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Thread: blade trinity

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    blade trinity

    Just finished watching blade trinity (downloaded of course). Unlike the reviews, I think the movie rocked. The Hannibal King character was fucn hillarious. Not as good as blade 1, but a little better then blade 2. The only complaint is the ending - should of been better. I dont want to write about it, because i dont want to put spoilers of blade and ruin it for the bros. If anybdoy else has seen it tell me what you thought?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    When it comes out I will give it a look. The last two were alright movies, so I will give this one a chance.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    **** **** **** ****. I have been loking forward to this movie for SO long and now I find out its not on theaters in sweden until 11 march. WTF IS WRONG WITH THIS COUNTRY. Now Il have to download that movie but I wanted to catch it in the cinema

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    har har har, its out here dec 8th..............erm whats the date today

  5. #5
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    I am going to check it out this weekend I think. I liked the first two.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    yeah already came out here... im gonna watch it this weekend in the cinema. Im expecting it to be good, the first one was kinda lame I thought... second one was good can wait to see this one.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    i may watch it, from the trailers it looks sooooooo lame

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by MESSY_UK
    i may watch it, from the trailers it looks sooooooo lame
    How can you say that??? Its got Berg from two guys a girl and a pizza shop in it

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prime
    How can you say that??? Its got Berg from two guys a girl and a pizza shop in it
    LMAO i didnt notice, has it? Ohh i gonna watch it again. Ive never been a big fan, i loved the first one, second one was lame and i can only see this one heading in the same direction.

  10. #10
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    I thought it was pretty good. Yeah, the ending could have been better. :spudniklu

  11. #11
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Seeing the moving tomorrow

  12. #12
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    For you guys that downloaded this movie...How did you get it and what program did you use? Im using ARES and so far most of the downloads that are available are not the real movie.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    jessica biel will make it good even if the movie itself sucks!!

  14. #14
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    I thought it was a great movie also. King was a hilarious character too. Triple H was a horrible actor and looked like sh!t. The guy playing king's getting bigger, yet keeping cut, comparred to his role in van wilder.

  15. #15
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    i herd snipes won't even promote the movie b/c he is soo upset with the way the director cut the movie. apparently the movie had so much potential and soo many killer scenes but once the director cut up the movie and put it together he butchered it. thats what i herd.

  16. #16
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by Full Intensity
    i herd snipes won't even promote the movie b/c he is soo upset with the way the director cut the movie. apparently the movie had so much potential and soo many killer scenes but once the director cut up the movie and put it together he butchered it. thats what i herd.
    **** if that is true it realy sucks

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    im gonna see it just to support triple h, if it wasnt for him I owuldnt see it.

  18. #18
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    How'd Jessi look in it?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by gya321
    How'd Jessi look in it?
    **** hot

  20. #20
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    i just got back...i loved one and thought two was pretty close, but three was kinda weak. Like others said, that guy from "pizza place" and van wilder is awesome, lol funny as hell. But the story of the movie sucked almost as much as the ending.

  21. #21
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    Does the game appear much or only a few seconds?

  22. #22
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    The movie was awesome in my rocked harder than the first two...mostly because of ryan reynolds ( van wilder dude ) Triple H did good...never really sure when a wrestler goes actor how its gonna go..or if he is even going to get a speaking role..but he did and he did good..I think he could do acting as a career follow in the Rock's footsteps sorta thing. Had a good plot good ending I thought felt short though wish it had been longer but that's only because I liked it so much.

  23. #23
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    I am not sure how there can be a Blade IV ... the story's ending leaves little room for one...

  24. #24
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    I saw the film. The biggest problem I had with the movie was if felt like one long commercial. Too many product shots. I love Apple products but they were the worst. I mean come on, to zoom in on home chick making play lists on her 12" Powerbook and synching her iPod in iTunes??? "She likes to listen to her iPod while killing vampires."

    Did you noticed the good guys used Macs and the bad guys used PCs? The Vampires had PC laptops and Compaq iPaqs.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    I saw the film. The biggest problem I had with the movie was if felt like one long commercial. Too many product shots. I love Apple products but they were the worst. I mean come on, to zoom in on home chick making play lists on her 12" Powerbook and synching her iPod in iTunes??? "She likes to listen to her iPod while killing vampires."

    Did you noticed the good guys used Macs and the bad guys used PCs? The Vampires had PC laptops and Compaq iPaqs.
    * Potential Spoiler .. *

    Thats because the good guys are smarter ? Most professional " computer muscians " use Macs , most graphical designers use macs. Macs tend to be much more stable than PC's - but I still use windows because its more mainstream , Bill gates always fixes things so that programs ( like computer games ) get shipped for the pc before the MAC... ( one of the reasons people argue he has a monopoly on.. everything in existance and then some )

    My major problem with the movie was... How many times does whisler have to die before he STAYS dead ... ? seriously... that old man is crazy...and how does he afford those macs ?

    And why is it Hannibal King is able to hold his own against vamps ? Triple H should have beat the crap out of hannibal king with one punch - vampires are super human in strength

    Oh , and yea , the real dagon would have slaughtered blade

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Full Intensity
    i herd snipes won't even promote the movie b/c he is soo upset with the way the director cut the movie. apparently the movie had so much potential and soo many killer scenes but once the director cut up the movie and put it together he butchered it. thats what i herd.
    That sucks.

    Whats up Intensity, haven't seen you in a while.

  27. #27
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gorgoroth_
    Thats because the good guys are smarter ? Most professional " computer muscians " use Macs , most graphical designers use macs. Macs tend to be much more stable than PC's - but I still use windows because its more mainstream , Bill gates always fixes things so that programs ( like computer games ) get shipped for the pc before the MAC... ( one of the reasons people argue he has a monopoly on.. everything in existance and then some )
    I agree with you on the Mac thing. At work I have a Dual 2.5ghz G5, a Dual 1.4ghz G4 and 2 flat panel monitors. I use them both way more than my P4 PC. At home we have a 12", 15" & 17" Powerbook and a P4 PC with a 21" flat panel. The 15" and 17" Powerbooks are mine. Hopefully soon to be replaced by a G5 Powerbook.
    Last edited by Carlos_E; 12-11-2004 at 08:35 PM.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gorgoroth_
    And why is it Hannibal King is able to hold his own against vamps ? Triple H should have beat the crap out of hannibal king with one punch - vampires are super human in strength

    Oh , and yea , the real dagon would have slaughtered blade
    I think they said Hannibal King use to be a vampire, and was treated, maybe he retained some strength. I dont remember what Hannibal was like in the comics but i think he use to always kick ass. Are the rumors about blade 4 true are they going to make another one??? I dont get how their could be any more vampires left though.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by calidude
    That sucks.

    Whats up Intensity, haven't seen you in a while.
    im around. always online. my computer fuct up the other day. still can't turn it on. and i haven't left my toilet all week. think i should go see a doc soon

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    in FL (former Masshole)
    I think all the blade movies were pretty cool i cant wait to see this one

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    I agree with you on the Mac thing. At work I have a Dual 2.5ghz G5, a Dual 1.4ghz G4 and 2 flat panel monitors. I use them both way more than my P4 PC. At home we have a 12", 15" & 17" Powerbook and a P4 PC with a 21" flat panel. The 15" and 17" Powerbooks are mine. Hopefully soon to be replaced by a G5 Powerbook.
    My pc would smoke ANY mac for video editing, gaming, anything.
    Runs Dual Pentium 4 Hyper Threading extreme edition processors running 4.2ghz each with 1300fsb each, with a slight clocking up to 4.5ghz each and just under 1450 FSB.
    4 Gigs of 533mhz DDR
    The new NVidia SLI technology incorporating a dual pci express motherboard allowing 2 of the best Graphical processors (G-Force 6800 ultra)to be linked together to run in parallel with each other, making total memory transfer bandwidth 70.4 gigabytes per second, more than double what any mac can do!

    Its just too bad no monitor can even come close to displaying the 17.4 trillion colors the computer can put out.

    So what do you mac "video editing enthusiasts" have to say about that?

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by angelxterminator
    My pc would smoke ANY mac for video editing, gaming, anything.
    Runs Dual Pentium 4 Hyper Threading extreme edition processors running 4.2ghz each with 1300fsb each, with a slight clocking up to 4.5ghz each and just under 1450 FSB.
    4 Gigs of 533mhz DDR
    The new NVidia SLI technology incorporating a dual pci express motherboard allowing 2 of the best Graphical processors (G-Force 6800 ultra)to be linked together to run in parallel with each other, making total memory transfer bandwidth 70.4 gigabytes per second, more than double what any mac can do!

    Its just too bad no monitor can even come close to displaying the 17.4 trillion colors the computer can put out.

    So what do you mac "video editing enthusiasts" have to say about that?
    A computer like that is a custom job , built more like a server and probably cost an upwards of 6,000 U.S dollars if not more . Not very economical .

  33. #33
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by angelxterminator
    My pc would smoke ANY mac for video editing, gaming, anything.
    Runs Dual Pentium 4 Hyper Threading extreme edition processors running 4.2ghz each with 1300fsb each, with a slight clocking up to 4.5ghz each and just under 1450 FSB.
    4 Gigs of 533mhz DDR
    The new NVidia SLI technology incorporating a dual pci express motherboard allowing 2 of the best Graphical processors (G-Force 6800 ultra)to be linked together to run in parallel with each other, making total memory transfer bandwidth 70.4 gigabytes per second, more than double what any mac can do!

    Its just too bad no monitor can even come close to displaying the 17.4 trillion colors the computer can put out.

    So what do you mac "video editing enthusiasts" have to say about that?

    No big deal. I think you have computer envy. Read here:

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by angelxterminator
    My pc would smoke ANY mac for video editing, gaming, anything.
    Runs Dual Pentium 4 Hyper Threading extreme edition processors running 4.2ghz each with 1300fsb each, with a slight clocking up to 4.5ghz each and just under 1450 FSB.
    4 Gigs of 533mhz DDR
    The new NVidia SLI technology incorporating a dual pci express motherboard allowing 2 of the best Graphical processors (G-Force 6800 ultra)to be linked together to run in parallel with each other, making total memory transfer bandwidth 70.4 gigabytes per second, more than double what any mac can do!

    Its just too bad no monitor can even come close to displaying the 17.4 trillion colors the computer can put out.

    So what do you mac "video editing enthusiasts" have to say about that?

    at 4.5ghz you must have some kick ass cooling system?

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    i agree on the advertisement (warning potential to ruin the movie), when blade ripped off his jacket to reveal his long red under shirt i was certain taht "under armour" was going to flash across the screen... but van wilder was ****ing hilarious, and when did he get so ripped?

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    i agree on the advertisement (warning potential to ruin the movie), when blade ripped off his jacket to reveal his long red under shirt i was certain taht "under armour" was going to flash across the screen... but van wilder was ****ing hilarious, and when did he get so ripped?

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    i agree on the advertisement (warning potential to ruin the movie), when blade ripped off his jacket to reveal his long red under shirt i was certain taht "under armour" was going to flash across the screen... but van wilder was ****ing hilarious, and when did he get so ripped?

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    i agree on the advertisement (warning potential to ruin the movie), when blade ripped off his jacket to reveal his long red under shirt i was certain taht "under armour" was going to flash across the screen... but van wilder was ****ing hilarious, and when did he get so ripped?

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    i agree on the advertisement (warning potential to ruin the movie), when blade ripped off his jacket to reveal his long red under shirt i was certain taht "under armour" was going to flash across the screen... but van wilder was ****ing hilarious, and when did he get so ripped?

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by geoneo
    at 4.5ghz you must have some kick ass cooling system?
    liquid cooled with re-circulated methanol. And Carlos, this thing is like double any G5. Maybe in 2 years when the G6's come out, but right now this is the best of the best!

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