So I have been out of the game (life) for one week nursing a blood clot in my left leg. All is going well and I am about 75-80% back to normal. I was laid up on my back with my leg up on the couch for 4 days straight all whacked out on blood thinners and anti-inflammatories...that sucks a$$. It took a lot not to eat a lot of garbage food too. Anyway, I got Xbox Live to get me through it (the evenings anyway) could spend hours on Xbox Live playin Halo is pretty fun man. I wasted hours and hours playing...I was up till 2am almost every night that I was off...I could not sleep due to the naps during the day. I am supposed to be at home today too, but the days at home lying on the couch are killing kids (aged 4 and 1) were home all day so I was lying there watching Elmo and Dora all day long.
Anyway, anyone on here still getting together to play? I saw an old thread, but I was not sure if anyone here was still into it?