I'm just a lil guy compared to you. I am 5'5" and weigh 180lbs. I start out at 800lbs on the leg press for 10 reps, then 820lbs for 10 reps, then 830lbs for 10 reps.i have seen many threads on how much can you bench, squat, or deadlift, but how about leg press?
i have just recently got into leg pressing at my new gym, my old one only went up to 500lbs
yesterday i used in the region of 700lbs for 10 reps, but this was on my 4th set (and this was also after 5 sets of hack squats)
i weigh 205 lbs
But this is after I do 3 sets of squats. 375X10, 385X8, 405X4 to 6.
My wife does 300lbs for 10reps on her last set.