If you noticed he also removed his first post that I replied to
I agree with the comments made here
Scammers fuck off and crawl back into the holes you belong in.You are low life scum who deserve a fucking good slap.
If you noticed he also removed his first post that I replied to
I agree with the comments made here
Scammers fuck off and crawl back into the holes you belong in.You are low life scum who deserve a fucking good slap.
Ever thought of being a rapper bro?
"Yeh we're gonna slap ya, scammer you are bad, we're gona slap you which will be bad"
See what I did there rhyming, bad with bad?
You kill me bro how about this??
Scammers can,t ya see
You,re gonna get a slap from BA and Billy
The AR crew won,t take your shit ,
Were gonna bust you bit by bit
Get the fuck off our board and site
You scamming scum are full of shite
I,ll try and add to it if I can,t sleep tonight!!(Either that or I will have nightmares thinking about the shit I just wrote!!)
I'm going to PISS myself if I read another post!!!!!!! Jesus help me!!!!!!![]()
I tink that is the business! Talent Bro that what's you've got:
Scammers come here cos they think we're dumb
Then they leave us feelin' numb
They take our money and go on the run
thats no fun you scum!
Please scammer try and go straight
Otherwise your'll meet your fate
It won't be pretty it won't be great
I'll fuck you up MAN
Even if your'll my uncle Dan!
Now you've heard go and think
Cos you stolen my sink
and I'm on the brink
Come back with my money
Oi this isn't funny!
Give me a least of all scammers please and I'll send this to them all, it will stop them don't you think!
I like it bro you could have a record deal soon
Scammers you think your cool
But we ain,t no crazy fool
Keep you fake shit and gear
Only honest people belong here
You rip us off steal our money
Tell us our Sust is real hey its Honey!
You pretend your legit you stupid shit
I ain,t happy about you scamming one bit
Hopefully from this you can see
This is not the place you want to be
At AR our tolerance levels for you are nil
Cross our paths and its your blood we will spill
Want to go for a duo bro??
Thats fucking good man, I mean mine shite, but your sounds cool I think I'm gonna go for another:
Don't trust no bro you don't know
He come's on here and cuts you a deal
but trust me bro he aint for real
the prices are low the gear looks good
But he ain't no Robin hood
trust me man he's coming for you cash
you won't see his steriod stash
No Sus, No Deca no D-Bol too
You'll see nothing from this scum
he said he'd treat ya and be you man
you want to grow but you've gotta know
scammers are here so beware they have no fear
Even if Big Al is on the Case I can't save ya
you gotta use your nod and always email a Mod
Mike, Iron Man they no the score Cleo and Jason are here to help
And if they ain't around use your brain
otherwise you'll go insane.
Sounds good bro I like it right I,ll try one more maybe two
Taking AAS is a calculated risk
Making that decision don,t be brisk
Do your reaseach read and learn
We are all here to help you earn
The mass and cuts you desire
Get the diet right fuel that fire
Look after your body and begin to grow
Training to get definition to flow
Look after yourselfs be safe & Healthy
Knowledge is better than being wealthy
Right scammers know the score
We are not going to take your crap no more
Posting on here is a waste of time
Save your cents and dimes
Trying to order off the net
For sure is not the safest bet
Being scammed of your cash
By a fucker who does it to be flash
Ain,t much fun take my advice
Better off saving your money for rice
Use your head and you brain
Ordering off them you won,t gain
As Big Al says check with the Mods
In our BB world these are Gods
They will help out all they can
As will other members of the AR clan
Talented M/f !!
He's one from Ms-Figure at BSS, another talented M/f
I Lift it high
I squeeze it tight
My muscles might fail me
But my brain will fight
I feel the pump I feel the burn
With every last rep my body will learn
To grow to get bigger to really feel
The importance of lifting that weight of steel
For the gym I feel complete
I’m no longer an outsider I’m no longer unique
I’m surrounded by others with a passion a desire
They have that all important eye of the tiger
I’m there to do a job to fulfil a dream
Don’t talk to me I may get mean
I eat I sleep I breath to train
Getting the perfect body is my ultimate aim!
I endure my job my daily routine
Have I had enough calories have I had enough protein?
My body is a sculpture a work of art
You don’t get that with half a heart!
So ignore those people who think we’re obsessed
We’re a minority few that are truly blessed
We have something that gets us noticed
We have discipline, determination but most of all we have FOCUS
he's another from me:
Come on don't get me wrong
I'm just gettting strong
The test flows through my veins
It will never be the same
I'm playing my best game
It's a shame you don't see
Cos I even impress me
The weights goes up
But sometimes I'm a dumb fuck
i forget this anger is not my own
Injected and all alone
The Sus and Deca can make me mad
and I know that will make you sad
When I rant and have ago
Know It not me it just gear
It will soon disappear
When they come and give me hassle
I take it to another level
I scream and shout scaring the m/f in his car
don't cut me up and beeb your horn
I'm likely to lose it down you throat
and then I'll be in a dodgy boat
If you choose to do some sauce
remember the anger is not your own
It makes you stonger but don't be a fool
Cos your just like everybody else
Be a man and bite your tongue
Control the rage use it well
Otherwise we will meet in Hell
And you regret the times you played
The stress you cause stopped you growing
All the time you we're not knowing
Relax my friend take a deep breath
Use the gear to make you grow
Just leave the anger in the row!
they score the training boards for likley prey
that poor inicent guy who hasnt a clue on where to buy or what people pay
this is a good catch they smile with glee buy it from me and this is my fee!
We may be none the wiser and asume he's a genuine bro.
he helps us with answers to
questions how would we ever know!
not until he pounces with a nice little PM. Send your dosh to me mate ill do you a deal! trust me bro im for real.
These are what we call wankers or polictically correct scammers!
You should sniff them out a mile
they leave a stinch of bile!
So trust no-one buy from someone you know
Cause no one can afford to lose hard earned dough
SO come on guys lets pull together keep our boards free from scum
cause for all we know any of us could be one!
If you know a scammer make it clear! And lets keep these wankers away from here
lets help these newbies who havent a clue
lets keep a scammer free zone for anabolic review!!!!!!
You got talent Sis!
keep it coming.
I bet you are lovelly too!
my goodness guys........wow......
Hey they look pretty good maybe we should combine the good bits from all of them and have a really excellant one!!
Another one BA
My Workout
Heart pounding, sweat dripping
Pecs so tight T,shirts ripping
Climbing on the bench for another set
Can,t handling giving up …….yet
Pressing the weighted bar to and fro
Feeling my exhausted muscles grow
Forcing the blood through my veins
Every bit of growth a deserved gain
My heartbeat hammering inside my ear
Lifting weight mortal men would fear
Someone email this thread to razor
Originally Posted by Demon Deacon
You're loving the archives tonight... what a funny thread...
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