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Thread: has the quest for hugeness made you more aggressive?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    has the quest for hugeness made you more aggressive?

    Do you guys feel like lifting has made you more aggressive? Here it is...I am naturally an aggresive person. Well after I thought my football career was over, I stopped lifting, got on a strict diet, and dropped from 295 to about 235. In the months of dieting, I basically lost my aggression. Since I've starting lifting hard again (past 6 months) it has come back more than ever!!! I know that my cycle, tren/test. prop/winny has something to do with the aggression and moods I've been having lately, but my question is, do you think the mindset that we put ourselves in while trying to become bigger makes us naturally more aggressive?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    i dont get aggressive no matter what on a cycle or off. i just chill all the time until someone really pisses me off then i want to fukn kill them, but it takes a lot to piss me off. i think u get more aggressive becaue u know that u r stronger than most people.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Boston, MA
    I've definitely seen a change in my behavior. I think with lifting and feeling better about your physical appearance comes a varying level of cockiness and aggression. I'm usually a laid back person but I'm more aggressive now than I've ever been when it comes to dealing with confrontations. I haven't started my first cycle yet either. Also I see it, not a violent way, in my interactions with people at work and when I meet women. I feel better about myself and I think that carries over to most of the things in my life. I'd be lost without the gym.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Yes. A positive side-effect.

    Yes. I don't make use of steroids, and without any added androgens, I still say that yes, it has. Although there's no way to tell what my temperment and disposition would be like had I never gotten into bodybuilding. There would have to be a non-bodybuilding clone of me, or at least a non-bodybuilding identical twin for an acurate and true answer to that question.

    I do know that I become considerably more irritable, hot-tempered, and aggressive when I don't train for 5+ days. I need the outlet. My body and mind expect it and want it.

    Aggression is a good thing to have if you can control and channel it. In this world that is BURSTING AT THE SEAMS with injustice and filled with people who will short-change you, you must be aggressive to protect your interests. Bodybuilding, by making me big and powerful, has added to my confidence. I am in your face(!) when I know I've been wronged and the situation calls for it. And I never gloat after I've prevailed in a confrontation because I believe I'm principled and honest and fighting for what is only fair. (I try my best to be honest and fair. Something not everyone tries for or cares about.) I also believe in myself because I have the gift of gab along with an outgoing personality. I believe being well-built and having an outgoing personality compliment each other. I can probably attribute my outgoingness, at least part, to being "built". Yes, it has.
    Last edited by ALL - OUT !; 03-28-2002 at 10:41 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I like that ALL-OUT..."I am in your face"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla

    Re: has the quest for hugeness made you more aggressive?

    Originally posted by broncojosh
    Do you guys feel like lifting has made you more aggressive? Here it is...I am naturally an aggresive person. Well after I thought my football career was over, I stopped lifting, got on a strict diet, and dropped from 295 to about 235. In the months of dieting, I basically lost my aggression. Since I've starting lifting hard again (past 6 months) it has come back more than ever!!! I know that my cycle, tren/test. prop/winny has something to do with the aggression and moods I've been having lately, but my question is, do you think the mindset that we put ourselves in while trying to become bigger makes us naturally more aggressive?
    Absolutely it does, the mind is everything and your behavior is always reflected upon your environment and what is going on around you. When you are determined and have a goal, you will naturally be more aggressive.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Boston, MA
    I agree....good point Canes!!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla
    Originally posted by Neo
    I agree....good point Canes!!!!
    Thanks bro

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    I get realy ticked of on all the stupid comments about my training and diet. Like when I skip the school lunch and drink a shake instead because the school lunch is so fattening I get 100 questions and oppinions on it
    Fuck if I want those skinny bastards oppinions I would ask them.
    One guy even said
    "I can train hard but I would never allow it to affect what I eat"

    I just said "your choise" and then I looked at his phatetic body and laughed a bit, because that guys is thin like fuck and still has a little fat gut MUHAHAHAHAHA

    Other then that I am more iritatable now but it begun already when I wrestled so I cant say it is because of the weight lifting.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Originally posted by johan
    I get realy ticked of on all the stupid comments about my training and diet. Like when I skip the school lunch and drink a shake instead because the school lunch is so fattening I get 100 questions and oppinions on it
    Fuck if I want those skinny bastards oppinions I would ask them.
    One guy even said
    "I can train hard but I would never allow it to affect what I eat"

    I just said "your choise" and then I looked at his phatetic body and laughed a bit, because that guys is thin like fuck and still has a little fat gut MUHAHAHAHAHA

    Other then that I am more iritatable now but it begun already when I wrestled so I cant say it is because of the weight lifting.
    johan, you took the words out of my mouth man! that's exactly how I feel about those little f**** losers.

    you're right on bro

    you in college too?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    High school(or I should say the swedish version of high school).

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Everybody has agression just some learn to control it.I used to be a very agressive person but doing weights and MA has learnt me to control it.Not the other way round.Being agressive in reaching your goals but its when it comes out of the gym with you it will land you in trouble

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    One word: HELL YES; Oh dammit that is two words.. Yes, my girl and I are having problems cause I am very "testy" right now.. I snap at her especially when it is time for me to work out and she doesn't want me to go, or interfers with me before I am trying to go. Okay maybe I got problems? Am I obsessed??

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by Diesel
    Yes and No. I save my aggression for the gym.
    Outside of it, I am vanilla pudding.
    Exactly how it should be

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    i have been a very aggresive person my entire life. but, i am 100% sure that using aas multiplies that. so, i will say yes. or maybe i just have a real bad anger management problem...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Hey Kev I was exactly the same and I guess I am still like that.I,ve just learnt to walk off and cool down.The way I look at it is anything or anybody that makes me aggresive just is not worth being around.Doing Martial Arts has helped me learn to control it a lot more also the fact that it actually frightens me a little bit because you have the knowledge of how to seriously hurt someone add that to a bad temper and you could end up killing someone so it puts my tempers into perspective.

    Like I said in the gym the aggresion is OK but that is where it stays unless I feel someone is having a pop at me or my family.

    And a guy of your size losing his rag is gonna make most people run LOL

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Boston, MA
    Originally posted by Billy Boy
    Hey Kev I was exactly the same and I guess I am still like that.I,ve just learnt to walk off and cool down.The way I look at it is anything or anybody that makes me aggresive just is not worth being around.Doing Martial Arts has helped me learn to control it a lot more also the fact that it actually frightens me a little bit because you have the knowledge of how to seriously hurt someone add that to a bad temper and you could end up killing someone so it puts my tempers into perspective.

    Like I said in the gym the aggresion is OK but that is where it stays unless I feel someone is having a pop at me or my family.

    And a guy of your size losing his rag is gonna make most people run LOL

    Yeah, I would assume that making Big Kev mad at you would be like willingly standing in front of a freight train!!!!

    Why does Sea World have a seafood restaurant? I'm halfway through my fish burger and I realize, Oh my... I could be eating a slow learner.

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