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Thread: Older woman...What would you do???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    The Office

    Older woman...What would you do???

    Sooo you all know how good this cycle has been to me now the thing is one of my cycle whores has really grown on me. The lady is AMAZING! Here's my typical day with her (All is completely true and not exageratted...that much)

    (i gotta be at work around 10)
    830am wake up because i'm getting a BJ
    845am fall back asleep
    930am Wake up again because she just brought me breakfast in bed (normally 8 eggs and some ham)
    10am she packs a lunch for me (normally steak and potatoes) and sends me on my way.
    (insert 9 hours of mind numbing work)
    Get off work, hit gym.
    round 11pm get back to her place where i'm greated with a massage and a freshly grilled steak or chicken breast. After wards i'll take a shower and normally come out to find her in full body lingire (sp?) suit and high heels. Then i'm offered any and everything I want In bed she's a master! I'll go into that in another thread, but the woman is the shieeet!
    Afterwards is off to bed
    Now keep in mind this is a TYPICAL day. Meaning I get this alll the time from her, and as a result I've really grown fond of her (can ya blame me)

    No heres the catch. Shes TWICE my age and has two sons older than me...i'm 20....So my question is this. Should I fold early in the game of life and run with my winnings or should I continue in my wicked ways and keep gambling risking the possibility of never again finding someone so perfect????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Keep hittin it bro.. If your happy stay happy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Tropical England
    Quote Originally Posted by WS6_KID
    Sooo you all know how good this cycle has been to me now the thing is one of my cycle whores has really grown on me. The lady is AMAZING! Here's my typical day with her (All is completely true and not exageratted...that much)

    (i gotta be at work around 10)
    830am wake up because i'm getting a BJ
    845am fall back asleep
    930am Wake up again because she just brought me breakfast in bed (normally 8 eggs and some ham)
    10am she packs a lunch for me (normally steak and potatoes) and sends me on my way.
    (insert 9 hours of mind numbing work)
    Get off work, hit gym.
    round 11pm get back to her place where i'm greated with a massage and a freshly grilled steak or chicken breast. After wards i'll take a shower and normally come out to find her in full body lingire (sp?) suit and high heels. Then i'm offered any and everything I want In bed she's a master! I'll go into that in another thread, but the woman is the shieeet!
    Afterwards is off to bed
    Now keep in mind this is a TYPICAL day. Meaning I get this alll the time from her, and as a result I've really grown fond of her (can ya blame me)

    No heres the catch. Shes TWICE my age and has two sons older than me...i'm 20....So my question is this. Should I fold early in the game of life and run with my winnings or should I continue in my wicked ways and keep gambling risking the possibility of never again finding someone so perfect????
    how old are her sons

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    so shes a MILF, i wouldnt be able to do that but thats me

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    The Office
    Quote Originally Posted by Prime
    how old are her sons
    21 n 22 or right around there. They live in another state though....

    And oooh yeah. She's the definition of MILF 5'3 long dark hair right around 100lbs, tan, with a tight little athletic body and a grill nicer than EASTCOASTER's

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Bubba Army
    milfs are great, sounds like you really found a kick asz one. id milk her for awhile and get the most out of it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by WS6_KID
    21 n 22 or right around there. They live in another state though....

    And oooh yeah. She's the definition of MILF 5'3 long dark hair right around 100lbs, tan, with a tight little athletic body and a grill nicer than EASTCOASTER's

    Pics please....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Sounds like you are having a good time. Roll with it!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by WS6_KID
    Sooo you all know how good this cycle has been to me now the thing is one of my cycle whores has really grown on me. The lady is AMAZING! Here's my typical day with her (All is completely true and not exageratted...that much)

    (i gotta be at work around 10)
    830am wake up because i'm getting a BJ
    845am fall back asleep
    930am Wake up again because she just brought me breakfast in bed (normally 8 eggs and some ham)
    10am she packs a lunch for me (normally steak and potatoes) and sends me on my way.
    (insert 9 hours of mind numbing work)
    Get off work, hit gym.
    round 11pm get back to her place where i'm greated with a massage and a freshly grilled steak or chicken breast. After wards i'll take a shower and normally come out to find her in full body lingire (sp?) suit and high heels. Then i'm offered any and everything I want In bed she's a master! I'll go into that in another thread, but the woman is the shieeet!
    Afterwards is off to bed
    Now keep in mind this is a TYPICAL day. Meaning I get this alll the time from her, and as a result I've really grown fond of her (can ya blame me)

    No heres the catch. Shes TWICE my age and has two sons older than me...i'm 20....So my question is this. Should I fold early in the game of life and run with my winnings or should I continue in my wicked ways and keep gambling risking the possibility of never again finding someone so perfect????
    Older chicks rock. Treat this one nice and you got it made. The main thing is respect and attention and appreciation. If she feels appreciated and respected then the royal treatment will probably continue and you would be an idiot to leave her. Also don't let your friends try to tell you different or make fun of her or of you for having her. You got it made.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    The Office
    Quote Originally Posted by The Baron
    Older chicks rock. Treat this one nice and you got it made. The main thing is respect and attention and appreciation. If she feels appreciated and respected then the royal treatment will probably continue and you would be an idiot to leave her. Also don't let your friends try to tell you different or make fun of her or of you for having her. You got it made.

    Thats what I was looking for. Thanks for the advice. I'm seriously thinking about commiting to this one. I'm extremely young stll but then again I doubt I'll find someone this good later on.....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Toronto, ONTARIO
    WS6 KID.......u'll always be a kid to her and everything is good for now....when there is trouble in paradise u'll be treated like a bi*tch just cos of your age.....just keep hitting it and have your fun but u can't turn her into a .02 cents

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    i would have the fun but wouldnt get too attached to her ,if you do you will evenally meet the sons and they arent going to like you,would you if your mum came home with a 19 yr old.
    but then again fun leads to attachment,i personally would bang her a few more times then run,it will turn nasty,btw what would your parents say if you were screwing someone same age as them?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Sounds quite good while your on a cycle -- sex and she makes you your meals!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by WS6_KID
    Thats what I was looking for. Thanks for the advice. I'm seriously thinking about commiting to this one. I'm extremely young stll but then again I doubt I'll find someone this good later on.....
    OK but devils advocate here... if she is 40 now and you are 20, she will be 60 when you are only 40. 70 when you are only 50. Also she might not take you seriously if you start using the "L" word and talking marriage etc. I would keep the emotional and domestic stuff low key and let her set the pace.

    At your age you are probably looking at a long time before you actually settle up permanently so any awkwardness from the age thing is really no biggie. Think of her as a really fun chick who knows how to take care of your needs and deserves your affection and care, and not as a potential wife, I think. You will probably find that this isn't gonna be a super permanent thing in spite of efforts to make it last. Enjoy, and let her enjoy too. Don't complicate it unless she wants to do so.

  15. #15
    good stuff thats sounds pimp, keep hitting it bro

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    WS6_kid...... how the hell did you get to pick up this broad..... if you dont mind me asking..... what kind of game did you spit on her man.....

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could
    dude............ you are a thing to her..... she isn't looking for you to marry her..

    go for the ride.......... ****......... relax......... imagine this... she is 50 yrs old.. you are 30... do you really want to help her with her depends??

    and what the hell does she have to talk to you about that you share in common...

    really.. she is using you.............. that's ok.. just enjoy it...
    The answer to your every question


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  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Heart of Dixie
    Dude, hit it while you can. I had a MILF a few years ago and it was the ****. This chick was a silver sppon baby and needed a boy toy. After she realized I wasn't at her beckon call she dumped me like a hot potato. Oh well, I hit 'er in the can more than once and she bought many a nights worth of coke so it was all good!! haha

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    You are nothing but a play toy to her..she will grow tired of you soon...

    You could never have anything serioud with her, face it...its all about having fun with this one bro.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Polska
    WS6_kid...... how the hell did you get to pick up this broad..... if you dont mind me asking..... what kind of game did you spit on her man.....
    I laid my game like a concrete slab. Same way I talk to any other girl finds there likes and play to your strengths....

    To everyone else thanks for the opinions and i'll take them all in with a grain of salt. I'll hold off on mentioning any thing serious and just roll with this...time will tell. But in the mean time

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    keep on keeping on. whatever makes you happy and long as no one get hurt.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Playing w/ tits

    What is a milf

    I thought I knew all the terms, but guess not!

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    I thought I knew all the terms, but guess not!
    L-Like to

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    South JerseyJ
    There is nothing better the a older woman!!!!!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    **** the **** outa her, but dont get too attached. You wanna marry 20 years younger, not older, if your a

    But dont underestimate the ability of a female to want love from you even if it should be obvious that it wont work. I have seen that happen with my friend when he was with this dumb older slut 20 years older then him.

    But, chances are, she's not serious.
    But still, be aware.

    Hit it for now though. An keep eating her..................................grilled

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Oh, and an older babe will def make you a better lover. What can you learn from a chick your own age? Nothing, unless she is a pro, maybe. Your MILF will turn you into a real ladypleaser cause by now she knows all the tricks, isn't shy about teaching you, and appreciates good sex enough to not be satisfied with mediocre.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Baron
    Oh, and an older babe will def make you a better lover. What can you learn from a chick your own age? Nothing, unless she is a pro, maybe. Your MILF will turn you into a real ladypleaser cause by now she knows all the tricks, isn't shy about teaching you, and appreciates good sex enough to not be satisfied with mediocre.
    Thats another thing, she has taught me alot! And she's real good at teaching.

    And i'll keep eatin dem steaks

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    south africa
    LOVE has no age bro.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    May 2004
    it's all be said bro...hit it...

  30. #30
    Join Date
    May 2004

  31. #31
    Join Date
    May 2004
    and again...

    (o and use that mini digital cam i sent u )

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by WS6_KID
    I laid my game like a concrete slab. Same way I talk to any other girl finds there likes and play to your strengths....

    To everyone else thanks for the opinions and i'll take them all in with a grain of salt. I'll hold off on mentioning any thing serious and just roll with this...time will tell. But in the mean time
    Where did you pick this milf up at?

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Oh, and enjoy this "older woman" thing while you can. At my age, a MILF is a "younger woman" and for an older woman I have to do a "GILF" LOL!

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Baron
    Oh, and enjoy this "older woman" thing while you can. At my age, a MILF is a "younger woman" and for an older woman I have to do a "GILF" LOL!

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    The Office
    Quote Originally Posted by fitnessNY
    Where did you pick this milf up at?
    We used to work together.

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