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Thread: Pizza Place Beatdown

  1. #1

    Pizza Place Beatdown

    i found this interesting... video link at bottom

    AKRONOhio - A brutal beating was caught on tape at an Akron pizza parlor, and now the man responsible is heading to jail. Mark Jones, a 35-year-old Akron man and former convict, was found guilty of felonious assault, and was sentenced to four years in prison.

    The incident began when Prestia Sims cut in line in front of Joseph Scarpino at DaVinci's in downtown Akron last July.

    SLIDESHOW:Pizza Parlor Beating

    Scarpino told his fianc? on his cell phone that it may take a little longer to get their pizza, and Sims overheard him.

    Security video then shows Sims, infuriated by the comment, begin a long tirade at Scarpino. She swore at him, and even spat at a manager who tried to kick her out.

    Then, Sims' boyfriend, 35-year-old Mark Jones, stepped in.

    Jones, who is 6 feet 4 inches and weighs 295 pounds, hit Scarpino at least seven times, while onlookers watched, doing nothing.

    When it was over, Jones rolled Scarpino over and retrieved a cell phone he had dropped in the beating.

    Even then, other customers did little to help as Scarpino nursed a broken eye socket, nose, a concussion and a chipped tooth.

    Sims, who is also charged with felonious assault, is scheduled to go to trial March 16.

    some people are pathetic. those people were lookin to cause trouble

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    There were so many people in that ****en place and nobody did ****...... nobody wants to help anybody these days..... yeah the black was huge but you can tell from the video there were a few bigger guys in there just standing doing nothing. I'd feel really good if it was me on the floor and nobody did anything to help

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Good for him, 4 more years behind bars.

    He probably has NO SKILLS to make it in real life, and prison is his natural habitat.

    Hope they send the b*tch with him.

    Those kinds of people are easily expendable.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    That was a **** good beatin dished out, heavy right hand, impressive for a pizza shop but i've seen better. Too bad it wasn't warrented, if i were in the shop i think I would have clobered the woman screaming and spitting.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Mental Institution
    I have a bigger issue with the seven guys just standing there not doing anything.

    Not Cool......

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    What a dumbass....oh well...stupid people belong in jail anyway. ow if they put the woman who spit on the manager in jail that'll be like adding ice cream to the cake. What surprises me is that the manager of the store wasn't on the phone to the police.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I'm honestly surprised he survived this, it makes me sick to watch actually. I can't stand seeing someone minding his own buisness, about to go home to his girl or anything like that just get absolutely traumatized (which he will remember for life) by some ****ing out of touch criminal. I'd love to be in his cell with him, i'd show him how bitches are made. That poor guy's life could literally be ruined now over that one incident. You gotta remember, not everyone is a fighter, and if you don't have a fighting spirit and something like this happens to you, you're going to be scared of everything for the rest of your life.

    People don't take into consideration what a beating like that will do to a person other than physical damage. When i was younger, i'd fight at the drop of a hat. Someone said a quick remark about me, i heard someone was saying something about me to someone else, hell even someone bump into me and say "exuse you" would warrent a beating. Then you grow up and realize that these things can impact a persons entire life. Don't get me wrong, what was in the video was nothing I would never do, it's just plain vile, however growing up I realize that these are human beings and unless they do something pretty terrible to me, there is no point in risking ruining someones life. You only get one chance at life, i'd hate to lay in bed at night and think about lives i could have ruined, It would haunt me.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Shame noone did anything.... Somone could have cracked the guy in the head with something if they were scared wtf

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Diesel
    I have a bigger issue with the seven guys just standing there not doing anything.

    Not Cool......
    No doubt....there were plenty of guys in there. All it would have taken was for one to jump in and the others to pile on. Garantee you if that was one of my buds that the guy hit like that he's have at least four sets of fists heading his way.

    Anyone of you guys have brass knuckles....I have a set on my key chain. Their illeagle here in FL but if you drill a hole in them and place a key ring on it then their not. Carry them everywhere....I've been sucker punched one too many times not too.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Juggy, be careful with brass knucks. You hit someone with em even if its in self defense it's a felony, trust me. Also be careful of your hand, if they fit wrong, you're in for some pain.. trust me once again, i've broken my hand too many times this way when i was younger. That being said i got the meat tenderizers from, they weigh so god**** much though. Never carry em, I can punch hard enough, don't want to kill someone.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    The GYM
    Ive got some knuckles. The worst part is it looked like the black lady actually started it. She was ranting and raving before her boy even got in. She was spitting on the manager for crying out loud. Someone should have hit them both with a pizza pan.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Mental Institution
    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    I'm honestly surprised he survived this, it makes me sick to watch actually. I can't stand seeing someone minding his own buisness, about to go home to his girl or anything like that just get absolutely traumatized (which he will remember for life) by some ****ing out of touch criminal. I'd love to be in his cell with him, i'd show him how bitches are made. That poor guy's life could literally be ruined now over that one incident. You gotta remember, not everyone is a fighter, and if you don't have a fighting spirit and something like this happens to you, you're going to be scared of everything for the rest of your life.

    People don't take into consideration what a beating like that will do to a person other than physical damage. When i was younger, i'd fight at the drop of a hat. Someone said a quick remark about me, i heard someone was saying something about me to someone else, hell even someone bump into me and say "exuse you" would warrent a beating. Then you grow up and realize that these things can impact a persons entire life. Don't get me wrong, what was in the video was nothing I would never do, it's just plain vile, however growing up I realize that these are human beings and unless they do something pretty terrible to me, there is no point in risking ruining someones life. You only get one chance at life, i'd hate to lay in bed at night and think about lives i could have ruined, It would haunt me.

    Agree 100%.

    **** BD, that was kind of deep for you. lol

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Mental Institution
    Honestly, Fighter or not.....That was one hell of a first shot and would be tough to overcome for most people.

    That is something I would have had to step in on if I were there. Whether I knew the guy getting beat down or not.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    Juggy, be careful with brass knucks. You hit someone with em even if its in self defense it's a felony, trust me. Also be careful of your hand, if they fit wrong, you're in for some pain.. trust me once again, i've broken my hand too many times this way when i was younger. That being said i got the meat tenderizers from, they weigh so god**** much though. Never carry em, I can punch hard enough, don't want to kill someone.
    I'm not a head shot kinda guy.....broken ribs mean no air which means no fight. My goal in a fight is to make the other guy stop....I'm not looking to inflict damage. I know about the broken hand with BK's.....first time I really used them I ****ed my hand up big time.

    If I can't get the guy stopped by taking out a few ribs then I drop them on the ground and move the party upstairs for the head shots.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    I hate being stereotypical, but the two look like they belong in the ghetto, the woman fits the stereotype perfectly. Had they been white I would've said perfect trailer trash material. Stereotypes exist for a reason I guess

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    It comes from experience. When i was 18 I got into a scrap with a guy, 20 years old if i remember correctly. It was over some stupid barroom crap, although he seriously provoked it, going to the point of spitting in my face and hitting me. Well I hit him back, he hit the floor and didn't wake up for two weeks. Turns out he was a college student on an academic scholarship who had just a bit too much to drink that night. He had to drop out of school, his short term memory is garbage and has problems getting thoughts out of his head out his mouth, it's painfuly frustraiting for him. That was 7 years ago and to this day i send him a fairly large blank money order every month trying to buy a little bit of my soul back for that one. I plan to do so as long as I can find him. I'll never tell him who's sending it, but I think he knows.

    Quote Originally Posted by Diesel
    Agree 100%.

    **** BD, that was kind of deep for you. lol

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Diesel
    Agree 100%.

    **** BD, that was kind of deep for you. lol
    D, I think our bro is growing up so fast.......just last week he was only 23! My how time flies. hahahahaha

    Seriously b, that is pretty deep. Looks as though wisdom is coming along with old age for you my brother. I say that because for a lot of men out there old age comes alone.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    the first hit was quite a shot. it s a shame that nobody stepped up. that guy was more fat than anything else.
    I m wondering that nobody pulled a gun when I m reading here I get the impressions that everybody seems to be strapped. may be I just read to much of bdtr`s postings

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Mental Institution
    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    It comes from experience. When i was 18 I got into a scrap with a guy, 20 years old if i remember correctly. It was over some stupid barroom crap, although he seriously provoked it, going to the point of spitting in my face and hitting me. Well I hit him back, he hit the floor and didn't wake up for two weeks. Turns out he was a college student on an academic scholarship who had just a bit too much to drink that night. He had to drop out of school, his short term memory is garbage and has problems getting thoughts out of his head out his mouth, it's painfuly frustraiting for him. That was 7 years ago and to this day i send him a fairly large blank money order every month trying to buy a little bit of my soul back for that one. I plan to do so as long as I can find him. I'll never tell him who's sending it, but I think he knows.
    That's cool.

    You better stop posting this stuff otherwise you are going to ruin your reputation. hahaha

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Da*m we think alike sometimes....

    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Good for him, 4 more years behind bars.

    He probably has NO SKILLS to make it in real life, and prison is his natural habitat.

    Hope they send the b*tch with him.

    Those kinds of people are easily expendable.


  21. #21
    Swellin Guest
    How hard is it to land a devastating first lick when somebody is looking down at their cell phone and they have no idea the blow is coming? Anybody got kids? They can hurt you when you don't know it's coming.

    That POS should rot in prison, alongside the whore in the restaraunt.

    Those of you being critical of the bystanders...I understand the point, but think about it. They were witnessing a pretty severe beat down, and did not want it to happen to them. While they might have been thinking they needed to help the guy, they had no idea if anybody else in there would help them. Because they stood by, you know there was not a fighter in the we are talking about people who would have ended up in the hospital next to this guy if several of them didn't jump in.

    I am certainly not condoning their actions. They should have helped. Then they should have pummeled the crazy bitch too.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Yeah that wasn't really to cool... I've been to Cleveland it's a laid back
    city, so I'm not all that surprised to be honest though... Before anyone
    decides to kill me about that it's NOT a KNOCK on Cleveland at all, but
    I found it to be true, at least to me... and by Laid Back I mean no one
    jumping in is not surprising to me... Most places that would not happen...

    Quote Originally Posted by Diesel
    I have a bigger issue with the seven guys just standing there not doing anything.

    Not Cool......
    Last edited by Jack87; 02-22-2005 at 08:19 AM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Zagreb, Croatia
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Good for him, 4 more years behind bars.

    He probably has NO SKILLS to make it in real life, and prison is his natural habitat.

    Hope they send the b*tch with him.

    Those kinds of people are easily expendable.

    Exactly, very well said.

    Filthy fat skank just got irritated coz' she was waiting for the pizza too long.

    If the fat loser wasn't with her she'd be quiet as a mouse.I hate women that stir up troublejust because they know their man will defend them.I had 2 gf that constantly pulled crap like that, dumped both their a$$es!

    And as for nobody doing nothing - I'm not even suprised anymore.We live in a world where nobody gives a **** about anybody but themselves anymore!

    The whole thing pisses me off

    And BDTR, very good call on the sending that dude money, shows a lot of class, I might be wrong about you afterall

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Northern Ireland
    **** that guy deserves to be in prison, that sick! i hate the way some people think they can go about doing that, that black guy didnt know who he was messing with, and it pisses me off that he only got 4 years (though this is long)

    i dont know what prison is like in the USA, but my brother was in prison here and im telling you it isnt bad! he got 2 years and he was working out, playing football (soccer), getting good meals etc. and yet us tax payers have to pay for that!

    prison shud b basic, bread and water, no covers for beds. people who get sent away need to learn to respect life and others, and need to live in the **** to realise how goo things used to be

    hope he gets longer after a review or something

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Pissing on saluu
    18 years ago I was in a pizza place and a big mf'r came in and demanded money. He did not have a gun and at that time I did not either. My girlfriend was a year younger than me and she started crying and the whole place was silent and letting it happen. I took a fork and bent down the two end pieces so it would not slip out of my hand, the guy was threating to beat the ladies head into the register until it opened and I came up behind him and was going to stab him in the head, but he moved and it went into his trap. I could not pull the sob out. He turned around and the only thing that popped into my mind was to poke out his eyes, instead I luckily grabbed an eyelid and pulled that sob with all my might. This guy intead of punching me out ( he was about 50 lbs heavier than me ), he started crying saying he would leave if I would not rip his lid off. Even though I was trying to do just that I said I would not if he calmly walked to the door with me(he still had a fork in his trap and he was worried about his eyes)... My girlfriend gave up some that night, after the police questioned me and was debating on taking me in for assault. Can you imagine they wanted to arrest me? All the witnesses then started to come to someones defense - mine. Thank GOD! Some people came up to me and actually thanked me.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Pissing on saluu
    Quote Originally Posted by Swellin
    Those of you being critical of the bystanders...I understand the point, but think about it. They were witnessing a pretty severe beat down, and did not want it to happen to them. While they might have been thinking they needed to help the guy, they had no idea if anybody else in there would help them. Because they stood by, you know there was not a fighter in the we are talking about people who would have ended up in the hospital next to this guy if several of them didn't jump in.
    So true, people get scared, or things happen because they are not aware of their surrounding therefor may not even know what is going on. #1 always be in a state of awareness about your surrounding as this will help you get out of them or have a plan if things do go bad. I learned that through a close quarters combat handgun course.

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    San Diego
    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    That was a **** good beatin dished out, heavy right hand, impressive for a pizza shop but i've seen better. Too bad it wasn't warrented, if i were in the shop i think I would have clobered the woman screaming and spitting.
    What? The other guy didn't fight back, that guy is so freaking slow to his punch.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotron
    What? The other guy didn't fight back, that guy is so freaking slow to his punch.
    While the black guy might have been slow he was also powerful and clocked the other guy while he was looking down at his phone. The victim was seeing stars after that first punch and the big boy didn't give him time to get his senses back. Big fat people like that are hard to size up! they come in very different densities and while one can be a weak butter ball another can be just as powerful as a muscle head his own weight.

    4 years on a violent offense means the big boy is going to do 85% of that time. There is always someone who is bigger, stronger or worse yet, crazier than "you". That guys life is crap and he had nothing to lose and when he gets out he will have even less to lose and probably do something even nuttier. He might end up starting a fight with a 5 ft 2 130 lb mexican next time and end up getting sliced open like a pig. I've seen it before

  29. #29
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    San Diego
    Quote Originally Posted by Benches505
    While the black guy might have been slow he was also powerful and clocked the other guy while he was looking down at his phone. The victim was seeing stars after that first punch and the big boy didn't give him time to get his senses back. Big fat people like that are hard to size up! they come in very different densities and while one can be a weak butter ball another can be just as powerful as a muscle head his own weight.

    4 years on a violent offense means the big boy is going to do 85% of that time. There is always someone who is bigger, stronger or worse yet, crazier than "you". That guys life is crap and he had nothing to lose and when he gets out he will have even less to lose and probably do something even nuttier. He might end up starting a fight with a 5 ft 2 130 lb mexican next time and end up getting sliced open like a pig. I've seen it before
    Yea, he was definatly a big fella with a strong punch, but he is also very slow. I came to enjoy those types of people in boxing. Too bad there was not much space to move around.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I can't argue with anything you said brotha... Most people are shocked
    when they see some **** like that and just stand there, not to many are
    wired up to act without thinking... I've been in a few bad spots and to be
    really honest if I thought about what I was doing I might have been just
    like one of those bystanders too... But I'm not wired up that way... Not
    saying it's good to be either...

    Quote Originally Posted by Swellin
    How hard is it to land a devastating first lick when somebody is looking down at their cell phone and they have no idea the blow is coming? Anybody got kids? They can hurt you when you don't know it's coming.

    That POS should rot in prison, alongside the whore in the restaraunt.

    Those of you being critical of the bystanders...I understand the point, but think about it. They were witnessing a pretty severe beat down, and did not want it to happen to them. While they might have been thinking they needed to help the guy, they had no idea if anybody else in there would help them. Because they stood by, you know there was not a fighter in the we are talking about people who would have ended up in the hospital next to this guy if several of them didn't jump in.

    I am certainly not condoning their actions. They should have helped. Then they should have pummeled the crazy bitch too.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    That guy that got hit was knocked out on his feet after the 1st punch...
    That's pretty clear... Happened to me once when I got hit with a brick..
    I didn't go down, but I was seeing black for about 20 secs...

    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotron
    What? The other guy didn't fight back, that guy is so freaking slow to his punch.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    May 2004
    San Diego
    Quote Originally Posted by buff87
    That guy that got hit was knocked out on his feet after the 1st punch...
    That's pretty clear... Happened to me once when I got hit with a brick..
    I didn't go down, but I was seeing black for about 20 secs...
    That's just the first thing that comes to mind, watched a lot of fights.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    How many of us here pay close attention to what and who are around us at all times? I freakin watch everyone like a never know when someone going to freak out and it pays to be prepared.

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    San Diego
    Quote Originally Posted by Juggernaut
    How many of us here pay close attention to what and who are around us at all times? I freakin watch everyone like a never know when someone going to freak out and it pays to be prepared.
    Haha, I do, im pretty much locked on to movements that are looking akward. Unless some hot chick walks by, then i lose focus. Like neo in matrix 1 with the girl in red.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    What a bunch of PUSSIES.. Just standing there...

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    The pathetic thing is, if someone stepped in and helped the guy, and hurt the assailant, the cops would probably haul them in too, and then they'd get sued by the black guy.

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    the knowwhich1
    Quote Originally Posted by buff87
    I can't argue with anything you said brotha... Most people are shocked
    when they see some **** like that and just stand there, not to many are
    wired up to act without thinking... I've been in a few bad spots and to be
    really honest if I thought about what I was doing I might have been just
    like one of those bystanders too... But I'm not wired up that way... Not
    saying it's good to be either...
    I gotta agree with you about the wiring point. If you aren't a fighter and all of a sudden a fight breaks out you feel like a deer in headlights. After you get into enough fights the whole "fight or flight" reaction to an adrenaline rush turns into your "knock that motherfukker out w/o thinking". I can still remember the first fight I got into, my friend was getting jumped at a pizza parlor and I just like froze until some of the kids turned onto me. But at first I wasn't sure what to do.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Can we give some props to the guy for still standing after that first punch? Yes, he was out on his feet but still standing. I think I would have been on the ground playing possum or something. At the very least on the ground crying.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    in a hole
    sad...... i think he deserves more prison time... he will only serve 2 years... maybe less.....

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Lexington, KY (USA)
    That was the biggest pussy move ever man. If you really wanna know the truth that girl needs to get thrown in a hole with him because you dont know what she said to him when she ran out to get him. You know it was probably more like "this mother****er in here threatened to hit me" not "hey this guy called me out for skipping line". The other dude being the big dumb animal he is, proceeded to do the only thing he knows how to do. Who knows. **** that pissess me off.

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