roasting like chestnuts
roasting like chestnuts
Those sizzling nuts,
ached. WHY is
anal probing always
initiated by Nathan
who nevertheless enjoys
using a pineapple
to massage his
Unc Championship Ring....
like a queer
UNC Bball player...
just like LACbodybuilder
with heterosexual intentions
to nail tock
in his ass
in the butt
with his pecker
but then it
broke off because
a giant rutabaga
Isnt as durable
as they should
make them nowaday
Consequently, authorities recommend
they devise a
new method to
satisfy Tock so
a carbon-nanotube dildo
Was Constructed To
pumble his arse
with little effect
on prostate stimulation.
With an insatiable
appetite for homosexual
Juice monkies, with big
wallets and bigger
sex toys to
entice and inflame
buttholes with. Tock
bent over while
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