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today in class........we were discussing egypt. i've never really cared for egypt or anything in or around that area but today my professor got me extremely interested in the fact that we don't know who or what built these 3 flat pyramids of egypt. of course, theres plenty of pyramids in mexico, peru, africa, brazil, hell all over the world but from he was telling us theres something extremely diffrent about these pyramids in egypt. they are all flat unlike the other pyramids all over the world. the ones all over the world are made by steps but not these. he was telling us how archeologists are saying that these pyramids were actually made before 0 b.c. or whatever. he also said he beleives that there is no possible way that man at that point of life could actually put together that pyramid. he was explaining to us that this is the year 2005 and man w/ all techology and help still cannot build a identical replica of these pyramids to the mathimatical point as it is built and the more we learn about these pyramids the more we get lost cause as soon as they think they think the find the missing peice of the puzzle they get puzzled by the missing peice again. another thing he explained to us that on earth there are many energy fields and that for some reason these pyramids are built on the biggest energy field on earth. the next if im not mistaken is the stonehedge which also is a mystery on how they put those 2 ton stones together and on top of each other at that point of man kind. he also then explained his theory on how he thinks extra terrestrials came from another planet to build these things sort of as radio signals of some kind. he then showed us a slide of something in africa if im not mistaken which are like signs of dogs and cats and a huge "man" that looked like an alien with a club and a erected penis. he made a point on how people can walk through these things and not even notice but they are made for aerial view and who else better to see them then aliens. these "signs" of what have you were then placed with some kind of chalk so grass or weeds or anything will not grow. smart idea yet from what he told us nobody knows who did this. he also stated that these pyramids had crystal caps i guess for lighting of some sort and that most or any alien caught by the US have been very close to pyramids such as brazil, peru, mexico which has nothing to do with egypt but why the great interest in pyramids? whats so important about these things? who made them? and what are your (the members) outlooks and beleifs in this? there is no secret that the US or any government will confirm of UFO but i'd like to hear your comments on these issues. i'm still not too certain on what to beleive. my professor is a pretty smart man and he's told the class somethings other then this that has left us thinking so i dunno.