Any martial artists at this board. No jokes please (yes ive studied pun tang to). Im very interested in Kung fu, been practicing for a while. Thats were the name comes from whiteyebrowe killed over 300 shaoilin monks.
Any martial artists at this board. No jokes please (yes ive studied pun tang to). Im very interested in Kung fu, been practicing for a while. Thats were the name comes from whiteyebrowe killed over 300 shaoilin monks.
No jokes bro - there's a ton of em on this board - but I gotta move this over to the gen. board if it's not gonna be bout juice
There,s a few martial artists on here i,m currently doing Ju Jitsu
wEll Whitey, I have been an avid Martial Artists since I was 15 years old! that is no lie. Although I moved my Martial Arts career into body building (just an amateur), but I studied Wing Chun Kung Fu. I don't want to bore ya with all the details. but it was invented by a woman, to defeat men who were stronger and more agile. It is a very effective style in that, it is made for smaller and weaker people (shorter people like myself). And in all actuallity, Bruce Lee (as all martial Artists look up to him) took Wing Chun Kung Fu and it was the root and basis for his very own style Jeet Kune Do. If you study any Jeet Kune Do, you will see that they are based on Wing Chun moves. I became a Black Belt in 95, second degree, after that I taught for a while, and got side tracked with all the other things in life, mainly my own business. But if you are looking to get into the Martial Arts, be careful with the "Classical" Arts. they involve Kata's (or forms), which are a big waste of time. Get with an Instructor that will teach you how to fight, not waste time in doing forms over and over. It will not teach ya how to fight. We started sparring when I was a white belt. 99% of most styles dont' spare until they are at least a green belt. If you need some real advice, feel free to PM or drop me an email. I can talk on and on about the Martial ARts man.
very interesting - altho i studied a number of things over the last 16 years (bando, kali, eskrima, isshynru) much of my time (and certainly my most profitable) was spent in "modified accelerated wing chun gung fu". In truth, it was Jeet Kune Do, taught by a student who came in just as Bruce died adn was trained by Ted, Tacky and several other of Bruce's main students. (the reason it wasnt called JKD was out of the respect for Bruce - at that time Ted Wong had not been willing to push JKD) - anyway, I spent several years in a garage with a few people and let me tell u that u would never wish to mess with any of them, and worse you would be unlikely to recognise how dangerous they are. many of teh excersises are similar to those done in wing chun but with different emphasis on reflexive speed derived from fluidity of motion and in doing so generating enormous power.
Since wvery few have access to a BL student or real JKD school (one not trying to teach forms or movements) I believe that a wing chun school would be an excellent art for many people if they can dump teh rigidity of thought that often comes with any "art" and focus instead on the feeling of the movement.
Sicko, wtf man? thats another mega old bump
When I was younger, I traveled to Korea to try and finish up my black belt in TaeKwonDo.... what a joke that turned out to be. Evidently, I watched too many "Kung Fu" shows (david carradine)
The master I sought turned out to be more interested in my cash than my progress....
oh crap! didn't realize this was a 10 year old thread. yeah sicko, what gives?
Thats the biggest bump I've ever seen, how's your back?
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