up and down in unison (one called it a 'military press' but i didn't see any soldiers anywhere). I can barely get my bike off the ground. People were very impressed with this display. I was curious, as I, too, would like to be impressive. It turns out that, since we bike Monday, Wednesday and Friday, they've been LIFTING Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. By lifting I mean LIFTING WEIGHTS!!! In a gym!! No wonder they are so strong. I think I want to start now since it really was impressive to see them move their bikes over their head like something out of the movies!!!

    *Works Cited:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    wow... i SO called this one BG...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    ridin dirty
    that is very impressive, but describe this "gym" thing in more detail, i'm interested

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    Quote Originally Posted by 1badcamaro
    that is very impressive, but describe this "gym" thing in more detail, i'm interested
    Indeed...though I'd go so far as to say i'm FASCINATED. I wish I could tell you more, but I'll do my best to explain what *I* believe is going on in these "gyms":

    I mean, we've all seen those scary guys that talk about "lifting", but did you know that when you "lift" a weight, there's more than one way to do it!?!? I mean, you don't just "lift" it however you want. There's apparently different ways to do this and, get this (!!) each way has its own name!! Further, like if one 'lifter' (i think they call eachother lifters) says the name of one way to lift, the other "lifters" know what he's talking about.

    I went home and "lifted" a heavy book from my floor, but, try as I might, I couldn't think of more than two or three different ways to 'lift' it...though I'm told there's several different names, so, and i'm just guessing here, there must be several different ways to lift it. This is where I get lost and what happens next is a real mystery to me, but again, i'll try to explain it as best as I've heard as details become available.

  5. #5
    Swellin Guest
    This is good stuff! What about the stuff that guy was taking?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Fort Worth
    "just found out my two cycling partners are lifting"

    Wait until you discover your two lifting partners are cycling . . .

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    and these so called "lifts" are supposed to do what? I'm baffled................

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