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  1. #1
    Prime's Avatar
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    Was doomsday not the best 'superman' storyline ever?

    I think this has to be the best storyline i have ever read in a superman comic. Half the justice league are killed and so is Superman!
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  2. #2
    xfade7's Avatar
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    The middle of nowhere.
    yep i have that one from when i was a kid

  3. #3
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    I have a comic that has the whole story in it.

    Yes it is one of the best story lines ever!

  4. #4
    J.S.N.'s Avatar
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    i dunno it just seemed kinda desperate, i mean marvel and image were owning dc at the time. it's kinda like when a soap opera loses steam and then they "kill" one of the main characters, only to find out like three weeks later that he wasn't killed, just put into a juliette-esque coma and not he's come back!

  5. #5
    BDTR's Avatar
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    Loved the story line, probably the greatest comic book story ever.

    I have like 10 copies sealed of the death of superman, black packaging and white ones... they said it would be worth a bundle some day lol.

    I also have the complete book, doomsday owns.

  6. #6
    IntensityX's Avatar
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    I agree it got me back into collecting comics back then,I discovered new comics like Spawn,Gen 13,Shi,etc was a good time back then to collect now it seems the comic scene is stale no really good exciting storylines.

    They need another shake up like that to get back into the thick of things

  7. #7
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    I remember the story vaguely. All I know is they killed each other and Superman was back alive somehow like a month later.

  8. #8
    Prime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IntensityX
    I agree it got me back into collecting comics back then,I discovered new comics like Spawn,Gen 13,Shi,etc was a good time back then to collect now it seems the comic scene is stale no really good exciting storylines.

    They need another shake up like that to get back into the thick of things
    Well superman lost his powers and regained new ones. Meant he was vulnerable like a human till he powered up. HE ended up getting out of shape and unfit due to eating like and never exercising like when he had his old powers. He then got split and there was a red and blue superman. Then he got his original powers back but i dont know how I never bought that comic
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Was doomsday not the best 'superman' storyline ever?-superman2.png   Was doomsday not the best 'superman' storyline ever?-superman3.jpg  

  9. #9
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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  10. #10
    ManzNumero1's Avatar
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    what ever happened to the blue and red superman(s)?

  11. #11
    Prime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManzNumero1
    what ever happened to the blue and red superman(s)?
    i dunno. I know they were the yin and yang of superman. One was reckless and arrogant the other was retiring and passive. Id like to get my hands on teh issues where that story developed. Within like 6 issues the red and blue came into exiscance and then dissapeared. It was like a quick blip on the radar screen.

  12. #12
    IntensityX's Avatar
    IntensityX is offline BDTRs SHEMALE
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    I bet superman drinks his winny

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by IntensityX
    I bet superman drinks his winny
    I bet he

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