the movie theater
the movie theater
while masturbating to
gay porn. He
buttered his popcorn
with his own
green and yellow
man juice. He
farted loudly, then
kuka came out
which he sucked
wildy. later on...
the phone rang.
It was decadbal
who was lonely
and decided to
releive his sadness
By wipping out
12" of pleasure
for Tock to
laugh at because
he measured it
in millimeters. Anyhow
in North Dakota,
post whores gathered
at this splendiforous
occasion to up
their post count
while buzzards gathered
in which they
where extremely succesful
at picking the
post to use.
So anyway, vaginas
were made to
taste like yummy
chicken fried fish.
Now you gotta
Originally Posted by Tock
understand that vaginas
can bite your
penis with their
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