What do I have to do to get a concealed weapons permit?
What do I have to do to get a concealed weapons permit?
Depends on the state where you live. crappy answer.. but it's true
In my county, here in cali, it depends on the sheriff.A background check is necessary of course.
Just what we need! A bunch of over aggressive juice heads carrying concealed..........Where do I get that permit again..
I don't know about you, but I'm never aggressive![]()
Here in NC you need to have no felony convictions and pass a background check. After that you need to take some classes for firearm safety and you are good to go. I tried for one when living in NYC and was denied since they actually require you to have a **** good reason (like a club owner picking up the drops) personal protection doesn't cut it in NYC.
You should be able to apply through your police dept, fill out an application, get fingerprinted and pay the fee. Fee usually covers running the fingerprints and your back ground check. If your record is clean you should be gtg.
Well.......that's how it works in WA.
1. Once a cheat always a cheat!
2. YES, SHE can get pregnant the first time!
3. NO, PULLING out IS NOT a RELIABLE method of Birth Control. DAMMMMIT..... Wrap that shyte UP!!
Women over 30 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.
For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free". Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage.
What the mind can conceive....the body will achieve!
hey red meat what state do you live in? Some states dont even have the permit. I got mine in my state and it took 2 days of classes and a lot of waiting for background checks.
what if your prints are already on file, do you need to pay to have them printed again?![]()
probably could look up on the internet at your State or County home page. Criminal background and domestic violence has a lot to do with your availability. In my experience you dont need a conviction just to be denied so be prepared for this. All a gun board needs to see is a string of domestic or battery police reports and you can be denied deeming you will be more harm to the public than good with a CCW.
A board usually pulls reports together from a pool of reports at county level if local departments even send them up. Then a criminal history from fingerprints is sent to State level. A master arrest record is kept usually at your capital or State Police Department.
Together with this information at hand they make a consideration. Cant speak for all states. It's different from state to state.
I just went and took a class.
all i had to do in washington was go to the sherrif's dept, do the fingerprints, and ok the background investigation
Depends on the state, usually requires some sort of saftey course and an FBI background check.
I'm in Pennsylvania. I think all I have to do is fill out some paperwork.
That's why im moving to PA in the near future, stuff is so much easier there.
Originally Posted by redmeat
Yes. I have a CCP and a couple of class III NFA items. I still have to pay for a new set of prints every time I apply for one of these things.Originally Posted by symatech
Not to mention WAIT forever for it. **** the ATF
Originally Posted by Swellin
You got that right! They have had my cash and my info for about 5 & 1/2 months on one....but I don't have it back yet. The last one was in record time...4 months.Originally Posted by bdtr
You lucked out with the 4 months.
Same in SC....Originally Posted by Benches505
Originally Posted by Swellin
Originally Posted by bdtr
Is an FFL required for the class III permit???
Last edited by almostgone; 02-12-2005 at 11:09 PM.
There are two different ways to legally possess a Class II item.Originally Posted by almostgone
The first way is to currently possess an FFL and then apply for a Class III dealer's license. It is expensive and the invegstigative end is exhaustive!
The other option is to simply find a CIII dealer that has what you want in stock and pay him for the item. He will then start the paperwork. You will need to take it home and get the sheriff or the police chief to sign off on you, and you need two passport photos. You will also need a couple of sets of prints. When this paperwork is complete, you will submitt it to the BATFE along with your $200 check for the tax stamp.
Once your paperwork clears the BATFE, they will send it back to your dealer with the stamp. Any time you are in possession of the CIII item, you must have that stamp on your person, along with the copy of the application. Otherwise, you can be punished by 10 years and up to $250k.
The history of the tax stamp for CIII items goes back to the old mobster days. The law did not want tommy guns in the hands of these guys, but they were not officially out lawed at that time. So, they decided to charge them $200 per weapon. You can imagine what this meant in the 30's! It was a fantastic deterrant. However, it did not deter the bad guys, because they wer the only folks with enough money to pay the tax. That same law is still in effect, and the fee has not changed...only the price of the item itself.
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