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Thread: dvd copy software

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    not where I want to be

    dvd copy software

    anybody know any good programs to copy dvds? not dvd to divx or whatnot but from dvd to dvd. i got a dvd burner recently and i wish to back up my movies

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    dvd x copy

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by phatmark
    dvd x copy
    yup, i got a bootleg copy

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    download is illegal now, but a pirated version should be easy to obtain..

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    anybody know any good programs to copy dvds? not dvd to divx or whatnot but from dvd to dvd. i got a dvd burner recently and i wish to back up my movies
    search for a freeware program called DVD shrink

  6. #6
    dvd shrink is definitely the way to go.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    I also use DVD Shrink(and Nero). :spudniklu

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    I've backed up over 155 DVD's up to now and no problems yet...


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Here is what you need:

    Nero Ultra Edition includes Recode 2
    DVD Decryptor

    This is what i use, works wonders. But those stated above are also good.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    new jersey
    DVD Decryptor and DVD Shrink and an hour ½ later you have a movie.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by manwithin
    DVD Decryptor and DVD Shrink and an hour ½ later you have a movie.
    yeah if you got a 1x dvd burner.

    full dvd takes 28 min on a 2x, 15 min on a 4x, i don't have an 8x, but would imagine about 8 min

    15 / 20 min to copy to hd dependant on compression

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by KeyMastur
    dvd shrink is definitely the way to go.
    Amen Bruther best dvd copying software I have seen. What I like about it is you can shrink the DVD down to fit a 4 Gig Disk. You can also take off subtititle and languages.
    I have only ran into one or two DVD's that won't copy due to some type of encription, but 99% of the DVD's I have seen will copy.. and it is free!!!!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sicilian30
    Amen Bruther best dvd copying software I have seen. What I like about it is you can shrink the DVD down to fit a 4 Gig Disk. You can also take off subtititle and languages.
    I have only ran into one or two DVD's that won't copy due to some type of encription, but 99% of the DVD's I have seen will copy.. and it is free!!!!
    that sounds nice! I have dvd x copy now -from the imesh- and it works but unfortunately I need two 4.7gig discs to get a movie that fits on one disc. It was my understanding that the way they burn or encode discs -dual layer something or other- is not available as of yet on the commercial market. Are you saying that with dvd shrink I can get 1 movie on one 4.7gig disc?

  14. #14
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    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    Are you saying that with dvd shrink I can get 1 movie on one 4.7gig disc?

    With DVDshrink you remove the un-needed menus, subtitles, foreign language tracks and re-author the DVD at a different compression level (which I GUARANTEE you won't notice) to make it fit on a standard 4.7g blank disk.


  15. #15
    Join Date
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    A mile High
    DVDSHRINK is the bomb......and I've tried about all of is SOOOO easy compared to DVDdecrypter etc.......puts a big movie on one disk with no problem.......and I haven't been able to notice the compression at all.

  16. #16
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    new jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by KeyMastur
    yeah if you got a 1x dvd burner.

    full dvd takes 28 min on a 2x, 15 min on a 4x, i don't have an 8x, but would imagine about 8 min

    15 / 20 min to copy to hd dependant on compression
    What are you taking about?
    12 minutes to copy DVD to hard drive.
    About 30 to 50 minutes to compress the video so it fits on single layer DVD
    15 minutes to burn the image to a DVD
    That’s about 1 ½ hours.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    A mile High
    If the general public knew how EASY this is, the movie companies would need a rope and a a movie.....DVDshrink.....and voila......imagine the library you could have for your friends with netflix........the movie industries only hope is stupid people and the HDDVD coming soon

  18. #18
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    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Badgerman
    If the general public knew how EASY this is, the movie companies would need a rope and a a movie.....DVDshrink.....and voila......imagine the library you could have for your friends with netflix........the movie industries only hope is stupid people and the HDDVD coming soon
    Tell me about it I'm up to over 150 flicks with DVDshrink

    I usually go to the video rental store on a friday evening, rent 3, watch 1 and copy all 3... that way I have 2 more movies to watch later.

    Works for me and it's so easy my kid also copies movies like it's going out of style.


  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by manwithin
    What are you taking about?
    12 minutes to copy DVD to hard drive.
    About 30 to 50 minutes to compress the video so it fits on single layer DVD
    15 minutes to burn the image to a DVD
    That’s about 1 ½ hours.
    you have a slow ass pc if that's the case

    here is my exact pc -

    8x dvd read, 2x write dvd rw drive

    3.0 processor with only 512 ram

    using dvd shrink it's 24 min tops to rip / compress to the hard drive. no compression it's 15 min using either shrink or dvd decrypter. then it's another 28 to burn using nero - 52 min max. most cases i'm lookin at 45

  20. #20
    netflix is the way to go. about time the lowered their prices back down too. red, only 150 ?? i've almost got 2 books full - that's almost 400 ! haha.

    i'm such a dork i go as far as downloading labels and putting labels on the disc so it looks like the original.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by KeyMastur
    red, only 150 ?? i've almost got 2 books full - that's almost 400 ! haha.
    i'm such a dork i go as far as downloading labels and putting labels on the disc so it looks like the original.
    400 disks??? Holy cräp!!!

    I bow down to you master!

    I'm too lazy for the labels myself all my disks are marked with a good old sharpie.

    Looks like I got some catching up to do!!! He he he


  22. #22
    let's just say i have a lot of spare time on my hands. rent 3, copy them to hard drive first before compressing to save time so i can mail them out the same day i get them.

    as for labels, check here : - not just DVD labels either. xbox, ps2, etc

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Red Ketchup
    400 disks??? Holy cräp!!!

    I bow down to you master!

    I'm too lazy for the labels myself all my disks are marked with a good old sharpie.

    Looks like I got some catching up to do!!! He he he

    Buy an epson stylist R200... use printable disc... and you can do color printing right on the disc... no labels..

    The answer to your every question


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  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    Buy an epson stylist R200... use printable disc... and you can do color printing right on the disc... no labels..
    was thinkin about buyin one of those myself. but i'm a fan of the TDK discs and they aren't that cheap just yet.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    A mile High
    So you can just download a label.......throw it in the printer and voila?????????

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Badgerman
    So you can just download a label.......throw it in the printer and voila?????????
    yup, i buy my labels from ebay where they're the cheapest. i have a simple label program that's set up and prints it perfect. i'm even using a hp deskjet 722c - old school - and it looks fine. now of course if i wanted to make it real sharp, i could use a photo printer.

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    new jersey
    Bro 400 hundred is nothing let me show you my collection. I will take a picture when I get home 1164 and counting.

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    A mile High
    hmmmmm.....makes my sharpie labels look kinda white trash

    I like the idea of direct to the cd

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by KeyMastur
    was thinkin about buyin one of those myself. but i'm a fan of the TDK discs and they aren't that cheap just yet.

    Genuine Ritek Ridata G05 8X DVD-R Blank Media 4.7GB White Inkjet Printable .42 cents a disc is cheap.

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    that sounds nice! I have dvd x copy now -from the imesh- and it works but unfortunately I need two 4.7gig discs to get a movie that fits on one disc. It was my understanding that the way they burn or encode discs -dual layer something or other- is not available as of yet on the commercial market. Are you saying that with dvd shrink I can get 1 movie on one 4.7gig disc?
    Yes as Red said, you can take out the subtitles, languages, DVD shrink will even tell you when your file size is too large before you start ripping the file. I love it. A buddy of mine used to use DVDX and same problem he would have to always burn his DVD's on two disks. Sucked. With DVD shrink on some DVD's you can take out 2 channel surround and only copy the 5.1 dolby if you wanted to. So many options with DVD shrink.
    It does take about 1 hour or more depending on the size of the movie, to rip, copy, and burn, but I just let it go, and go watch the other movie while that one is burning! LOL! Great program!

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    not where I want to be
    sweet! I got it and have already put it to good use. I only have 2 movies as of now, but in a year or so I hope to top you bros already ahead of the game.

    thanks for everbodies input in this matter, I am a very happy camper.


  32. #32
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Russian liquer plant
    DVDshrink works like a miracle:-)

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