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Thread: stomach problem any clue?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up

    stomach problem any clue?

    I first had a comon cold for 4-5 days and just when I had gotten rid of that I got some kind of stomach disease(my sister, her husband, both there kids and her husbands mother that is visiting also got it). The thing is I got one thing they didnt get. CONSTANT diharea(sp?). For 4 days now I have had it and nothing seems to help. Today I thought I was rid of the disease because I was not naseous and no stomach pains but the diharea has turned real bad. EVERYTHING I drink goes straight through me. My feet cramp up cause of all the minerals I have lost cause of the dihareea and not even meds against it works. A med I usualy take(dimor, active substance loperamidhydrochlorid)doesnt even effect it. Usualy 1-2 tabs of it stops dihareea completely, today I have taken 7!!! and gotten zero effect. I have notice no difference at all. The last 2 hours I have been on the toilet ****ing 7-9 times and everytime its like pouring out a bucket of water. Its insane and Im getting a bit freaked out.
    Trying to drink lots of milk and chugged down some potatisium and sodium to counter for the minerals lost, I hope it will help.

    Do anyone know any way to get rid of this ****!!!! I guess I should go to the doc tomorrow if it hasnt stoped but **** I HATE going to the doc.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    The middle of nowhere.
    man thats gotta suck.. i only get diarrhea when i eat fast food. or a large portion from a mexican place.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    nor cal
    i hope you have a lot of reading material because it sounds like your going to spend a lot of time on the pooper. maybe move the tv into the bathroom. just kidding. it sounds like you should go to the doctor. that much loss of vitamins and such could definetely lead to nothing but bad things. good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Hope you feel better, oh yea if I were you would'nt hop on that scale either...

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