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Thread: Alright you all will get a kick out of this

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    not where I want to be

    Talking Alright you all will get a kick out of this

    so I'm in this class at my college called drugs and society. Basically it's an elective that I -correctly- assumed would be a blow off class. Anyways, the class has a message board where the few hundred members can discuss drugs. One of the forums is based on steroids in sports. I thought I'd copy and paste some of the things people have written for you all. enjoy

    Some people choose to use steroids, illegally, they not only face trouble
    with the law, but they put themselves in a high risk of unpleasant side
    effects. Among athletes who have used anabolic ateroids, as well as
    some coaches, trainers, and physicians, that steroids will increases lean
    muscle mass, strength, and certain kinds of endurance. So mainly it is
    not just the players who use anabolic steroids, it is also other people
    who, work with the athletes themselves. Studies has not been proven
    that steroids alone directly increase muscle mass for athletes in
    training, but it may gain due to psychological effects.
    Within sixteen
    trials of steroids as muscle builders, nine trials concluede that steroids
    were effective while seven concluded that they were not effective.
    Athletes uses the substances aid to recovery from injuries, but not
    hard data exists to support that claim. There has been evidence that
    steroid use time and time again can impair athletic performance by
    causing tendon and ligament damage, abnormal muscle fibers which will
    breakdown more easily, and damage to the heart. Since athletes being
    using steroids there has been numerous complication of the use which
    can have an effect not only on their performance, but on there overall
    mental, emotional and physical health.
    yeah, like the 20lbs I put on in 8 weeks from prop was all because I willed it to happen

    Injectable anabolics are considered gateway drugs to injectable drug
    abuse: A person who becomes accustomed to injecting anabolics will be
    more likely to experiment with injecting other drugs than a person who
    has never injected anything. This gateway principle applies to other
    drugs as well. For example, people who smoke tobacco are more likely
    to try smoking marijuana or crack than those who do not smoke at all.
    lol, now that I've injected steroids I'm going to become addicted to heroin

    In our society, people do not enjoy injecting themselves with syringes.
    Even diabetics learn to do it only with difficulty. A steroid abuser who
    becomes accustomed to injecting him- or herself with anabolics has a
    higher risk of injecting cocaine or heroin than an illicit drug user who
    does not inject.
    I don't know wtf they're talking about I love injecting!

    People sometimes take injections of anabolic steroids to augment oral
    dosages, using large-gauge, reusable needles normally obtained
    through the black market. If needles are shared, users run the risk of
    transmitting or contracting the HIV infection that can lead to AIDS.
    lol any of you bros got a pin I can borrow I'll give it back and even file it down to a nice sharp point again

    Scientists are just beginning to investigate the impact of anabolic
    steroids on the mind and behavior. Many athletes report "feeling good"
    about themselves while on a steroids regimen. The downside, according
    to Harvard researchers, is wide mood swings ranging from periods of
    violent, even homicidal, episodes known as "roid rages" to bouts of
    depression when the drugs are stopped.

    The Harvard study also noted that anabolic steroids users may suffer
    from paranoid jealousy, extreme irritability, delusions, and impaired
    judgment stemming from feelings of invincibility.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    The middle of nowhere.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    The Great State of Texas
    lol and the sad thing is this is what most people actually think

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    not where I want to be
    Ok, I just posted a thread in there called facts about steroids. In this thread I asked people to write everything they KNOW about steroids. Pretending like I don't know squat. Hopefully we'll get some really golden answers

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    lol any of you bros got a pin I can borrow I'll give it back and even file it down to a nice sharp point again [/QUOTE]

    yeh and make it a 18 gauge

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Just goes to show you that you can graduate from college and still not know sh*t.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Man this stuff is true though...After my first cycle, I couldn't help but become a heroin addict. A mean a needle is a needle right?

  8. #8
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    Your Mom's House
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    not where I want to be
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Just goes to show you that you can graduate from college and still not know sh*t.

    well said

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    that first one looks like it was written by a 13 year old... the grammar is just awful & wow. seriously, looks like saluu tried writing about the "supposed" bad effects of steroids

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Your Mom's House
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Just goes to show you that you can graduate from college and still not know sh*t.

    Im afraid of that.

  12. #12
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    Apr 2004

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    not where I want to be
    lol that'd be sweet if saluu was in my class. I'd take in my used syringes n pins and throw em like darts at him.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Just goes to show you that you can graduate from college and still not know sh*t.

    No kidding.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I begin to think that one time, one person wrote something bad on steroids using no information, and everyone else just copied it.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    The Great State of Texas
    so you can become a steroid addict.

    **** man im just living for my next 2cc shot of test 400 w/ my 2 inch 18 gauge needle

    i hope i never get like that when i cross over to the dark side. You think i will guys.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Zagreb, Croatia
    No comment.


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Gettin lean wit it...

    Well I bet they are pretty smart. Seeing as how they talked about injecting cocaine. That's a new one.

    What a bunch of retards.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Here there and everywhere
    dude, I think you should post the link to that forum here so we can all go on and educate them.

    We could copy and paste some of the educational threads.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    not where I want to be
    Quote Originally Posted by Chemical King
    dude, I think you should post the link to that forum here so we can all go on and educate them.

    We could copy and paste some of the educational threads.
    well unfortunately the only people with access to that forum are those in the class. So the only way you could post is if I gave you my login info...but that ain't happening

    Lb55blitz - injecting cocaine isn't new. I know plenty of people who've done it. just fyi

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Just goes to show you that you can graduate from college and still not know sh*t.


    um thats 98% of all college graduates..

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I started eating tic-tacs when I was a I'm hooked on downers.....had I only known.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    in a hole
    coccaines a hell of a drug

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BARLOW
    coccaines a hell of a drug


  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Gettin lean wit it...
    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    well unfortunately the only people with access to that forum are those in the class. So the only way you could post is if I gave you my login info...but that ain't happening

    Lb55blitz - injecting cocaine isn't new. I know plenty of people who've done it. just fyi

    I need to brush up on my rec drug knowledge.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Juddman
    Man this stuff is true though...After my first cycle, I couldn't help but become a heroin addict. A mean a needle is a needle right?
    And the nice thing is that using an 18ga intravenously lets you shove that smack up in you so hard that it hits your brain with enough force to slam it around in your skull. The 1-1/2" length makes eventually finding a vein a sure thing.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by bor
    No comment.


  28. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Sometimes i mess up and inject my heroin instead of my GH. Do these people think that we inject into our viens and get a rush or something. People that talk about things they have no idea about really get to me.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    not where I want to be

    Did Babe Ruth use steroids? No, he did not. He could hit the long ball
    better than anyone in baseball. These steroids scandalls have made the
    home run records nul and void all the way back to Ruth. The "Babe" hit
    home runs naturally not like these juice injecting performance junkies.
    It is morally wrong to consider these guys as baseball greats when they
    need something extra to assist them in achieving greatness. I believe
    that their stats should not be counted and baseball return to its former
    records. If they are counted it would be a mockery to America's
    favorite past time.
    You bet its cheating. There is black and white to be found in this subject. If you look on
    someone else's test or copy someone else's homework and turn it in as your own, it is
    cheating even though you didn't get caught. It gives you an advantage that you didn't
    earn. These ball players are taking a drug improves performance beyond what they by
    themselves earned. That's like looking on someone else's test. Cheating.
    this next one is good

    Steriods have been linked to some of the worse side affects that you can believe, heart
    failure, testicular shrinkage, growing breast in men and many kinds of cancer. All these
    health defects are well documented. Athletes say it is for the money and thier familie's
    furtures. How can you think of your families future when you might be signing your own
    death warrant?
    Not only are you putting yourself at risk you're also showing every kid
    that it is ok to behave this way. What do you think Lyle Alzado would feel like, if right
    before he died of brain cancer from steriods, that his son was juicing too?
    i guess slin could kill you, but I highly doubt that these fools even know that slin is used that way.

    Steriods will make you faster and stronger and that is always good in sports, but if that
    was all there was to it all the boys at the WWF would be jacking 600 ft. bombs not
    running around in speedos and living a soap opera.

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    The middle of nowhere.

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    not where I want to be
    just when I thought they were finished

    I think that steroids are stupid. I do not believe that someone should take steroids to
    inhance their performance and strength. These drugs not only increase strength but they
    can also increase aggressiveness. Steroids also supress peoples own body's natural
    production of testosterone. This can also lead to more feminine characteristics, such as
    breasts. I think that someone should gain their strength from within and by themselves. I
    think its so gross to know guys who take steroids and i feel pity for them. Its like they
    have no self-esteem or theyre just lazy and cant do it on their own. Also, it is very
    obvious when someone is on steroids and i think their body looks abnormal and
    This guys made a bold move by admitting steroid use to the class...

    Throughout the semester we have learned of different drugs and steriods seems to have been an issue in class discussion and (MEDIA). Well how does everyone get these "Enhanced performances" or Juice? I have encountered many different types of steriods,,,,,,,,,,what can I say I know people who do them? Does that sound good or would it be better to say that I have been juiced. See people don't really say yeah I do them or I have tried them but i will be honest its out there and I have tried them. What surprises me is how people get these drugs, I know eveyone doesn't get them from Conseco!!!!!!!!! Well I would like to say that before I tried them I was offered juice from many athletes and it amazed me to know that many athlets use them. Another thing that amazes me is how much they cost!!!!!!! The same bottle that was offered to me for $150.00 seem to cost $75.00 across the border of El Paso. I realized the prize after me and couple of friends took a trip across the border. The word was that the same guy was taking trips up to mexico and buying the same thing from the same Pharmacy as my friends and I. But only he was making a profit by selling it double even tripple the amount. My family comes from a small town in mexico, this part of Mexico is found across the Eagle Pass Border and then it finally hit me to ask for the same kind of juice I got at the other pharmacy. Now this is the good part when I was ready to pay with a $100.00 Bill, the man said wow and I replied very confused! "What" He said you don't have a smaller bill I said no, he then Replied "this only cost $ 200 pesos, meaning 20 dollars. I can't beleive how much money was being made with all of this Juice after that purchased I never bought again. Now people have different oppinions about steriod use well its crazy I know and yeah the reality is that people use them. I believe its up to the athlete if he feals like cheating. I believe that the baseball players who used them did wrong. The reason I say that is because I beleive they didn't need to use them. Now people look down on them because the players make it seem like thats why they hit all those homeruns. I believe the same homeruns would have been made except for the ball would have not gone out as fast and as far! So all the athletes just put on a show if you ask me, but isn't that what everyone watches Tv for!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by symatech; 05-02-2005 at 01:37 PM.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    OMG, thats sad, yet funny at the same time. Clearly they did not do a full research on the subject at hand, talk about a one sided opinion, and an incorrect one at that.

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    not where I want to be
    they just keep going....

    If you're an athlete, you may hear talk about drugs that are supposed to
    give you an edge on the competition. Or maybe you've already tried these
    drugs and are wondering what they are and if they're safe. Here's the story.
    Steroids What They Are

    Anabolic steroids—also called steroids, 'roids, sauce or juice—are synthetic
    male hormones that may be taken in pill form or injected. They're illegal in
    most states except when prescribed for certain kinds of medical conditions.

    That They Do

    Steroids increase body weight and muscle mass. They may also improve
    your muscular strength and endurance. Sound attractive? Here's what else
    they do:

    In males, they can cause sterility, impotence and shrunken genitals.
    In females, steroids can cause breast reduction, menstrual irregularity,
    sterility and development of permanent masculine traits.
    In teenagers who have not completed their growth, steroids can cause
    premature fusing of bones, resulting in short height. Teenagers also risk
    injury due to overdeveloped muscles on an immature frame.
    Other effects include acne, bad breath, swelling of the feet, jaundice,
    baldness, skin color changes, heart attack, stroke and liver cancer.
    Effects on Behavior

    What steroids can do to your body isn't the whole story. Steroids can also
    cause behavior changes ranging from aggression, hostility and irritability to
    psychotic behavior sometimes called "roid rages."

    The Price of "Winning"

    When thinking about using steroids, consider the price you're willing to pay
    to win. What does it mean to win because of a drug instead of because of
    hard work and talent? Consider, also, that there's no hard evidence that
    steroids actually improve your athletic performance overall. Hard training is
    still the most effective way to increase muscle strength and performance.

    Getting Help

    Steroids are physiologically and psychologically addictive. If you've been
    using steroids and would like to stop, get help now. Your future health
    depends on it. Talk to a trusted adult, such as a teacher, counselor or
    doctor. Or call your local teen hotline, or the National Drug and Alcohol
    Treatment Referral Routing Service at 800-66
    I suggest you all write that number down I know you all have problems

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    The Lab
    Bro, this is one of the funniest (and sad) threads I've read in a long ass time.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    this thread might be funny and sad but nearly all of the world is brainwashed with this information, myself once included. it wasnt till i really started learning about steroids that i realize these stupid myths are false, steroid users are probally the hardest working athletes out there how can they be classified as lazy?

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    reading that ignorance makes me stomache kinda turn ><
    and angry REALLY REALLY ANGRY ><
    oh well... im going to say they are all just jealous

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