I don't know about you guys, but I find the Holiday season soooo anoying. My wife sees holiday cheer, family time, and so on and so on. I see nothing but $$$ for everyone but me! Is anyone there with me on this? I also hate it because my sons b-day is on 12/20, and my younger bro's b-day is on 12/6. So I have to buy my little bro something for both times, and my little guys is in the habit of going to Chuck-e-cheese every b-day... that shLt cost like 200.00 or more for a b-day party. I gotta get mom and dad something nice, My wife expects something nice.... and so on and so on. I swear each f---ing chirstmas runs me like 3-5 grand.
The other thing that drives me nuts is all the lame ass shopping! I hate shopping, and I have seeing all the in-laws! They all, well most of them drive me nuts! I have to put on a happy face and smile all day long. My wife just went over the schedual for the next 3 weeks and all it is every weekend is family and BS! eeerrrr! am I the only one who can't stand this crap?