today i go train at my usual time 5pm and as im getting there my partner shoots me a ring. he's like yo, where are you. so i told him i was down the block and i'd be there in 2 minutes. he tells me, hurry up because theres a power outage and its gonna get hot as **** in here soon. so i get there and i see everyone leaving. i'm like **** that...i'm gonna go train. i was allready pist off because i get hot very easily, especially on AS. on top of that, i had to do legs which we all know can be a bitch sometimes. im like ah well, everyone is leaving and all these people are wack anyways so im gonna train. halfway through my leg workout i thought i was gonna have a heat stroke. i was so pist off cause i had to do cardio as well. has this ever happened to you guys before? what were your reactions? i swear to god i felt like i was in a sauna. my partner was so hot he ended up wanting to leave early. so after being alone for another 30min i decided that i was gonna leave too because that was just ridiculous. so as everyone went home....i went to the gym down the block and finished my workout and cardio. HA, now thats dedication baby!