while licking Rex's
while licking Rex's
Jap's eye with
axe taping the
whole affair for
his music video...
that was called...
greenmachine does MJ...
he lit a
cigarette for his
hand puppet friend
and then tried
to stuff the
cigarette up the
slimey, dank, leakey
aSs oF cOrneRbaCk
which made him
giggle with delight
as his friend
took a huge
sloppy smelly LOZ
and then went
to take it
out to the
store and sold
his ass to
some horny midget
get nutted all
over the place
right after she
cleaned up the
house like she
owned the place
she put her
really large breasts
in the sink
for some reason
that could not
be explained to
anyone except those
dogs who didn't
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