Sooo you all know how good this cycle has been to me now the thing is one of my cycle whores has really grown on me. The lady is AMAZING! Here's my typical day with her (All is completely true and not exageratted...that much)
(i gotta be at work around 10)
830am wake up because i'm getting a BJ
845am fall back asleep
930am Wake up again because she just brought me breakfast in bed (normally 8 eggs and some ham)
10am she packs a lunch for me (normally steak and potatoes) and sends me on my way.
(insert 9 hours of mind numbing work)
Get off work, hit gym.
round 11pm get back to her place where i'm greated with a massage and a freshly grilled steak or chicken breast. After wards i'll take a shower and normally come out to find her in full body lingire (sp?) suit

and high heels. Then i'm offered any and everything I want

In bed she's a master! I'll go into that in another thread, but the woman is the shieeet!
Afterwards is off to bed
Now keep in mind this is a TYPICAL day. Meaning I get this alll the time from her, and as a result I've really grown fond of her (can ya blame me)
No heres the catch. Shes TWICE my age and has two sons older than me...i'm 20....So my question is this. Should I fold early in the game of life and run with my winnings or should I continue in my wicked ways and keep gambling risking the possibility of never again finding someone so perfect????