Benches you got a big heart. and you gotta love sin cause at least he can defend himself in court after he has stolen something. lol
Benches you got a big heart. and you gotta love sin cause at least he can defend himself in court after he has stolen something. lol
Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
They're great to sleep with . . .
. . . and that's as far as I'm going with that . . .
As far as personal qualities go, they're no better or worse than anybody else. Some are good workers, some not, some honest, some not, etc etc etc. Just like any other group of people you can think of.
Only thing is, I wish I could speak spanish. I know just enough French to ask where the bathroom is and to tell someone they have an umbrella in their nose. Oh, and "give me your money."
One great advantage English has over other languages is that you don't have to remember what words are feminine and what are masculine. It would be easy to remember that sort of thing if they made stuff with tallywhackers or vaginas, but they don't, and being of mixed orientation, those sorts of things are not readily apparant to me.
AssOriginally Posted by Mesomorphyl
I can agree there's a problem with illegal immigrations...but be careful how much you criticize.
There's a movie out (haven't seen it yet, but i'd like to) - called "A Day without a Mexican" or something to that effect...basically what would happen if one day we woke up and all the mexicans in the country just vanished. Basically we'd be up sh*t creek without a paddle...
Something does need to be done about the problem...but there's a lot more to the story than just "mexican immigrants are ruining our ecosystem"
One reason for the influx of illegal immigrants is the Pope.
Seems he has lots of influence amongst the many millions of poor catholics in South America, and tells them it's "blessed" to reproduce and "sinful" to practice birth control or abortion. So, horny men being what they are, they have lots of sex without condoms or birth control pills, and consequently they can't help but have lots of kids they can't feed. The resulting economic hardships lead them to find jobs in the United States, and meanwhile, the pope has the unmitigated gall to tell rich countries that it's our responsibility to help the starving millions of catholics.
Sheesh . . .
IMHO, all those starving millions are here because of his brand of superstition, so he can take care of 'em. Sure, put 'em on a plane and send 'em off to the Vatican.
Main Entry: eco·sys·tem
Pronunciation: -"sis-t&m
Function: noun
: the complex of a community of organisms and its environment functioning as an ecological unit
I only make opinions from what I see, hear, and smell. I go to court two times in past 4 months(for speeding and the other for restitution hearing) and both times I see many, many Mexicans in court for driving without license, DUI, and one Mexican immigrant has no license, no insurance and bangs a car. They seem oblivious to our laws and every one of them needs an interpreter.
I see non-union companies, who employ cheap Mexican labor, winning bids over union companies, thus leaving good hard-working americans looking elsewhere for work. I see a dispraportionate number of Mexicans killing, raping, dealing H, and assaulting. The other day I see bunch of Mexicans buying beer and one of them attempting to shoplift half-rack of Corona. I see a family with 5 kids, yet the father makes minimum wage. What I don't see is the positives these people bring that outweigh the negatives.
While you're at it, why don't you look up the word "ecological". Maybe you should channel some of your energy into getting an education, or maybe even a dictionary. Or have the mexicans stolen all of them?Originally Posted by Tony Soprano
sure thing Rambutt..
good one.Originally Posted by Tony Soprano
he got you there rambo...burned.
Ouch. I've been intellectually dwarfed.Originally Posted by Tony Soprano
ive honestly never met a mexican like the ones you desribed above, all races have retards that ruin it... all of em.. and the entire ecosystem arguement...tony your wrong.. you are thinkin job market... now all you girls shut up and bow to my elitist power
so what does this have to do with mexicans ruining our ecosystem (which in human terms would be the ecosphere, since we dont have a specific ecological niche)?Originally Posted by Tony Soprano
Yes, how does it feel?Originally Posted by rambo
anyways, is the huge influx of Mexican immigrants a GOOD thing for our country?
Did you know that a good proportion of California and Texas use to be Mexico? The Mexicans are just taking it back.Originally Posted by Tony Soprano
To answer your question, yes it is a good thing to have such an influx and here are the many reasons why:
1.No one else would mow my lawn and I am too lazy to do it myself.
2.The influx increases the quantity of authentic Mexican restaurants and I love good Mexican Food.
3.Tires and rim stores will greatly benefit from the influx with the sales of whitewall tires and spoked rims. Not to mention the influx of sales on Chevy cars. (Especially old Mote Carlos).
4.You can never have enough statues of the Virgin Mary around.
5.They make it easy to buy oranges or flowers when I am coming off the freeway and when I have that craving or need flowers for my lady.
6.It will make the availability of Chicklets more abundant.
7.The influx will increase the variety and availability of the Dickie Clothing Line and bandanas.
8.The world can never have too much of the colors red, green, and white particularly around Christmas.
9. Cock fighting can be fun
10.Because it is a lot cooler to say Feiliz Navidad instead Merry X-Mas.
11.Because chickens and roosters somehow enhance the quality of a backyard.
Last edited by Fat Guy; 11-04-2004 at 01:13 AM.
Apparently, Mr. Soprano has witnessed a rise in Mexican immigrants who enjoy scrambled Condor eggs, profusely dump out motor oil into our suburban street drains, and spray aerosol cans into the ozone at will.Originally Posted by sin
Originally Posted by rambo
LMAOOriginally Posted by rambo
that is phuckin hilarious...lolOriginally Posted by rambo
Hey, why wasn’t Jesus borne in Mexico?
They could not find three wise men or a virgin in the whole country!!!!![]()
humm. yeah im half mexican. and well i hate elligal imagrants. they are dirty beaners and dont deserve to be here. all they do is drane the economy by saving money made here and going back to mexican and buying big ass houses. i say we set up machine gun turrets at the borders, like in mad max and blast the dirty little wet backs away. remember im a mexican but not a dirty beaner. my great grandparents had to aply to get in here. they didnt run across and work as gardeners. i just hate how elligals give us real mexicans bad names...
this is america not foking mexico...stay there
Wow! Self hate. Sucks to be you huh?Originally Posted by xTheChadx
Apparently you didn't read his post - he clearly holds himself in a higher regard then he views illegals .Originally Posted by Carlos_E
Mexicans in general are not bad people - but they are draining the economy. Its fine that they want to work here , but the illegals tend not to stay here - what they do is they save up money then go back to Mexico and live like kings .
Another thing... for all of you who are concerned about there being no one to mow your long should all the mexicans just suddenly vanish - well , you'd still have people to mow your lawn - its just they'd ask for more than 5 dollars .
Ohh, OK. So Mexicans who are illegal are "different" than Mexicans who are not. Ohh, OK, I get it now. Now it makes sense, he doesn't hate his own people.Originally Posted by Gorgoroth_
at least the mexicans are hard working people. alot of american trash who are too lazy to work.
"dirty beaners"Originally Posted by xTheChadx
"dirty little wet backs"
The more I read this, the more sickening it sounds. Just because you're half of a race you think it gives you a right to be racist against your own people?
Do you realize how ignorant you sounds? That's like a Black person sitting around talking about dirty niggers. You sound just as silly as Africans who come to the US and think they are better than African Americans because they did not come on a slave ship. If I heard you in person I would laugh in your face at how assimilated and brain washed you are. But then you're "better" than other Mexicans because you're only half and you're here legally. Get a grip. When every one looks at you do you think they wonder if you're here legally or not? No, they see a Mexican. Like I said, self hate is a bitch.
So...I wonder if this is what the American Indians said about all of us...
that we fight alot harder than the buffalo lolOriginally Posted by Billy_Bathgate
"white man is coward he use thunder stick"Originally Posted by Decadbal
Nevertheless, it seems to me that while Americans are subject to the laws of whatever country they enter, and rightly so, so are foreigners who enter the US. From Icelanders and Italians to New Zealanders and Mexicans, there are US rules of entry they all are obliged to comply with. If they violate them and still cross US boundries, they are, by definition, illegal aliens.
I haven't a clue what reasonable rules for entry, or immigration, would be -- that's not an issue I'm familiar with -- but whatever the rules are, well, that's what the rules are, and they should be respected by foreigners, and enforced by Americans. If the rules need modification, then let's change 'em, and then enforce 'em.
IMHO, people who are in this country illegally should be deported back to where they came from and prevented from re-entering. If anyone knows of any way to make the legal immigration system more "fair," I'm open to suggestions . . . nevertheless, foreigners are gonna have to recognize what the laws are, and either comply with or break those laws.
Last edited by Tock; 12-07-2004 at 12:44 AM.
I hear ya, I'll be ****ed if I'm gonna pick fruit...We need cheap labor...Originally Posted by Elliot
I think so...There are legal means of getting into this country and those should be followed...Alot of illegals come over here not knowing the language and resort to crime...I've been to south california many times, it's getting worse and worse...If immigrants from other countries get here legally, then so can the mexicans...Screw the aid stations in the middle of the desert, let those suckers die...It's costing us a ton in taxes to pay for border patrol and treat illegals that get injured in there illegal treck to the USA...We have a responsibility to out citizens, not illegals...They also need to know the language...You wanna live uin the USA, then learn to speak english...Bi-lingual schools my azz...Originally Posted by Carlos_E
would you want the jobs their taking? most are hard working, some are bad
Originally Posted by xTheChadx
You talk bad about illegals, which leads me to believe that you are U.S. born, yet you call yourself "Mexican". Ironic, isn't it. If they weren't around to do a lot of the lower-level jobs, who would do them? Yes, there are good ones and bad ones. If you really want to make a difference, write your Congress and Senate representatives and state your opinion. Otherwise, deal with it and the many other problems facing this world. :spudniklu
Being a Texican I can tell you for a fact that Mexicans do assimilate and they do move up the economic ladder. Half of the US used to be either part of Mexico or belonged to Spain. Texas was a remote province of Mexico long before Anglos settled there and fought for independence from Mexico. There were many defenders at the Alamo who were Mexican by birth and chose to throw their lot in, and give up their very lives, for an independent Texas. Spanish was spoken in North America long befoe English was. Mexican food is better than classical American cuisine, which is only slightly less boring than English cooking. Mexican chicks are on the average much hotter than Anglo chicks. So what's the prob with Mexicans? If they immigrate illegally, bust their asses for violating the law. But don't trash them just for being Mexicans.
Your funny. If it wasnt for Mexicans the US economy would be in serious problems.............agriculture and manufacturing exports would be in a worse situtation....more companies would have gone overseas by now due to the higher cost of labor, plus Mexico is Americas 2nd largest market. And I cant believe you JUST NOTICED IT...this has been going on for many decades. Your concern is understandable, but the way you say it, definately has a racist I would worry more about people like yourself than anything else.Originally Posted by Tony Soprano
PS . "ecosystem" lol I think you are the one that resists college like the plague
Where the **** is anyone getting statistics that Mexicans are draining our economy?It is ridiculous to think, the U.S. company's don't make a killing with the increased profits, by paying basically **** for honest work, that eventually trickle down into more businesses being opened. How many of us can actually say we would perform the ****y jobs filled by immigrant workers? Would you, go out in the fields in the blistering sun, risking serious illness due to chemical exposure, or perform back breaking jobs for minimum wage? Only if you really had too, and the truth is not many of us have to. This type of one sided, only "Anglo-Americans", are good for the country, continent, world, universe, mentality, has and will have serious consequences. The problem with our economy is the ****ing loopholes, for large corporations, tax breaks, corporate welfare, incentives for outsourcing etc. When one takes a look at the amount of money being poured in to our economy by "Mexicans", you will come to the conclusion that these people are not here anymore for slave labor, with more and more being educated, the buying power is increasing dramatically which will only favor U.S. markets. I do agree that serious changes have to be implemented into reforming our immigration situation, but to say these people are weakening our economy, committing more crime compared to other cultures, is to be have a skewed view of reality.
atek... i would hardly consider florida oranges the us agriculture...
Whatever the situation is, the US needs a rational immigration policy, laws to implement it, and police to enforce it. The alternative would be to let any Juan, Osama, or Skeeznik enter whenever they felt like it.
1) college students..Originally Posted by sin
2) what's wrong can't you finish?? or don't you want to pay your school loans..
jk sin.. we know you are the ****..
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