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Thread: body Fat

  1. #1

    body Fat

    how do you measure your body fat?
    i saw in an episode of blind date one time they went to this like lil poo lof water and layed in this wierd thing..and i dunnoooooo
    how do you do it...
    i always guess...



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
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    Either get a set of calipers, which i believe get roughly the same as that "water looking thing you said" LOL . What that does, is measure how many pounds of fat are on your physique, and what your exact bf% is. I don't know what it costs, but ask the owner/manager of your gym because sometimes they have them come to your gym every couple months for the members to use (for a fee of course).


  3. #3
    ya dont say....
    i dont think i actually gotta buy one of thos 'water things'

    ill just ask my gym when or if there bringing one in so i can see

    i i think its low though gotta be around 9%

    we'll see


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Use fat calipers.These can be purchased from GNC for around £32 and with 20% off if you use your gold card.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    LOL Billy do you get commision from GNC for selling gold cards!

    Only joking No GNC do sell them! i personally cant do my own bodyfat percentage im useless! this water things sounds interesting!
    Ms Figure

  6. #6
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    Aug 2001
    There are several methods of determining an individuals BF %. The caliper method is generally the least expensive and quite accurate. You can buy your own calipers but if you have a professional do it the accuracy of the results increases. The accuracy also increases with the number of sites used during the procedure. Some trainers take mesurements from the biceps, triceps, subscap (shoulder blade area) and waist. However some people carry more body fat on certain parts of their body...therefore the more sites used, the more accurate the results.

    There is also electro impedence measurements in which an individual is hooked up to a machine that sends mild electrical currents through the body. The speed of the currents is directly affected by BF so a fairly accurate measurement can be made from the findings.

    As cnyce mentioned Water displacement testing (there is a technical term but I'm unsure of the term) involves being submerged in a funky looking tank. It is generally considerd the most accurate form of testing. It takes into consideration certain measurements, the amount of water displaced when you're submerged and you boyency (fat floats). To have that test done by professionals the cost is roughly $35-40cdn ($23-26usd) as compared to $10-15cdn ($6-9usd) for the other methods.

    If you really want an accurate measurement, get it done professionally, then use your own calipers and see how close you are. That way you can track your progress on a regular basis, you only have to get it done professionally when you feel the need.


  7. #7
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    Aug 2001
    I may speak to GNC about commision LOL

    I always take 5 - 6 readings and then add the results together and find the median.That way it is a bit more accurate.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    GNC.........I think I know that place LOL!


  9. #9
    SEE i knew one method had sOMETHING to do with water...
    doesnt look to comfortabl though.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Its your fault BA you told me to go there!!

    Also I find the calculators on the boards very inaccurate at judging your bodyweight allright for a quick look but that is it


  11. #11
    ptbyjason Guest
    water thing = hydrostatic weighing

    It is the most accurate so far.

    There are some new methods coming soon that may be better. One way, which already exist, is a maching that measures bone density. It measures bodyfat at the same time and can even tell you the percent bodyfat of each bodyfat.
    Another is a booth (like a stand up tanning bed) that will use lazers or something similar to it to measure bodyfat.

  12. #12
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    Hey...Jason, I just noticed that your avatar is actually a photo with the logo super-imposed over top of it. Is it a photo of an aerobics class being taught by a woman in a halter top? Cause that's what it looks like. If so....niiiicccceeee!!!

  13. #13
    ptbyjason Guest
    man I didn't think anyone noticed that.
    Yeah, I took it from the old site.

  14. #14
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    Here is my take. Studies show calipers are only as accurate as the person using them but either case +- 5 %. Good however if you follow the EXACT same sites, because you can at least see progress. They do not measure internal fat however. Bio electrical impedance can very depending on the machines and does not always account for your muscle mass. Hydrostatic weighing is most accurate, if you don't mind getting into the tank totally naked and are able to exhale as deeply as possible, so if your residual lung volume is high it won't be as accurate

  15. #15
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    PaPaPump with the sick set o wheels...

  16. #16
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    Stop bumping old threads, if you want to whore go to the whore thread.

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