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Thread: Bros I'm so upset. I have a huge bill that I can't pay

  1. #1

    Bros I'm so upset. I have a huge bill that I can't pay

    So recently my clutch went out. Yesterday I went to go pick up my car and they were just finishing up test driving it. The bill right now was at $943.42. So I get a call while waiting for them to finish and the tranny mechanic goes "You have a blown first gear synchronizer". I don't know what the hell that is so he explains they have to take the tranny out again and get more new parts...

    Bro's this bill is comming to about 2400 dollars I can't ****ing afford. I don't know what the **** to do.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    take out a loan, if you dont have good credit find a co-signer. thats a smaal amount of money u shouldnt have a problem gettin a loan.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Down South-west
    Sorry to hear it Bro. Dam-n car repairs cost a small fortune these days.

    I agree with Maxex - if you don't have the cash or a credit card to pay for it, take out a small loan. Do some research though as there are hugely different terms for borrowing. If credit is a problem you may have to approach friends and/or family to pay for things. Let's face it, you have to your car. Good luck! Let us know what happens.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    credit card. u can get 0% APR for 12-18 monthes on many diff types of credit cards. and many card companies will approve an account within minutes. Amex blue......

    yea messed up synchros bro that sucks...... gotta be a pro for that ****. a clutch job is no big deal but syncrhros is something a seasoned vet needs to look at

  5. #5
    careful man, ask for all the parts. I think I got screwed in college. Paid 600 for a transmission thingie to be fixed, it breaks down the exact same way a week later and the guys wnats another 600 saying its something else. I had no proof so i was screwed but I think he just rigged the first part to work again and charged me for a new part. The 2nd time I asked for my old part back. He could have given me any pile of nuts and bolts though I wouldnt have a clue. But thats a trick that mechanics do. I know my ex gf's dad was a big crook that makde 500,000 a year pulling this crap out of a little tiny body shop. He only reported like 50K on his taxes. He would get you in a with a cheap bid then claim all sorts of things wrong with your car and keep acting like hes fixing stuff when in reality it was just fine. Then in the end he would charge a big bill and he basically got away with it and make money since he didnt have to pay for any parts etc and the money was going into his pocket tax free.

  6. #6
    tell them not to fix it yet. you just have to be careful with it and do not shift into first gear until you are fully stopped. if you have ever driven a truck with a four-speed that has granny-low, first gear isn't even synchro'd

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by zuke
    tell them not to fix it yet. you just have to be careful with it and do not shift into first gear until you are fully stopped. if you have ever driven a truck with a four-speed that has granny-low, first gear isn't even synchro'd
    Agree. Dont have them fix it yet. Thats alot of money for car repair. I mean ALOT. I've always said its cheaper to buy a new car than to own an older car.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by zuke
    tell them not to fix it yet. you just have to be careful with it and do not shift into first gear until you are fully stopped. if you have ever driven a truck with a four-speed that has granny-low, first gear isn't even synchro'd

    First time he posted how his tranny gave out he said he shifted into 1st gear, thats the first thing i asked him was WHY! I never shift into 1st and VERY rarely down shift into 2nd. If I do I gotta be going at least 10 MPH

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Bro, is the work already done? Is it the NVT350 tranny?

    If not, get one from PhxReTrans out of Phoenix, AZ. They only cost $700..... and come with a 12mth/12kMile warranty...

    Call them @ 623-936-1500

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    OZ via NZ
    Quote Originally Posted by Blown_SC
    Bro, is the work already done? Is it the NVT350 tranny?

    If not, get one from PhxReTrans out of Phoenix, AZ. They only cost $700..... and come with a 12mth/12kMile warranty...

    Call them @ 623-936-1500
    Blowns onto it(for once ) theres no shame getting a recond one and if your not mechanically minded get the workshop to put it in for a labour only charge, that way you get the gaskets, trans oil etc, and theres no bull **** mark ups.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitman
    Blowns onto it(for once ) theres no shame getting a recond one and if your not mechanically minded get the workshop to put it in for a labour only charge, that way you get the gaskets, trans oil etc, and theres no bull **** mark ups.
    Yes, plus, that company is one of the FEW around that do it for that cheap (that model of trans. that is)...

  12. #12
    i have driven beaters that needed synchros, as long as you know that you can't rod the piss out of it, you can get a lot of miles out of the tranny still. like i said before, no downshifting to 1st until you are fully stopped...

  13. #13
    Well hes going to give me the final estimate monday. I think I'm going to just have him do the work cause I am so car stupid I don't want to blow my tranny. Which credit cards are easy to get with decent APR? My other card is maxxed...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    on top of your sister
    Quote Originally Posted by MER
    Which credit cards are easy to get with decent APR? My other card is maxxed...
    CapitalOne is a good card. My APR is 7%. I got it when I was 19 years old too.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2004
    San Diego
    Quote Originally Posted by Be Real
    First time he posted how his tranny gave out he said he shifted into 1st gear, thats the first thing i asked him was WHY! I never shift into 1st and VERY rarely down shift into 2nd. If I do I gotta be going at least 10 MPH
    uhh, the point of a clutch is what? There is no reason you can't down shift while moving as long as the clutch is down. Unless you got some peice of trash, it shouldnt be a problem. Just dont be doing like 2,000 RPMS in 2nd and think it would be a good idea to shift into first and let the clutch out.

    I guess ive only driven high end sports cars for my stick experiences.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotron
    uhh, the point of a clutch is what? There is no reason you can't down shift while moving as long as the clutch is down. Unless you got some peice of trash, it shouldnt be a problem. Just dont be doing like 2,000 RPMS in 2nd and think it would be a good idea to shift into first and let the clutch out.

    I guess ive only driven high end sports cars for my stick experiences.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2004
    San Diego
    Quote Originally Posted by Be Real
    There is nothing wrong with down shifting, given that your transmission is geared correctly. Meh, im tired.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotron
    There is nothing wrong with down shifting, given that your transmission is geared correctly. Meh, im tired.
    if his first gear synchros are out, he will grind the $hit out of the gears.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    thats a ripoff, if you pay that guy to do that, please ask him for a free tub of ky jelly

    ive had a first syn replaced for $240 before, ive had entire transmissions rebuilt with 70K warranty for $700

  20. #20
    when two gears are moving at different speeds and you try to mesh them, bad things can happen... your synchros are supposed to keep you from having to grind the gears when shifting. normally, you can downshift with no problem as long as you aren't going way too fast for that gear. even if you are completely stopped, with the synchro out, you might have to release the clutch a little just to get it to pop into gear.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    once, i had a diagnosed blow 2ng gear syn. they wanted like 350 to fix it. i doubted it and looked into it more and turned out to be that i bent the shifter handle powerclutching it into

    cost 50 bux to fix

    get more opinions at least

    mom n pop shops will be cheaper

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    How much is the car worth? You could buy a used car for half that price.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    geo metro used...500 buks

    you can get an older jeep that runs fine for that price too

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Ive forgotten more things about cars than the average joe knows, and thats a ripoff.

    You can get a rebuilt tranny for 500-800, like Billy said.

    2000 for a friggin synchro is insane. Tell him to suck wind, pay your clutch bill, and forget dealing with him.

    And if you recall, in your last post about asking how much it would be for the clutch, i told you it would be about $1000.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    hell 943 is a ripoff for a clutch

    new one is anywhere from 80-150 at the parts store

    shouldnt take someone that knows what they are doing and has a shop with a lift more than an hour to do it

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Billy_Bathgate
    geo metro used...500 buks

    yeah but who can fit into one of those

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    yo be real, is that a chick in your avatar or a gyno case?

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by redmeat
    yeah but who can fit into one of those
    chop it and sit in the back seat

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Billy_Bathgate
    chop it and sit in the back seat

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    man thats way too much, my bro does tranny work and it shouldnt even be half that...

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Sucks bro, i got an over do dentist bill from last year. I really should pay that.

  32. #32
    chinups Guest
    CHIN THE DENTIST!!! At the dentist to the chin board!!!

    C=can't H=have I=It N=never

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