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Thread: My girlfriend's friend was murdered a couple of days ago

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    well said jc3

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by jc3
    Hi...I rarely post but this one needs it. All of these situations are is the world. I am not trying to hi-jack threads, just sharing my views. I know of another bad case in Cass City, Michigan. Two 18 year old's were partying and got in a fight with each other. One kid punched the other in the face one time. The kid was rushed to the hospitol and died. The puncher is now looking at 15 years. He is not a boxer or weight lifter, just some skinny kid who happened to hit the other one just right. Suck to be him.

    The other case is a friend of our family. He is a professional arm wrestler and amatuer body builder. MASSIVE DUDE...MASSIVE... Anyway, he was flagged down on the e-way to help some people and when he was bent down to loosen the tire for the couple the man hit him with something over the head. My buddy turned and punched him once but it put him through the window of the car and the man died from brain trauma. My buddy was found not guilty on manslaughter but is messed up upstairs from it.

    This world really is crazy, and rarely is justice really served. When it is it seems to be on people who may not deserve it. Take it from me though, 10 years anywhere is bad time...especially max....and I am not sure how Canada's system works but it sounds like he will be eligible in 10 not for sure. 10 years is a long time for good behavior and he will most likely be into some sort of sh1t before then. I seen a lot of crazy stuff on the 2 I served and wasn't even in max other than through processing.

    Either way, sorry for everyone's loss, no posts will make it better but we are out here reading and feeling....take care everyone.
    Great post

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by maxex
    sorry to hear that bro. But in america we have what is called "a crime of passion" or somethin like that. If that were to happen here that guy would get hardly any prison time, and if they have the same thing in canada hell probably get alot less.
    Good point!

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    were there no warning signs from this guy. Just wondering. Other people and women might be interested to know the warning signs and what to look for. I am not saying everything can be foretold but to go straight to killing someone and there be no warning signs is hard to believe. I am sorry for everyones loss in this situation. My heart hurts because I am helpless to do anything in situations like these its a shame. what a waste. Please let us know how it led to this if anything to educate our fellow homosapiens. that is all that can be taken from such ruthlessness is to show other people what to look for so this wont happen again. I wish all in this tragedy health and strength and a feeling of comfort. I am truly sorry for all involved.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Very sorry to hear that, very sorry...

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    fitnessNY Im on the island whats up. Just saying hi to someone close. ski a great winter.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by maxex
    sorry to hear that bro. But in america we have what is called "a crime of passion" or somethin like that. If that were to happen here that guy would get hardly any prison time, and if they have the same thing in canada hell probably get alot less.
    I am not entirely sure that "crime of passion" would hold in Canada in a case like that...

    Had it been a situation where he killed someone "in the heat of the moment" (ie finding someone in bed with his GF or whatever) he'd have a chance at that defence, but in this case it seems to have been premeditated.

    He did grab a weapon and went looking for her. That shows intent and premeditation. Also since it involves conjugal violence the chances are that he'd have a hard time finding a lenient judge or jury.

    I hope he enjoys "Club Fed" for a while... hopefully sharing a cell with a few hells angels...


  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    This was in NO WAY a crime of passion........

    This was a pre-determined action, he went in there with the intentions to kill her.

    He had the knife and slashed three of the tires of her Chrysler Sebring before he went in - he wanted to make sure she couldnt get away.

    And they had been broken up for two months already. He had plenty of time to think this up...

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by skiing
    were there no warning signs from this guy. Just wondering.
    Indeed there were.... a restraining order had been issued on him because of previous domestic abuse charges.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    My own little world
    Sorry for your loss, worst thing that can happen.
    My prayer's are with you and yours.

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Polska
    The bad thing is that in Canada the punishment hardly ever fits the crime. A crime like this in the US could warrant lethal injection. In this country this jackoff will get out. I can only hope they drop him in general population and have him die in there while serving his bid

    What America do you live in? The pussy one i live in will not execute you but let you off on pleading insanity...

    I would have captured him, gotten all the facts straight, did he do it etc.. then if found guilty, simply place him on his knees and put a bullet in the back of his head..and that right there is justice my friends, not to mention one less piece of **** me and you have to feed and clothe with our taxes.

    Simple and effective!

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    I would have captured him, gotten all the facts straight, did he do it etc.. then if found guilty, simply place him on his knees and put a bullet in the back of his head..and that right there is justice my friends, not to mention one less piece of **** me and you have to feed and clothe with our taxes.
    I agree with you completely.

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