If there is an afterlife, in your honest opinion will you be admitted through the pearly gates or be thrown into hell.
I'm not religious anymore. Lately I feel I got my self a 1st class ticket to fire land. How bout the rest of you?
If there is an afterlife, in your honest opinion will you be admitted through the pearly gates or be thrown into hell.
I'm not religious anymore. Lately I feel I got my self a 1st class ticket to fire land. How bout the rest of you?
Heaven doesnt want me and Hell is afraid that I'll take over
well considering that I strangled the livin life outta someone one night when I was wasted...yes, I'm goin to hell.
hell for sure, i've lost count of the reasons why
no doubt hell.
Mondo is going the 10th level of hell fer sure.......
Like Dally, some bad sh1t from when I was wasted whilst I was awake......
Trying to atone but figure I'm screwed.....
i dont believe in that stuff..
I going to Hell....
im not sure wat happens after death yet
forward my mail to me in hell...................
explain how you got the first class ticket...![]()
to deep tonight.. few glasses of vino and forgotaboutit///
Well i dont believe in heaven and hell etc, but to get into heaven you must have to be a pretty boring person.
your gonna go to hell for that man!!!....fack cya there.Originally Posted by Prime
Im sorry but i have my own religion. And in it hell is like the playboy mansion only im hugh, the bunnies are covered in whipped cream and we've run out of spoonsOriginally Posted by Dally
If its already been determined by my past. Then Im going to hell. In the words of a patriot, " often fear the sins of my past may come back to haunt me, but the consequences are more than I can bare, I feel that sh1t"
how do I sign up?Originally Posted by Prime
not a believer in hellfire...
Originally Posted by Prime
Good quote to live by IF IF IF IF IF your worried about going to hell:
"If your having fun, GO HOME. And, If it taste good SPIT IT OUT"
Yeah, and on thursday I got angry at a person for a reason that was over 1 year old. I threw him against the wall, poicked him up and made him give me the 20 lowsy bucks he owed me. And the bad thing is that I have never really cared, if someone needed the money bad enoug to borrow and never pay back, then I guess they need it more than me, at the present momment ( all pm's asking for $ will be deleted)
considering your christian or even jewish and read the Bible you should know that it does NOT teach eternal ****ation and hellfire OR does it teach that EVERYONE is going to heaven(just 144,000)
These both have pegan dealings that the church assimilated to
a: Get money
b: appese pagens
Originally Posted by Bryan2
I'll second that.
Originally Posted by Bryan2
the 144,00 are the decendents (sp) of the 12 tribes of Isarel that are left behind because they did not belive in Jesus as the Son of God, they are left here after the rapture when all the belivers go to heaven at the end of the world ( and its not even really the end of the world its just like the end of the world as we know it) and hell as I understand it is not fire and brimston it is being at place where god is not..being eternaly seperate from God and there are supose to be different leves of hell and at the end when God judges all men & women those that have their names written in the book of life ( and of course to get your name in the book you have to confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is the Son of God and that he died for our sins and by beliveing this you get your name in the book and get to go to heaven) and those that did not believe are judged by their actions are sent to different levels of hell some not as bad as others I am guessing..so I dont believe one action can condem you the lowest level of hell. mind you it has been a while since I have been to church so I am probably not 100% accurate on some of this but this is the general ideal, its what I recall.
I can see where this thread is going.
just wondering though, if God's prime quality is love, does it seem right that he would burn ppl in hell?Originally Posted by wildcatslady
where? I cant see anything but stupid bows,wrapping paper and ribbon..its 12:10 am and I am still wrapping gifts I cant even see a path to the door...ok but seriously where is this thread going?
smartassOriginally Posted by wildcatslady
That is def Motley Crue- wild side .......probably the greatest song of all timeOriginally Posted by Salvia
God's not burning ppl in hell...we have free will God loves us all but if we dont want him dont want to be in Heaven with him its our choice..he is not picking and choosing who goes and who stays we choose to go or not...he wrote out the directions now we just have to follow them. and yes I believe that Jesus is the lord and savior and all that I wrote in my first post about how you get to heaven but I also think he is the one who created everything and he knows we are all different and what works for one might not work for another so I think he deals with us each differently, I think we all get the chance at one point or another to get into heaven.
Originally Posted by aXe
could not help my self
If god forgives how can you go to hell? (unless you dont beleive , or rape children, or murder)
myself (one word)<---payback.Originally Posted by wildcatslady
Originally Posted by bignatt
that is the only way that I know of that you can go to hell is that if you do not believe...I believe that god forgives all sins all people, even murders and the like...but I like to think the rapist and murders go to hell and sufer for the rest of forever.
LOL good oneOriginally Posted by aXe
theres no way they go to heaven they must go to a purgatory or something or someone like hitler they must come back as a midget lol it would suck being 3ft tall with a 30lb head
Wait a minute I am confused. I'm married,barely get sex and stuck in New Jersey because of my job. Aren't I in Hell already?
who says hitler is coming back?Originally Posted by bignatt
hmm, i'll say heaven. no one else has.
Originally Posted by ALEXANDER42
haha i mean horrible people like that must get sent back as midgets lol
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