I wanted to see if anyone has taken Vioxx and suffered any side effects from it. Vioxx is a prescibed anti-inflammitory, or was until Merk & Co took it off the market. I had taken it a few different times for my right knee and lower back in the past, but only for 2 months at a time. My wife on the other hand has taken it for 6 1/2 years or so for her hip. The doctor's said it was a form of bursitis that was causing her pain since they could not find anything wrong with her hip. To make a long story short, she has been hospitalized twice with 2 different blood clots, both in her lungs. She seems OK now since she is off the drug, but she has been on Coumadin for a year now, not to mention all the hospital bills. I just wanted to share our story in case there are others out there who this has impacted.