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Thread: >> Have a girlfriend, but another wants to play ! ! <<

  1. #1
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    >> Have a girlfriend, but another wants to play ! ! <<

    So heres the verdict, I've Been dating this chick for the past 4 months. Yet, 6 months ago this smokin' brunette wanted to jump my bones
    (I've known her for about a year,we never Fvckt, only been friends) but then got all ex-lonely and went back to her boyfriend. so...2 months ago he dumped her, so now shes lonely. Whats hard is that shes been calling me day and night for the past 2 days leaving me voice messages like ::

    "Can you come spend the night?" :spudnik6:

    " I need some help tonight"

    "Can you come over and play tonight?" :spudnikh6

    Have any of you guys ever encountered this before? I would feel all bad n shiet if I cheated, but what should I call her back with???

    I dont think Im the only one thats been in this boat?!?!?!?

  2. #2
    Do you plan on marrying the girl your with?

  3. #3
    ReX357's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grady
    Do you plan on marrying the girl your with?
    I like the way you think

  4. #4
    man i'm in the same situation, i dont know if want to marry this girl. I feel obliged to for some reason due to the situation she is in. But I see all this poontang all day and i'm longing for some strange in the worst way. Dunno what to do. I dont think i can stay married. I need differnet pussy at least 3-5 times a year or i get depressed. anyone feel like they got the personality they like in a girl except you think looks wise you can do better. What is the best thing to do in that situation?

  5. #5
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    I need differant pussy 3-5 times a day! lol j/k.

    I might plan on marrying this chic. no time soon though.

  6. #6
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    im guess im just trippin if she will find out,its virtually impossible but hey YOU NEVER KNOW ! ! !

  7. #7
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    5'5" 36c tight ass,ugghhhhh, way too perfect to pass

  8. #8
    I have a friend who writes articals and gives "sexual advice" this is what he would say. You may find it interesting.

    ...The tendency is for a male to use a female a number of times, and then to discard her.

    Therefore, in order to assess the degree of polygamous behavior of a certain man, we ought not to look at by how many females he is or has been bound into a permanent relationship at any given time, but solely at the number of different sexual partners he has ever had without getting married to.

    For such a statistic, a one-night stand counts more than a lifelong exclusive relationship. It counts more because actually, in many human societies, it is easier to find a wife than a one-night stand (in all of the Middle East), and a man who marries is conceding much more than the one given permission for a single use.

    A man who concedes to the conditions brought about by a marriage typically signs over to his wife much of his wealth and financial independence. Because this kind of behavior does require irrationality, there is, under ordinary circumstances, a high degree of reluctance on the part of men to be available for marriage. A marriage is a victory for the female partner, rather than a male conquest.

    An alpha male, therefore, is defined as a man who gains access, or copulation rights, with as many women as possible, without allowing a woman the victory of becoming a man's wife....

  9. #9
    my problem is i'm with my girl whenever i'm off work. We goto gym together every day and most of the girls i pick up are at my gym. So if suddenly i cant hang out for a few days bells are gonna go off in her head. I got too much of a consiece but then again if it was free pussy no way of getting caught i'd do it in a heartbeat. I'm a horny piece of s**t

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by grady
    I have a friend who writes articals and gives "sexual advice" this is what he would say. You may find it interesting.

    ...The tendency is for a male to use a female a number of times, and then to discard her.

    Therefore, in order to assess the degree of polygamous behavior of a certain man, we ought not to look at by how many females he is or has been bound into a permanent relationship at any given time, but solely at the number of different sexual partners he has ever had without getting married to.

    For such a statistic, a one-night stand counts more than a lifelong exclusive relationship. It counts more because actually, in many human societies, it is easier to find a wife than a one-night stand (in all of the Middle East), and a man who marries is conceding much more than the one given permission for a single use.

    A man who concedes to the conditions brought about by a marriage typically signs over to his wife much of his wealth and financial independence. Because this kind of behavior does require irrationality, there is, under ordinary circumstances, a high degree of reluctance on the part of men to be available for marriage. A marriage is a victory for the female partner, rather than a male conquest.

    An alpha male, therefore, is defined as a man who gains access, or copulation rights, with as many women as possible, without allowing a woman the victory of becoming a man's wife....

    so one night stands are ok, because Im simply not marrying the girl, im only force feeding, where as with my gf, she is really in actuality the real lucky one?? am i getting the jist of this correctly?

  11. #11
    **** em both at the same time

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicRick
    so one night stands are ok, because Im simply not marrying the girl, im only force feeding, where as with my gf, she is really in actuality the real lucky one?? am i getting the jist of this correctly?
    According to him it is the one night stands that count. If you marry the chick she wins you lose. But if you can get sex with less committment on your part... you win.

    He is not a normal counselor. He teaches mind control over women and so on. Basically he is a proffesional player. So he obviously thinks marriage is bad.

    But it depends on what you choose. your going to have to make up your own mind.

  13. #13
    If u ask me f*ck n do it, just make sure ur girl doesn't find out. But again this advice is coming from a guy who can't stay in a relationship over a few month so mayb the wrong person to ask. But if u don't want her pass over here homie n i'll take good care of her just for u

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Be Real
    anyone feel like they got the personality they like in a girl except you think looks wise you can do better. What is the best thing to do in that situation?
    LOL It's happened to me before... I feel like such an asshole. BUT somewhere out there is a total package with looks AND personality.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    My attitude is, "if it stands still long enough then fuk it" !!!!!!!!!!!

  16. #16
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    Whats sucks is when you pass up an opportunity like that, you and your girl end up splitting up a few months later, and your thinking about how you were so stupid for passing that up for the next few years.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    Whats sucks is when you pass up an opportunity like that, you and your girl end up splitting up a few months later, and your thinking about how you were so stupid for passing that up for the next few years.
    No doubt, I am married now (and just fyi i have never cheated) but I have often looked back and thought about all of the hot chicks I could of had sex with and didnt. Now I wish I would of.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by IntensityX
    **** em both at the same time
    You can probably pull this off. Most women I've dated in the past are bi. I believe most women are. Getting them comfortable with it and talking about it is the key.

    Ask you gf if she has ever thought about it (if she hasnt done it already which makes your job real easy). Tell her the truth and that nothing would turn you on more than her going down on this 5 foot 5 hotty. Nothing builds a bond like that. If she's got no hang ups, you my man are golden.

    My wife and I have several gf's and are on the look out for new kat all the time.

    Keeps you from cheating and keeps your wife (GF) happy as well, because as much as men think they are it when it comes to licking the kat, women do it much better. She'll love you for it!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    If u ain't married, you are public property.

    Now get off here and call her back, sh*t!


  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    If u ain't married, you are public property.

    Now get off here and call her back, sh*t!



  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    If u ain't married, you are public property.

    Now get off here and call her back, sh*t!

    this is so true

    go tap that asss

  22. #22
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    ask her to join you and your gf.........

  23. #23
    I say that if you are feeling this way, tell your girl and the other chick. Why live life acting like you (or your girl for that matter) don't feel sexual tensions and feelings for other people. My wife and I have been married for a couple years and were together for 4 years before that. We are open about how we feel and do not lie about any of it. If I see a hot chick I say so, my wife usually is looking as well. So instead of trying to have this honest relationship based on trust but lying the whole time about who you are looking at and what you want to do to them, tell her. You might be suprised. My wife and I decided that we would try swinging and now I wouldn't want to live another way. It's great, and no matter who either one of us have been with we still end up together at the end. Be realistic, everyone has been with someone else and now they are with it about sex or is it about feelings? I say feelings so I don't worry about the sex..... Either way you look at it....GOOD LUCK....JC

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by jc3
    I say that if you are feeling this way, tell your girl and the other chick. Why live life acting like you (or your girl for that matter) don't feel sexual tensions and feelings for other people. My wife and I have been married for a couple years and were together for 4 years before that. We are open about how we feel and do not lie about any of it. If I see a hot chick I say so, my wife usually is looking as well. So instead of trying to have this honest relationship based on trust but lying the whole time about who you are looking at and what you want to do to them, tell her. You might be suprised. My wife and I decided that we would try swinging and now I wouldn't want to live another way. It's great, and no matter who either one of us have been with we still end up together at the end. Be realistic, everyone has been with someone else and now they are with it about sex or is it about feelings? I say feelings so I don't worry about the sex..... Either way you look at it....GOOD LUCK....JC
    I was waiting for your take on this question. Just knowing about your's and your wife's situation I knew you would have some insight.

    Now post some more pics of that broad!!

  25. #25
    LOL monkey...I was wondering if you would catch me here.....

    PS...Looking thick bro

  26. #26
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    Bro, the grass always appears greener.... I would say some serious consideration is in order. You had said that you were only friends mostly due for the fact that she was with someone else. Now, that she got dumped she all the sudden found your number. It is one thing that she is hot, and it is appealing that she is chasing you at the moment. However, do you really think an affair with her would be worth it? Now is the time to weigh your options as your decision will surely have consequences.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by jc3
    My wife and I decided that we would try swinging and now I wouldn't want to live another way. It's great
    I have about a million questions for you right now!!! Not married but seeing someone.....not sure how I could handle seeing her with someone else, of coure if the door is closed I cant see it!!

  28. #28
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    i think the question should be who has not been in this situation. everytime i have had a girlfriend i have been offered outside puss. cheating is just bad karma man dont do it

  29. #29
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    I wouldnt do it, cheating is such a ****ty thing to do to somebody. If you wanna have sex with this other girl then dump your girl then go do it. I mean, would you appreciate her just sport ****ing some other guy behind your back?

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by jc3
    LOL monkey...I was wondering if you would catch me here.....

    PS...Looking thick bro
    Thanks man. I am finishing up my first cycle. 750mg/week of Test E. I picked up more fat than I would have liked. I'm up to 288lbs. I'm hoping to keep most of the LM and cut down to about 270lbs. (approx. 12% bf) before my wedding and honeymoon cruise in May.

  31. #31
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    since you are not married do what you want but be prepared for the consequences

  32. #32
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    how would u feel if ur girl slept with another guy?...

    personally, i think the regret of losing a good relationship because u fooked it up by sleeping with someone else is WAY worse then the regret of not banging some girls you couldve to stay in the good relationshiop...

    in the former, you won't know what could've been, in the latter, you know very well what would've happened...10 seconds of joy and a guilty "OH FOOK!"

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    man i'd tear it up without thinking twice....

    I'm also the fool that ended up with 2 pregnant girls

    Too bad how it ended though...its depressing

    Go hit it from behind...smack her ass once and be like ''whos ur daddy''

  34. #34
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  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReX357

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anteros
    how would u feel if ur girl slept with another guy?...

    personally, i think the regret of losing a good relationship because u fooked it up by sleeping with someone else is WAY worse then the regret of not banging some girls you couldve to stay in the good relationshiop...

    in the former, you won't know what could've been, in the latter, you know very well what would've happened...10 seconds of joy and a guilty "OH FOOK!"

    Ditto ('cept for the 10secs of joy comment)

  37. #37
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  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Ditto ('cept for the 10secs of joy comment)
    lol...i meant the finally itself...not the time needed to get there.

  39. #39
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    When the cat's away, the mice will play.


  40. #40
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    I would call her back and tell her that you are in a commited relationship and to please stop calling. Have a heart, how would you like it if your g/f cheated on you?

    **** you guy's are pathetic excuses for "Men".....
    Last edited by Panzerfaust; 02-08-2005 at 12:21 PM.

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