I've always wondered how people in prison get so big if they work out. They din't get fed very much or very healty meals. They have no supplements. They probably overtrain. Any input?
I've always wondered how people in prison get so big if they work out. They din't get fed very much or very healty meals. They have no supplements. They probably overtrain. Any input?
You can buy protien powder in the Commissary, or atleast in some of them. Also orals are availible just as easy as heroin or other drugs.
That and well, with no outside distractions, you can focus 100% on intense training.
They eat,sleep and lift and not much else.
If you are really that interested in the subject, do a search.........I must have seen at least a dozen threads on this in the last few weeks. The gov. has specific nutritional guidelines it follows for menus and so on.
I used to workout with a guy who was in the joint for 4 years. He was about 200 lbs but he was solid, I mean hardly any fat whatsoever, I could have swore by his physique he was juiced up, I kept asking him what he was on and heckling the **** outta him and one day he told me "I was in the joint for 4 years." They can get protien powder in there, and you wouldnt believe the **** they do for extra calories and nutrients. Some of the guys get packets of yeast mix and just swallow it. Think about it, it's the perfect atmosphere for working out, it would probably be impossible to overtrain, tons of recovery time, and when your watching your ass 24/7 it would probably motivate you to be a big dude anyways.
theres tons of orals in jails and all u do is workout,eat and sleep. with money in there u can buy a lot of food(not the healthiest but it does the trick).
ive also heard that dudes in there have higher testosterone levels from the atmosphere.
it is a great place to get big , you eat , sleep and lift and do it again. And most of all there are no distractions from your rotine exept the bitches tring to get some free loveing.
also you do the same thing day in day out. That is what the body likes for growth. The same foods every day at the same time and the work out at the same time and a lot of sleep
they have access to almost all the food and suplements you do. They do a ton of pushups, pullups, and situps, when not lifting. They also do a ton of research on what to eat and how to train. as far as steroids go , you would be surpised what they can get a hold of and how they inject,
sounds like somebody was locked up before
the water jugs work great when in a pinch when you loose weight room priveliges
i heard they fill up trash bags with water and tie them to a broom stickOriginally Posted by squatster
i hear if u put your ears to the railroad tracks, you can hear the buffalo coming
I heard what he heard.
do buffalo **** near the train tracks? ( just kidding bro) I liek that one
hows about taking a leak on the rail road tracks?Originally Posted by Decadbal
Will i get a sting?
They get all the protein they need buy swallowing
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