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Thread: A Boxer question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Long Island

    A Boxer question

    My boyfriend and I are thinking about getting a boxer. I would just like to know alittle about the drool factor. I would also like to know about how long do these dogs live for and what health issues they have. Any answers would be very much appreciated. thanks

    Last edited by BabyGirl01; 02-27-2005 at 10:09 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    My friend had 5. They always have what looks like a shoestring hanging from each side of their mouth. They not very playful,(but rambunctious) even when thy little. Males are very horney, and will try to **** everything with a hole in it, inluding you. They know when women are on the rag and will be relentless. They have the most annoying crotch and ass smelling habits. One of his dogs always would ram his nose into my balls everytime i came over. Put me on the floor a couple times. Dont dare come out of the bathroom after a shower with just a towel, or prepare to get your salad tossed.

    Very tempermental also. Trouble makers too. One time one of his boxer decided to play with barbed wire, and was tangled to high heaven. When he found him, he had a stupid look on his face and was wagging his tail. He needed several stiches and he lloked pretty bloody to me, but wasn't so bad after they gave him a bath. They have a high pain tolerance so sometimes they don't know when they are hurting themselves.

    Inteelegence, low average. Non of his dogs learned to do much of anything except sit. Takes awhile to potty train.
    The intelence also goes down if they decide to run in front of of a car head on, which one of his dogs did. He liived though.

    Like people food, ALOT. And will do anything to get it.

    If you can handle their rambunctious behaviour and are into that lifestyle, like my buddy then don't get him fixed, he will be much more happy.
    If you get him fixed they are kind of like sluggish losers afterwards, and tend to put on weight, but at least there less work. My friends last boxer was nutered, and was not nearly as much fun, but at least he didn't have to scrape crusted semen from in between the couch cushions 3 times a week.(i told you theyre horny)

    The females are just like the males. If you don't want puppy's get her fixed, cuz she will get knocked up, i guarentee it.

    All of his boxers died. One was an accidednt, the others had cancer or kidney faiure. I don't know if this means they have alot of birth defects or bad genes but mayybe the do.
    There supposed to live 15 years, but not of his made it passed 4.

    He gave his dogs alot of table scraps though, maybe that had somethin to do with it. He originally every time he got a new one was real strict on not doing that, but hes says they are just so darn persistant about what they want. They'll even jump up on the table. (Don't ever have thanksgiving at your house....ever)

    I have a collie. She's pretty nice.

  3. #3
    from my experience i have yet to see a calm boxer.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Long Island
    Wow.... that's alot to think about. To tell you to truth u are the only one to say anything negetive about boxers. I guess every dog is different. Thanks for the imput though.


  5. #5
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    Long Island
    Quote Originally Posted by KeyMastur
    from my experience i have yet to see a calm boxer.
    I don't mind if they are not calm but what I am scared about is there health. I heard alot of them have hip displacements. I don't know I still have a while to think about if i want the dogs or not.. Thanks..


  6. #6
    Join Date
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    San Diego
    My neighbors friends' boxer is gay lol thats all i know, hed try humping my male golden instead of my neighbors female german sheppard.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Boston, MA
    I've had two boxers. My first one lived until she was 14 and was great. She passed away from Cancer. My dog now is 5 and doesn't drool all over the place at all. She's very lively but she was very easy to train and doesn't jump on anyone anymore. I love boxers and will never get another type of dog!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    anabolicboy1981....that is quite possibly the funniest thing I have ever read...ever lol.

    Walking out with a towel after a shower rofl

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Nowhere, USA
    I'm a bernese mountain dog/ golden retreiver/ collie type guy.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotron
    My neighbors friends' boxer is gay lol thats all i know, hed try humping my male golden instead of my neighbors female german sheppard.
    Yeah, my friends were all bisexuals. Actually more like bisexual pedofiles. They would go after anything, puppies, cats, little children, the sofa, anything. A regular Michael jackson.

    When i was 6 ia lmost got raped the first time i went over to his house. I was terrified.
    His last one still tried to get some of my sweet ass. And his female one before that, forget it...she woulda had litters of my babies if i swung that way.

    I dunno whats worse. They males seem to be more bisexual, but the females actualy leave more staines around the house when they are in heat, cuz they gotta hump everything but at the same time they're bleeding. So they basicaly get horny and bleed and literally paint the town red once a month.
    So with males, you have constant clear stains all the time, but with females it's fine most of the time, and then red stains everywhere for 3 days once a month.
    It's a toss up.

  11. #11
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    not where I want to be
    They are like little kids their whole lives. Really nice dogs but very active. I wouldn't get one unless you had room for it to run around. Also, they get fat very easily so you must watch what you feed them. Also, all the people with boxers I know said they do get ill in older age and can be a handful. But they wouldn't have any other kind of dog.

    so i guess if you are willing to deal with a very active, and somewhat large dog. Then a boxer is for you. I like them, they are fun. But personally I wouldn't have one.

  12. #12
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    Long Island
    Quote Originally Posted by Neo
    I've had two boxers. My first one lived until she was 14 and was great. She passed away from Cancer. My dog now is 5 and doesn't drool all over the place at all. She's very lively but she was very easy to train and doesn't jump on anyone anymore. I love boxers and will never get another type of dog!

    Thanks... I think that I am still gonna get the dog.....


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Long Island
    Thanks for all of you imputs.... Boxers are my favorite dogs so maybe I am still gonna get one. I don't want any other dog..... Thanks again


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I have 2 which neither one of them drool at all ever. The only time you get hit is when they drink water. i mean if they are outside for hours of course like any dog they drool. I love both of them and honestly dont think i would ever get another breed dog. they are wild if not trained. take the time to train them and they settle down. mine used to bang off the wall until I trained them. they are 3 yrs apart too. I'll upload some pics later on tonight for you. Trust me you wont regret buying one. They are great with kids too. I have never ever heard of an incident of a boxer snapping at a kid. their life span is 7-12 yrs and they are prone to cancer and bad hips. Mine dont have any signs of either yet. 1 is 7 the other is 4yrs old. I got real lucky with the 2nd one too. she is absolutely gorgeous and was the runt of the litter so she stayed 30lbs and look like a mini boxer. people go crazy when they see her and find out she is full grown. pm me if you have any other questions. I know alot about the breed as i did a lot of research after I bought my 1st one.

    BTW. mine are both fixed. the female humps sometimes as said by some others but its not bisexual actions or even sex actions at all. they are trying to dominate you and if you smack them they wont do it to you. if you guys are getting dominated by a little dog sounds its cause they sense weekness.
    Last edited by Fat Mike; 02-28-2005 at 04:56 AM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    i just got a boxer pup, she doesnt drool and is fairly hyper. she is very lovie, she loves to cuddle and lick my face. shes the best. definilty get a boxer. now all i have to do is teach her how to cook and open a beer for me and shell be perfect.

  16. #16
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    Jun 2004
    yeah, they love to cuddle. no matter what size they think they are lap dogs. my little female one cant sleep unless she is touching me somehow. she jumps in bed when i am sleeping and sleeps right next to me. if i move she moves. its funny as hell.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    I love boxer! my parents have two of them. they r the most loyal and child-friendly dogs out there. but u have to educate them strict, they have a very strong character.
    gee them from a breeder, they have less problems in the odler days in my experience...

  18. #18
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    Feb 2004
    I've got a 2 year old male and he has never once drooled. He is also not fixed and has never tried to hump my leg or anyone elses. He jumps around like a lunatic! and doesn't listen much but neither does my girlfriend so I can't hold that against him.

    I keep him outside since I'm not a big fan of dogs in the house. He swims in the lake and chases ducks around for the most part. Make sure you see the parents before you buy the dog since boxers come in many shapes, colors and sizes..Mine is short/stocky and weighs in at 80 solid lbs.

  19. #19
    The need a lot of excersise, and while they're cute dogs, they're very boring

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    boring? boxer are in general very active, too active sometimes

    if u get the dog make sure that one of u will take care of the dog if u decide to split up sometime. nuttin worse then dogs ending up in a sanctuary...and think about it - the dog is a 24/7 duty. and it ll still be there if u want to make holidays....

  21. #21
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    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by drunk7daysaweek
    The need a lot of excersise, and while they're cute dogs, they're very boring
    how can you say an over active, affection needy dog could be boring?? A basset hound is boring but a boxer????

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    my brother has one...i swear it is retarded

    the thing has definately got ADHD, it will NOT calm its ass down

    it humps everything

    it drules all over the place

    it knocks **** over cause its so clumbsy

    it jumps around like a freakin giraffe or something

    its got the most annoying bark IMO

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Running through your mind
    Get a sheltie, they're very smart, and are sooo loving!! I have 3, and they're all WONDERFUL dogs..

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Long Island
    [QUOTE=Fat Mike]I have 2 which neither one of them drool at all ever. The only time you get hit is when they drink water. i mean if they are outside for hours of course like any dog they drool. I love both of them and honestly dont think i would ever get another breed dog. they are wild if not trained. take the time to train them and they settle down. mine used to bang off the wall until I trained them. they are 3 yrs apart too. I'll upload some pics later on tonight for you. Trust me you wont regret buying one. They are great with kids too. I have never ever heard of an incident of a boxer snapping at a kid. their life span is 7-12 yrs and they are prone to cancer and bad hips. Mine dont have any signs of either yet. 1 is 7 the other is 4yrs old. I got real lucky with the 2nd one too. she is absolutely gorgeous and was the runt of the litter so she stayed 30lbs and look like a mini boxer. people go crazy when they see her and find out she is full grown. pm me if you have any other questions. I know alot about the breed as i did a lot of research after I bought my 1st one.

    If u can please IM me picture of your boxers.


  25. #25
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    Jun 2004
    I couldnt find a way to insert image in Pm so here is the pic of the female. I'm looking for some more.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	cloe.jpg 
Views:	127 
Size:	99.8 KB 
ID:	45704  

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    East Coast
    When my lease is up here im gonna find a place where i can have a dog. i want a boxer as well.. i like the dark brown ones with the black face...i saw one once and told my girl we are getting one!

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    my girl and i are waiting for our house b done, then we're gettin a boxer. i've heard nothing but good things about them. pm jdawg50, he has two of them, says they r the best dogs and he'll never get anything else.
    i think it depends on how u train them.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by tycin
    my girl and i are waiting for our house b done, then we're gettin a boxer. i've heard nothing but good things about them. pm jdawg50, he has two of them, says they r the best dogs and he'll never get anything else.
    i think it depends on how u train them.
    they are strong willed dogs and need training otherwise they will run your life. if you spend just a little time training they are very smart and loyal.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Long Island
    Quote Originally Posted by Fat Mike
    I couldnt find a way to insert image in Pm so here is the pic of the female. I'm looking for some more.

    Beautiful dog......


  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Long Island
    But the only thing is that it would be hard to train him right now. My boyfriend and I both work full times jobs. I mean is it that hard to train them to go outside to do there business.. ... I jsut think that it is just gonna be hard..


  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    when i say train them that doesnt mean housebreak them. they learn to houstrain no problem. i just mean spend time teaching them basic command, sit , stay, not to jump on people, NO, etc.. they settle down alot just with some basic training so they have guidance and know whos boss. the male is 10 times calmer and always was then the female. I spent much more time training him than her. she thinks shes a princess and i let her get away it so she runs wild sometimes. also, it sounds cruel but you have to cage them. if you give them run of the house it will take much longer to train them. you cant give them opportunity to do wrong and thye learn much faster.

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