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Thread: Pro Fighting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Anywere a fight is.

    Question Pro Fighting

    Hey Guys I know there are alot of fighters who come here and I was just wondering if I could make a living of off fighting? I mean I have been training for a few years now and I am pretty good! Getting alot better to. I am only 19 now and was wondering if there is anyway I could do this for a living?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Try to get into one of the amateur shows around, then do a couple of those (make a good showing) and hope to turn pro and fight in a major event like koc etc.

    check out: for dates.

    you could also try to get into one of the try-outs of the major fighting schools, like Lions Den. but their try-outs are tough as hell! but if they take you, they'll pay for your food etc. and you'll live at the Lions Den too.

    hope that helps

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