Well I am considering it. What are all your opinions on it?
Well I am considering it. What are all your opinions on it?
Whipped like the family pig eh?![]()
well here is a little info. She is better at handling money, she makes a little more than I do. Plus shes an Accountant so at least she knows how to handle money....
You're a brave soul Bro. I wouldn't do it til I was married.
Actually naw, shes never brought it up. I have been the one considering it. I wanted to get some feedback from the married guys/girls puto.Originally Posted by Blown_SC
Weve been living together for 3 years, and we have just recently become engaged. We have an incredibly trusting relationship.Originally Posted by Monkeytown
LOL... She sound like she would know more about it than you, so I don't see why not... but I'm not married (thankfully), so I'll bump this for your cause lolOriginally Posted by Maraxus
get one , but also keep a seperate one , cause you never know!
Yeah thats what I was planning on doing. I just want to get a joint because we already consolidate all of our bills. So I figure why the hell not.
Originally Posted by Maraxus
I wouldn't,
I'm getting married in May and I am planning on keeping my own account.
We will just split up the bills, with me paying the majority, and her having a couple to be responsible for.
Sounds like you answered you own question Bro.Originally Posted by Maraxus
I thought I saw on another thread where you were downing marriage? Must have been someone else. I got engaged over the holidays. Congrats Bro and good luck!
Congrats to you bro, naw I dont knock on MarriageOriginally Posted by Monkeytown
I'm pretty much in the same boat as you are bro. If you trust her, which I assume you do or you probably wouldn't even be considering it, then go for it. All you need to do is keep one eye on it. My girl's the same way, she's so good with managing funds that I actually was the one who asked to do it. I just keep an eye on it, and in the past year the only time I raised an eyebrow was over the holiday, but it turned out to be $$$ spent on presents for me.
Yeah bro, thats what im planning on doing.Originally Posted by justincredible
NO ! never.......................NEVER!
Id wiat till after your married bro. Speaking from experience anything can happen till the rings on her finger, and even then **** can happen. But my advice would be to wait till after your married to get joint accounts...
I have no problem with my wife handling our finances. Once in a while I ask to see the register just to see where we are and how many hidden trips to payless are there....hahahahahah..... Seriously though, if u love and trust this woman and she is better, why not? Only gonna take stress away from you and give you more time to do what you will......JC
Originally Posted by 1victor
Maybe 1victor and I are jaded, but after being married once, and having a joint account, and seeing my money constantly being wasted, I'll never do it again.
Money is the #1 issue, behind sex of course. Take from the "expert". Never share this. Separate finances, my parents do it and it works. DUDE........... it will become HER money not our money. How you gonna skim for gear?![]()
I can honestly say that once i gave my xwife a credit/debit card in her name i never was able to balance my check book again...hahaha bitch!
Remember, I am the master skimmer. Plus I know the probs youre having so I understand where you are coming from beeyotch.Originally Posted by 1victor
exactly! Do that and I say go ahead, specially after being together 3 years you obviously trust each otherOriginally Posted by DevilsDeity
Keep your money as your own untill you get married. Having your own bank account is a valuable thing that is stripped from ya when you get married. Anything can happen between now and then, enjoy your own money while its your own.
Okay don't listen to the guys with practical experience. C'Mon Big he won't listen.....let's take our ball and play somewhere else!![]()
Originally Posted by 1victor
He's gultin for punishment no doubt....lol
and get a Prenup! i had one and after the divorce i only had to pay my lawyer bill, and nothing else . Wh00t!
he just doesnt know. i was in his shoes once but now im a happy man.Originally Posted by 1victor
WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I figured it out! Maraxus's future wife is his sugar momma! She makes twice what he does, he want access to HER money!![]()
Originally Posted by 1victor
Yep, he will be her Bitch, she'll be bossing him around....
She'll be like...
"Get your lazy ass up and clean the house, and make my dinner, or no money for gear!!!"
what fairy tale you living in ?Originally Posted by 1victor
any woman that makes more than a man wont share
you even said it , It will be HERS and not ours.
whats hers is hers and whats yours is hers.
sugar momma, you got a better chance of finding a unicorn
lol think of it this way if she walks out so does your money and theres notthing u can do about it
Dude if she makes more than you I would do it. Seems like the benefits out weigh the risk to me.
no, hit her on the nose with a paper then say NO again
Go ahead and get a joint account (but don't let the cops find out, haha) BUT keep a seperate one for yourself. Have your paycheck, if it's an auto deposit, deposited into your account then transfer however much you want to to the joint account each paycheck. Trust me, after 18 years of marriage, you really need to keep one of your own.
Married long time...........Separate accounts keeps us the happiest.
Hmmmmm From the DAY I got married, our account was joint. One house, joint bills and financial responsibiities. Bills came in and I paid them ... after the bills if he wanted money for cars crap or whatever, he told me and if the necessities were covered, he took what he needed...and vice versa. For a long time I did make more than he did and for a while on several occasions, I was the sole breadwinner. IT was always OUR money. When we divorced, he had to relocate from overseas and completely start over. Took what he wanted from the house, a small amount of cash (I had the kids and the bills so he didn't take a lot) and off he went.
Joint accounts can be managed just fine. The key is trust. If you trust her, create a joint household account and agree to each keep separate accounts as well. Establish what percentage goes into the joint and what stays in the individual accounts. The reason I encourage individual accounts is because if you go out and make a purchase on the joint account without coordinating with her....or vice versa...you can run into over draft issues. Also, if you want to suprise her with a gift...hard to do if she's balancing the check book.
Good luck ..
Originally Posted by DevilsDeity
1. Once a cheat always a cheat!
2. YES, SHE can get pregnant the first time!
3. NO, PULLING out IS NOT a RELIABLE method of Birth Control. DAMMMMIT..... Wrap that shyte UP!!
Women over 30 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.
For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free". Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage.
What the mind can conceive....the body will achieve!
I’m glad u and deca r finally tying a nut........which one is the pitcher............![]()
Deca is the pitcher!
I would not do it since there is really no need to ever have a joint account. Designate who pays which bills and keep it all seperate.
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