I was definitely shocked to discover this, but it explains sooo much. Normally, when we go out 'bike riding', we get to this part where there road turns to crap and since we're on road bikes, we have to get off and walk the bikes to avoid screwing with the tires. Just to show off, my two partners will sometimes hoist the bike up in the air for a few seconds...some sort of display of upper body strength.
Today, however, BOTH of them picked their bikes up over their heads and started raising them up and down in unison (one called it a 'military press' but i didn't see any soldiers anywhere). I can barely get my bike off the ground. People were very impressed with this display. I was curious, as I, too, would like to be impressive. It turns out that, since we bike Monday, Wednesday and Friday, they've been LIFTING Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. By lifting I mean LIFTING WEIGHTS!!! In a gym!! No wonder they are so strong. I think I want to start now since it really was impressive to see them move their bikes over their head like that....like something out of the movies!!!
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