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Thread: who built these pyramids of egypt? man or something else?

  1. #1

    who built these pyramids of egypt? man or something else?

    today in class........we were discussing egypt. i've never really cared for egypt or anything in or around that area but today my professor got me extremely interested in the fact that we don't know who or what built these 3 flat pyramids of egypt. of course, theres plenty of pyramids in mexico, peru, africa, brazil, hell all over the world but from he was telling us theres something extremely diffrent about these pyramids in egypt. they are all flat unlike the other pyramids all over the world. the ones all over the world are made by steps but not these. he was telling us how archeologists are saying that these pyramids were actually made before 0 b.c. or whatever. he also said he beleives that there is no possible way that man at that point of life could actually put together that pyramid. he was explaining to us that this is the year 2005 and man w/ all techology and help still cannot build a identical replica of these pyramids to the mathimatical point as it is built and the more we learn about these pyramids the more we get lost cause as soon as they think they think the find the missing peice of the puzzle they get puzzled by the missing peice again. another thing he explained to us that on earth there are many energy fields and that for some reason these pyramids are built on the biggest energy field on earth. the next if im not mistaken is the stonehedge which also is a mystery on how they put those 2 ton stones together and on top of each other at that point of man kind. he also then explained his theory on how he thinks extra terrestrials came from another planet to build these things sort of as radio signals of some kind. he then showed us a slide of something in africa if im not mistaken which are like signs of dogs and cats and a huge "man" that looked like an alien with a club and a erected penis. he made a point on how people can walk through these things and not even notice but they are made for aerial view and who else better to see them then aliens. these "signs" of what have you were then placed with some kind of chalk so grass or weeds or anything will not grow. smart idea yet from what he told us nobody knows who did this. he also stated that these pyramids had crystal caps i guess for lighting of some sort and that most or any alien caught by the US have been very close to pyramids such as brazil, peru, mexico which has nothing to do with egypt but why the great interest in pyramids? whats so important about these things? who made them? and what are your (the members) outlooks and beleifs in this? there is no secret that the US or any government will confirm of UFO but i'd like to hear your comments on these issues. i'm still not too certain on what to beleive. my professor is a pretty smart man and he's told the class somethings other then this that has left us thinking so i dunno.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by bigbodyjosh
    today in class........we were discussing egypt. i've never really cared for egypt or anything in or around that area but today my professor got me extremely interested in the fact that we don't know who or what built these 3 flat pyramids of egypt. of course, theres plenty of pyramids in mexico, peru, africa, brazil, hell all over the world but from he was telling us theres something extremely diffrent about these pyramids in egypt. they are all flat unlike the other pyramids all over the world. the ones all over the world are made by steps but not these. he was telling us how archeologists are saying that these pyramids were actually made before 0 b.c. or whatever. he also said he beleives that there is no possible way that man at that point of life could actually put together that pyramid. he was explaining to us that this is the year 2005 and man w/ all techology and help still cannot build a identical replica of these pyramids to the mathimatical point as it is built and the more we learn about these pyramids the more we get lost cause as soon as they think they think the find the missing peice of the puzzle they get puzzled by the missing peice again. another thing he explained to us that on earth there are many energy fields and that for some reason these pyramids are built on the biggest energy field on earth. the next if im not mistaken is the stonehedge which also is a mystery on how they put those 2 ton stones together and on top of each other at that point of man kind. he also then explained his theory on how he thinks extra terrestrials came from another planet to build these things sort of as radio signals of some kind. he then showed us a slide of something in africa if im not mistaken which are like signs of dogs and cats and a huge "man" that looked like an alien with a club and a erected penis. he made a point on how people can walk through these things and not even notice but they are made for aerial view and who else better to see them then aliens. these "signs" of what have you were then placed with some kind of chalk so grass or weeds or anything will not grow. smart idea yet from what he told us nobody knows who did this. he also stated that these pyramids had crystal caps i guess for lighting of some sort and that most or any alien caught by the US have been very close to pyramids such as brazil, peru, mexico which has nothing to do with egypt but why the great interest in pyramids? whats so important about these things? who made them? and what are your (the members) outlooks and beleifs in this? there is no secret that the US or any government will confirm of UFO but i'd like to hear your comments on these issues. i'm still not too certain on what to beleive. my professor is a pretty smart man and he's told the class somethings other then this that has left us thinking so i dunno.

    I really wanna read this but its just one giant blob

  3. #3
    lol sorry...just interesting

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Montreal (Canada eh!)
    Did you cover the sphinx (SP?), I saw on some show when I was clickin throught the channels that they did a test on it and it is actually 8000 years old or something. The knew this bcs the sphinx had water damage and there is no water in the desert right now... but around 8000 years ago or something it had tons of rain and ****.

  5. #5
    yeah, we covered the sphinx and how napoleon blew his nose off because it was clearly a black man or some crap like that. also yeah, supposevely its been here before man. i just read some crap on the internet that they found a sphinx in mars let me post a link weird stuff man makes you think

  6. #6
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    San Diego
    Did you cover the fact that the three large pyraminds align with three stars on orion's belt, or some three stars. There was only one point at which they did. Also the fact that they have a hyroglyph of a light bulb. There is a lot of interesting stuff.

  7. #7
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    San Diego
    Quote Originally Posted by bigbodyjosh weird stuff man makes you think
    Now that page is just annoying.

  8. #8
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    Apr 2003
    I've seen a few things on PBS were teams of engineers try to move and erect stones for the building of these things and they proved it can be done. And with only the tools they had in that era. Do a search for Public Broadcasting and I'm sure you'll find out plenty of information about it. imo they were built by men.

    Now if you can explain how the statues on Easter Island got there then I'd love to hear that.....same for the giant symbols down in south america that could have only been directed from someone suspended high in the air.

  9. #9
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    San Diego
    Quote Originally Posted by Juggernaut
    Now if you can explain how the statues on Easter Island got there then I'd love to hear that.....same for the giant symbols down in south america that could have only been directed from someone suspended high in the air.
    Actually, if they had a sense of geometry you could do it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Atlanta, GA
    I think this stuff is extremely interesting. I've thought for some time that one of two things were most likely. (1) Aliens put them here as some type of marker to return or as part of a interstellar guidance system (2) Human beings have already been through a cycle (or more) of existence.

    I think the first recorded discoverey of the sphinx was around 6,000 BC. It was forgotten and rediscovered several times throughout history. The chunks in it's face were from British soilders doing target practice with their cannon.

    Even if they can prove that ancient tools could move these 2 ton rocks, where in the hell did all of these 2 ton rocks come from? So many questions....sigh

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    I recommend to apply Ockham`s razor:
    This rule is interpreted to mean that the simplest of two or more competing theories is preferable and that an explanation for unknown phenomena should first be attempted in terms of what is already known.

  12. #12
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    Dec 2001
    The ancient Egyptians were excellent astronomers and masters of mathematics.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Atlanta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by ***xxx***
    I recommend to apply Ockham`s razor:
    This rule is interpreted to mean that the simplest of two or more competing theories is preferable and that an explanation for unknown phenomena should first be attempted in terms of what is already known.
    Which is how we end up with our interpretations and stories of "God", creation, the universe, and everything else we can't possibly understand. In other words, dumb it down, put it into a format that humans can comprehend and run with it.

  14. #14
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    Atlanta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    The ancient Egyptians were excellent astronomers and masters of mathematics.
    They also had some great drugs

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by co2boi
    I think this stuff is extremely interesting. I've thought for some time that one of two things were most likely. (1) Aliens put them here as some type of marker to return or as part of a interstellar guidance system (2) Human beings have already been through a cycle (or more) of existence.

    I think the first recorded discoverey of the sphinx was around 6,000 BC. It was forgotten and rediscovered several times throughout history. The chunks in it's face were from British soilders doing target practice with their cannon.

    Even if they can prove that ancient tools could move these 2 ton rocks, where in the hell did all of these 2 ton rocks come from? So many questions....sigh
    I think its number 2

  16. #16
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    Atlanta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    I think its number 2
    Both are very possible. I can see us killing off the entire planet within the next several centuries, but it's also very naive to think we are the most intelligent and evolved lifeform in universe.

  17. #17
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by co2boi
    Both are very possible. I can see us killing off the entire planet within the next several centuries, but it's also very naive to think we are the most intelligent and evolved lifeform in universe.

    I just dont think a highly advanced alien race would build some kind of homing beaking in stone. They surely would have more resistant materials at hand. Not to mention they would probably hide it underground protected from weather conditions.

    But then again they are alot smarter then me incase the built the **** thing so who knows what they thought

    I wonder if a big nuclera war could wipe out almost every single evidence of a civilisation

  18. #18
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    Atlanta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    I just dont think a highly advanced alien race would build some kind of homing beaking in stone. They surely would have more resistant materials at hand. Not to mention they would probably hide it underground protected from weather conditions.

    But then again they are alot smarter then me incase the built the **** thing so who knows what they thought

    I wonder if a big nuclera war could wipe out almost every single evidence of a civilisation
    Well, the pyramids (and other related structures) were obviously built long ago. There's a possibility they were underground and just uncovered with time. I think it would make more sense to build things like that above ground however, so you could see them from space. I was reading on that website above about the siginifigance of Roswell, NM and some of the other findings. Very interesting.

  19. #19
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotron
    Actually, if they had a sense of geometry you could do it.
    True but to keep such perfect lines and at such a large size is pretty wild. But that still leaves the statues on Easter Island to explain.

    I will say I kinda have to agree with Johan's logic...why would an advance race of beings build stone monuments? If you traveled to another planet of lesser beings it would be easier to toss out a empty coke can than build some huge monument......I'm a lazy advanced being.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    OJ built them....but they cant prove it.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    The pyramids were built by men for men. I love these little alien theories

  23. #23
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    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    3000–2000 B.C.
    Pharaonic rule begins in Egypt. King Khufu (Cheops), 4th dynasty (2700–2675 B.C.), completes construction of the Great Pyramid at Giza (c. 2680 B.C.). The Great Sphinx of Giza (c. 2540 B.C.) is built by King Khafre. Earliest Egyptian mummies. Papyrus. Phoenician settlements on coast of what is now Syria and Lebanon. Semitic tribes settle in Assyria. Sargon, first Akkadian king, builds Mesopotamian empire. The Gilgamesh epic (c. 3000 B.C.). Abraham leaves Ur (c. 2000 B.C.). Systematic astronomy in Egypt, Babylon, India, China.

  24. #24
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    Here there and everywhere
    I built the pyramids with my own bare hands

  25. #25
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    Atlanta, GA

  26. #26
    I think someone's been watching too much alien vs. predator .

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by O.fO.shO
    I think someone's been watching too much alien vs. predator .
    Quote Originally Posted by co2boi
    That site is whack!

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Atlanta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    That site is whack!
    Ok cool, so let's hear why it's whack. What are your arguments for his points?

  29. #29
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    Montreal (Canada eh!)
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    I just dont think a highly advanced alien race would build some kind of homing beaking in stone. They surely would have more resistant materials at hand. Not to mention they would probably hide it underground protected from weather conditions.

    But then again they are alot smarter then me incase the built the **** thing so who knows what they thought

    I wonder if a big nuclera war could wipe out almost every single evidence of a civilisation
    Or they got so technolically/mentally advanced that they where able to accend into higher beings... hence the reason we have "ghosts"

  30. #30
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    San Diego
    I know pbs ran that thing showing it was possible to move the stones, but I wonder did they show how they managed to move the stones up multiple levels, they didnt have metal stilts and platforms.

  31. #31
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    Jan 2004
    ever see that special on ancient egypt that said that they had alien visitors and regular contact with aliens. one thing i found interesting is that in an underground tomb with ornate drawings there was a picture of a man holding what looked like a large lightbulb with a serpant as the filament. "lines of light" were coming from the picture. now what is more intriguing is that there was no evidence of how the tomb was lit. no sunlight penetrates at all. and there were no remance of carbon build up on the walls or sut(candle/torch residue) on the floor which were seen in other earlier structures.

    they theorized thats why they modeled the locations of the pyramids after the heavens. the locations of the pyramids in giza and other parts of egypt when seen from above match constellations they looked at.

  32. #32
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    San Diego
    Quote Originally Posted by biglouie250
    ever see that special on ancient egypt that said that they had alien visitors and regular contact with aliens. one thing i found interesting is that in an underground tomb with ornate drawings there was a picture of a man holding what looked like a large lightbulb with a serpant as the filament. "lines of light" were coming from the picture. now what is more intriguing is that there was no evidence of how the tomb was lit. no sunlight penetrates at all. and there were no remance of carbon build up on the walls or sut(candle/torch residue) on the floor which were seen in other earlier structures.

    they theorized thats why they modeled the locations of the pyramids after the heavens. the locations of the pyramids in giza and other parts of egypt when seen from above match constellations they looked at.
    was that the one with al from home improvement? I saw it.

  33. #33
    It was built by humans, people that say that it was built by aliens really underestimate the will of human beings if we set our minds on something.

    It was the union of humans with great minds along with hard work and determition that made it possible.

    But it was build by hundreds of thousands of humans working together. Many of people's sole purpose in life was the build the pyramid.

    But who knows outside forces could have done it, nothing is certain.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by co2boi
    Ok cool, so let's hear why it's whack. What are your arguments for his points?
    He has good points. However he states what he believes as if it were fact.

    If the aliens did come before human kind why didn't they colonize the planet? Where are they now?

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    If the aliens did come before human kind why didn't they colonize the planet? Where are they now?
    Maybe they are living in this planet in a different dimension?

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAUSASIAN
    Maybe they are living in this planet in a different dimension?
    That would explain why I see dead people

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    The pyramids were build by the Atlantian race. The walls painted years later by the Egyptians.

    Atlantians used what is known as the Earth's Energy Grid to create tremendous 'free energy' to lift the stones by using the magnetic centers of the Earth. There is also a center where stonehedge was build, to coral castle in FL, the burmuta (sp?) trigangle, the northern lights and the 'south pole'.

    The Atlantian race, and their structures now rest -- at the bottom of the "Atlantic" ocean. Stones of this size can still be lifted using the magnetic currents which run throught he earth -- that is if you can find one without a military base over them.

  38. #38
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    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by A_Pro
    The pyramids were build by the Atlantian race. The walls painted years later by the Egyptians.

    Atlantians used what is known as the Earth's Energy Grid to create tremendous 'free energy' to lift the stones by using the magnetic centers of the Earth. There is also a center where stonehedge was build, to coral castle in FL, the burmuta (sp?) trigangle, the northern lights and the 'south pole'.

    The Atlantian race, and their structures now rest -- at the bottom of the "Atlantic" ocean. Stones of this size can still be lifted using the magnetic currents which run throught he earth -- that is if you can find one without a military base over them.
    This sounds far (really far) fetched to me. You make the "Atlantian race" sound non-human.

  39. #39
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    Altantian's were the 'humanoids' prior to us. They were not human in the sense there were a different 'race' of human.

    The Earth Grid is an irrufutable fact, look in to it. We are sitting on one large magnet. North pole, south pole sound anything like a magnet to you?

    Want something more down to earth to further prove how it was done. ONE MAN built a structure using monoliths like that of the pyramids. Except he used coral found 25 miles from his build site. No formal education past the 3rd grade. He did it using magnetism in florida. The grid point has moved to what is now an air force base, but his 'castle' still stands: -- ONE MAN

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Ok this is getting interesting. I heard something like this before and that the Ayrian(sp) race is decended from the Altantians.

    White power.

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