MAN, thought I'd never see the day in a small town gym but it came......
Walk into the gym to do some chest today, well I had my 65's do warm up dumbell presses.... some kid in sweat pants and tank top came up and was like ur gonna have to move this is my bench, never seen him before in my life... i sat up and said, oh and whys that? he said, thats my stuff under the bench, i was like o, these keys and hat, so i picked them up and threw them over to the next bench, since 3 others WERE NOT being used. Then he tried to compete with me, what the hell, so I got royally pissed, whipped out the 105's repped them 12 times and threw um down, then he's like hey can you give a spot, he has 70's...... i told him, if you cant do it without me pulling ur arms up for you, lower ur weight, be a man. Then to top it off, he left his **** EVERYWHERE, didnt rack any of his dumbells, left the incline bench bar on the ground, i went over to him and said, hey man, if you wanna lift here, pick ur **** up, i come here to work out and not pick up after you. His response, o sorry man, i forgot i left that stuff there, ill go pick it up, and he did.. the lady at the front desk just told me to take him to the back room and beat him, she seens his ILS when he walked in haha..... **** I NEEDED TO VENT THIS ...GAH!!!!!!