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Thread: democratic babies

  1. #1

    democratic babies

    bush wins...kerry can't take ohio, so take your lawyers and go home.

    as for a draft...there will be none...unless kerry got elected. he's the one who wanted to send 40,000 MORE Troops to iraq (not bush). so, where would these 40,000 troops come from (especially when kerry keeps saying he wants to bring our troops home) hmmm, if we send 40000 troops, that takes our troops at home down even lower (which kerry criticized bush for.....leaving our country with too few troops). so, the only way to get new troops....offer bigger incentives or draft.

    so you cry baby democrats.....quit spreading internet rumors. quit wasting money on lawyers. tell your candidate to be a man and concede.

    4 MORE YEARS!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    Quote Originally Posted by GQSuperman
    bush wins...kerry can't take ohio, so take your lawyers and go home.

    as for a draft...there will be none...unless kerry got elected. he's the one who wanted to send 40,000 MORE Troops to iraq (not bush). so, where would these 40,000 troops come from (especially when kerry keeps saying he wants to bring our troops home) hmmm, if we send 40000 troops, that takes our troops at home down even lower (which kerry criticized bush for.....leaving our country with too few troops). so, the only way to get new troops....offer bigger incentives or draft.

    so you cry baby democrats.....quit spreading internet rumors. quit wasting money on lawyers. tell your candidate to be a man and concede.

    4 MORE YEARS!!!!
    um we need more troops in iraq slick. thats the reason we are having a very hard time over there even with their 3rd world weapons. we deff need more troops over there to speed the process. but we shouldnt be there to be begin with. oil is $ also = greed. spoken from a republican

  3. #3


    for acknowledging my "slickness". that's very good of you....chump.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by GQSuperman
    so you cry baby democrats.....quit spreading internet rumors. quit wasting money on lawyers. tell your candidate to be a man and concede.

    4 MORE YEARS!!!!
    That's real mature. Your guy wins and you're still bitter. You should probaly delete this post because it really makes you appear to be a real *sshole. Unless, of course, you are just trying to let everyone know how big of an *sshole you are. We are all Americans and while I will probably never aprove of GW's policies I do accept he is president. Hopefully he will move more toward the center. Now call me names and try to insult me if you must. I will not reply to your idiocy.
    Last edited by markas214; 11-03-2004 at 10:07 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    El Paso, Texas
    I'm gonna get sticker with W's face on it that says "Not my president"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    Quote Originally Posted by markas214
    That's real mature. Your guy wins and you're still bitter. You should probaly delete this post because it really makes you appear to be a real *sshole. Unless, of course, you are just trying to let everyone know how big of an *sshole you are. We are all Americans and while I will probably never aprove of GW's policies I do accept he is president. Hopefully he will move more toward the center. Now call me names and try to insult me if you must. I will not reply to your idiocy.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    Quote Originally Posted by 63190
    I'm gonna get sticker with W's face on it that says "Not my president"
    the best bumper sticker i ever saw said this " somewhere in texas, a small villiage is missing their idiot!" hahahahahahah i was in tears. thats bad and i am a republican too.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    you silly guys...hahaha

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    Quote Originally Posted by GQSuperman
    bush wins...kerry can't take ohio, so take your lawyers and go home.

    as for a draft...there will be none...unless kerry got elected. he's the one who wanted to send 40,000 MORE Troops to iraq (not bush). so, where would these 40,000 troops come from (especially when kerry keeps saying he wants to bring our troops home) hmmm, if we send 40000 troops, that takes our troops at home down even lower (which kerry criticized bush for.....leaving our country with too few troops). so, the only way to get new troops....offer bigger incentives or draft.

    so you cry baby democrats.....quit spreading internet rumors. quit wasting money on lawyers. tell your candidate to be a man and concede.

    4 MORE YEARS!!!!
    the only one crying here is you. and your guy won??? are you old enough to vote?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by 63190
    I'm gonna get sticker with W's face on it that says "Not my president"
    I'd suggest moving to Canada. Just trying to help you out....

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