we live in a great country where we can say just about anything, especially on the internet and not face legal consecquences.
last night i was watching a television program where a young boy was molested and murdered by 2 men. after a search of the 2 men´s vehicles police found information on how to seduce young boys, molest them, kill them, and hide the evidence. this website is now facing criminal prosecution in addition to a civil lawsuit filed by the victim´s parents.
i was disgusted to find out that there are many websites that give out information on how to commit felony crimes such as how to seduce and molest young boys and girls. i thought they should be punished to the full extent of the law, but then i realized that they may not be doing anything illegal at all. according to the law, they´re not committing a crime any more than anabolicreview is committing crimes by allowing members to give out information on how to illegally use steroids.
sometimes i think there should be exceptions to the first amendment, but if exceptions are made, where does it end? where do the lawmakers draw the line of how to censor free speech? are we in danger too?