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Thread: I have decided to give up...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canada eh

    Exclamation I have decided to give up...

    That's right.. I am giving up on the dating game.. I don't care if I die single. I am sick of being taken advantage of. I am sick of women who only care about themselves. No I am not gay but I am def sick of women! I am becoming a Monk and removing myself from society!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Bad weekend I take it.

  3. #3
    Just go pull one down and you'll be ok......

    Take it easy man.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canada eh
    Consider this my resignation form.. **** it

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Heart of Dixie
    Quote Originally Posted by jc3
    Just go pull one down and you'll be ok......

    Take it easy man.....
    You wouldn't be suggesting he...

    Peel the Chili,
    Spank the monkey,
    rub one out?

    Would you?!

    Needsmore.....this is sound advice. Works for me anyway.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    Find one strait out of the mental hospital... They are usually so out of it they cannot even speak, but did you really want to hear her talk anyway?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Monkeytown
    You wouldn't be suggesting he...

    Peel the Chili,
    Spank the monkey,
    rub one out?

    Would you?!

    Needsmore.....this is sound advice. Works for me anyway.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canada eh
    Quote Originally Posted by Monkeytown
    You wouldn't be suggesting he...

    Peel the Chili,
    Spank the monkey,
    rub one out?

    Would you?!

    Needsmore.....this is sound advice. Works for me anyway.
    Yea I did lol it doesnt help.. Honestly im not trying to sound like im all that, but I am the nicest, most trustworthy guy I know, and what do I get.. stupid bitches

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by needmorestrength
    Yea I did lol it doesnt help.. Honestly im not trying to sound like im all that, but I am the nicest, most trustworthy guy I know, and what do I get.. stupid bitches

    I don't know where you are finding these women. But where ever this may be, try somewhere different. Go to where honest and trustworthy people church or some sort of community help groups. They will more than likely be harder to f*ck, but that doesn't seem to be what you are looking for as the most important factor. Good luck man...don't give up just change it up....JC

  10. #10
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    Heart of Dixie
    Quote Originally Posted by needmorestrength
    Yea I did lol it doesnt help.. Honestly im not trying to sound like im all that, but I am the nicest, most trustworthy guy I know, and what do I get.. stupid bitches
    Bro, I've been there. Actually he ones I got weren't stupid, just psycho. Like the stalker type. Go on 3 dates and they love me, wanna move in together and have babies.

    Also, I thought I was the nicest, most trustworthy guy you knew?!
    That's it, I'm cutting you off. From now on JohnnyT is gonna have to do all of the spitting in the gym!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Canada eh
    Quote Originally Posted by jc3
    I don't know where you are finding these women. But where ever this may be, try somewhere different. Go to where honest and trustworthy people church or some sort of community help groups. They will more than likely be harder to f*ck, but that doesn't seem to be what you are looking for as the most important factor. Good luck man...don't give up just change it up....JC
    well this one that I was so hyped over I met at church .. I don't pick up bar chicks they arn't my type anymore

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canada eh
    Quote Originally Posted by Monkeytown
    Bro, I've been there. Actually he ones I got weren't stupid, just psycho. Like the stalker type. Go on 3 dates and they love me, wanna move in together and have babies.

    Also, I thought I was the nicest, most trustworthy guy you knew?!
    That's it, I'm cutting you off. From now on JohnnyT is gonna have to do all of the spitting in the gym!!
    ha I've had the stalkers too! Sorry man you know your still my main man

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by needmorestrength
    well this one that I was so hyped over I met at church .. I don't pick up bar chicks they arn't my type anymore

    Well then, swear the b*tches off and be done with it. You have no luck and it doesn't see to be going anywhere. Become a least you should learn some bad*ss martial arts.....

    J/K....Gotta keep on keepin' on.....

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by needmorestrength
    Yea I did lol it doesnt help.. Honestly im not trying to sound like im all that, but I am the nicest, most trustworthy guy I know, and what do I get.. stupid bitches
    That is part of the problem Bro. Girls really don't want a nice guy even if they say they do. You can't treat them like crap need to find the middle ground.

  15. #15
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    Heart of Dixie
    Quote Originally Posted by needmorestrength
    well this one that I was so hyped over I met at church .. I don't pick up bar chicks they arn't my type anymore
    Oh man! Are you talking about the chick that was visiting her family or something and was coming to your church? I remember reading a post about it last week. Sounded liek you were pretty stoked about her. What happened Bro?

  16. #16
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    Canada eh
    Quote Originally Posted by Monkeytown
    Oh man! Are you talking about the chick that was visiting her family or something and was coming to your church? I remember reading a post about it last week. Sounded liek you were pretty stoked about her. What happened Bro?
    That was her bro. I have liked her for so long. What happened? I happened!! We were out friday night with some pps and she was acting so high and self righteous.. She was pointing out things that I do that bothers her, nagging wasnt fun at all

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by jc3
    Well then, swear the b*tches off and be done with it. You have no luck and it doesn't see to be going anywhere. Become a least you should learn some bad*ss martial arts.....

    J/K....Gotta keep on keepin' on.....
    Thats it, my new name is WHITE NINJA

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    I agree with JC3. The bar dating is bad. Look else where bro. Try a book store or the like, the majority of women you will meet and hook up with in a bar are not worth it! I’m 37 married and glad I’m not in that game any more.

    A family member of ours was planning on getting married when he returned from his tour of duty. He introduced her to everyone at the Christmas party last year . She was showing off the ring he got her. While he’s gone in the middle of war he gets a Dear John letter. She couldn’t wait for him anymore. I tell you women can be evil just evil…

    That includes my lovely wife sometimes…..

  19. #19
    White Ninja say...

    "Is sometimes better to be with hot towel and vaseline than to be with cold woman and an unopened rubber."

    I don't know what this means, but it's what came to

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Canada eh
    Quote Originally Posted by profbiv
    I agree with JC3. The bar dating is bad. Look else where bro. Try a book store or the like, the majority of women you will meet and hook up with in a bar are not worth it! I’m 37 married and glad I’m not in that game any more.

    A family member of ours was planning on getting married when he returned from his tour of duty. He introduced her to everyone at the Christmas party last year . She was showing off the ring he got her. While he’s gone in the middle of war he gets a Dear John letter. She couldn’t wait for him anymore. I tell you women can be evil just evil…

    That includes my lovely wife sometimes…..

    That sucks.. But as I said I don't pick up bar chicks

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Heart of Dixie
    Quote Originally Posted by jc3
    White Ninja say...

    "Is sometimes better to be with hot towel and vaseline than to be with cold woman and an unopened rubber."

    I don't know what this means, but it's what came to

    Hahahaha!! A friend of mine used to work as a counselor at a Boy's home for juvenile deliquents. Those horny bastards used to fvck towels with vaseline. ****, they used a girls name for it too, like Nancy or Mary. I thought it was funniest thing.

  22. #22
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    Canada eh
    Quote Originally Posted by jc3
    White Ninja say...

    "Is sometimes better to be with hot towel and vaseline than to be with cold woman and an unopened rubber."

    I don't know what this means, but it's what came to
    Lol not sure either funny though

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jc3
    White Ninja say...

    "Is sometimes better to be with hot towel and vaseline than to be with cold woman and an unopened rubber."

    I don't know what this means, but it's what came to


    Needsmore, come on bro you will get one some day..

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    ACLU headquarters
    Well you have to look at it this way. There is a reason that you haven't found a suitable woman. You haven't met her yet. When you sacrifice quality for quantity you are bound to suffer. It is worth it in my opinion.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by GetinBig

    Needsmore, come on bro you will get one some day..
    thanx man I hope so

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1victor
    Well you have to look at it this way. There is a reason that you haven't found a suitable woman. You haven't met her yet. When you sacrifice quality for quantity you are bound to suffer. It is worth it in my opinion.
    yea i agree..just wondering if i will ever meet her

  27. #27
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    You will , probably in the weirdest way posible. I met my wife, she was a temp secretary for a company my company had just bought out. I was transferred in for the transition and she was only to be there for a couple of months. She asked ME out on a date. 6 years later here I is!

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1victor
    You will , probably in the weirdest way posible. I met my wife, she was a temp secretary for a company my company had just bought out. I was transferred in for the transition and she was only to be there for a couple of months. She asked ME out on a date. 6 years later here I is!
    Good to hear, they say you find love when you least expect it... Well I least expect right now lol

  29. #29
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    The thing is (hard to do) to come to terms with being the lone gunman. I was the third wheel for years because I never had a serious relationship. I made up my mind what I was looking for and stuck to my guns. It was lonely AT LOT but after a while I found it to be a very noble way of life. Anyone can bounce from woman to woman and relationship to relationship, it takes conviction to stand your ground and suffer for what you feel is worth while. The way I saw it most women weren't worthy of my time. Every time I went through a break up it took something away from me, I was not willing to lose anything more for a piece off ass.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    give 'em up for lent

  31. #31
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    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Monkeytown
    Hahahaha!! A friend of mine used to work as a counselor at a Boy's home for juvenile deliquents. Those horny bastards used to fvck towels with vaseline. ****, they used a girls name for it too, like Nancy or Mary. I thought it was funniest thing.
    Was watching "Me, Myself, and Irene" DVD...deleted scenes.

    Jim Carrey put a watermelon in the oven and heated it to approximately body temperature and then punched a penis-sized hole it in and hammered it

    Sounds better than vaseline o wise White Ninja

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    not where I want to be
    Quote Originally Posted by 1victor
    The thing is (hard to do) to come to terms with being the lone gunman. I was the third wheel for years because I never had a serious relationship. I made up my mind what I was looking for and stuck to my guns. It was lonely AT LOT but after a while I found it to be a very noble way of life. Anyone can bounce from woman to woman and relationship to relationship, it takes conviction to stand your ground and suffer for what you feel is worth while. The way I saw it most women weren't worthy of my time. Every time I went through a break up it took something away from me, I was not willing to lose anything more for a piece off ass.
    whats goin on man I agree with all your posts in here! i better check out the window for upside down tornadoes or something

    Yeah man you can't give up yet, being alone sucks, and being with chicks that don't respect you sucks. In fact, more often than not, life sucks, but the good times make it all worth living. But ya gotta stick it out to get to the good times.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1victor
    The thing is (hard to do) to come to terms with being the lone gunman. I was the third wheel for years because I never had a serious relationship. I made up my mind what I was looking for and stuck to my guns. It was lonely AT LOT but after a while I found it to be a very noble way of life. Anyone can bounce from woman to woman and relationship to relationship, it takes conviction to stand your ground and suffer for what you feel is worth while. The way I saw it most women weren't worthy of my time. Every time I went through a break up it took something away from me, I was not willing to lose anything more for a piece off ass.
    Hmm thanx man that really helps!

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    gay boy

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    whats goin on man I agree with all your posts in here! i better check out the window for upside down tornadoes or something

    Yeah man you can't give up yet, being alone sucks, and being with chicks that don't respect you sucks. In fact, more often than not, life sucks, but the good times make it all worth living. But ya gotta stick it out to get to the good times.
    ya your right thanx.... if I happen to drive off a bridge it was an accident

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by needmorestrength
    Yea I did lol it doesnt help.. Honestly im not trying to sound like im all that, but I am the nicest, most trustworthy guy I know, and what do I get.. stupid bitches

    Sounds like me as well hence the reason i have gotten **** on. I work with two chicks that get treated like dog **** (one physically) and they eat it up it seems, of course they say they don't like it bla bla bla...but they sure in the hell are not in any hurry to leave them.

    So until me and you decide to treat women like ****, we are ****ed!

    Sad But True!

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by MESSY_UK
    gay boy
    Ahh shut up wanker.. you shouldnt be posting your too busy for us

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    Sounds like me as well hence the reason i have gotten **** on. I work with two chisck that get treated like dog **** and they eat it up it seems, of course they say they don't like it bla bla bla...but they sure in the hell are not in any hurry to leave them.

    So until me and you decide to treat women like ****, we are ****ed!

    Sad But True!
    yup..but id rather not treat em like crap, because then I would feel like crap and what good is that.. haha although right now I feel kinda crappy

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    not where I want to be
    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    Sounds like me as well hence the reason i have gotten **** on. I work with two chicks that get treated like dog **** (one physically) and they eat it up it seems, of course they say they don't like it bla bla bla...but they sure in the hell are not in any hurry to leave them.

    So until me and you decide to treat women like ****, we are ****ed!

    Sad But True!
    yup, it's no fun being in that club. I'll never understand women

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by needmorestrength
    Ahh shut up wanker.. you shouldnt be posting your too busy for us

    Awwwwwwwwww! Are you feeling left out?

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