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  1. #1
    BlInDsIdE's Avatar
    BlInDsIdE is offline "ARs Most Dangerous Member"
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    OO SH!T GF asked about roids

    Look guys, I'm 18 and i've been working on this girl off and on since the beginning of this school year, only one other besides her the whole time so that should give u an idea that shes something special. Well now things between us are finally getting to where I want them to be and we're about to make it official but tonight she outof the blue when we're in the car told me we needed to talk and asked me if i was on steroids .(I about crashed my camaro) I couldn't lie to her so i told her the truth. I thought she was ok with it or at least was taking it better then she is but i just talked to her and shes balling her eyes out saying shes going to b worried sick about me etc. etc. I feel extremly guilty about all this and I mean should I stick it out, should I let her go or what. I'm only half way through a cycle and i don't want to get all emotional cause i've wanted her forever. I mean we are still young right? Why do I feel so ashamed? could the roids be influencing this?

  2. #2
    Live4thePump's Avatar
    Live4thePump is offline Associate Member
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    Hey guy, girls just don't understand 99% of the time. You can try to explain it all you want and tell her all the pros and cons, but she will probably never be too cool with it. If she really means that much to you, you should just give up roids (for a while).

    How's she find out anyways?

  3. #3
    bradd5150's Avatar
    bradd5150 is offline Associate Member
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    if your only 18 and she means that much to you id finish this cycle and then give it a few years before you pick it up again. your not gonna want the added depression of losing her during your pct. pct is hard enough anyways. ive been single for almost 3 years and decided it was finally time to try steroids . i've been curious about them since high school but knew there was no way a wife/girlfriend would be cool with it. im 34 and this is my first cycle. you have plenty of time bro.

  4. #4
    playboii's Avatar
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    You should deff not give up the roids. Finishing your cycle is a must. so just use your mack skills sweet talk her buy her watever flowers candy watever makes her happy if not wait till you finish you cycle and try things out with her again if she still not having it then fck her and flex your way to another girl lol plain and simple

  5. #5
    Mealticket's Avatar
    Mealticket is offline Senior Member
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    hope you don't EVER feel like growing by growth plates

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mealticket
    hope you don't EVER feel like growing by growth plates
    This isnt true at all. I know so many bros including myself who have grown a good bit after cycling. Not everyone is the same. It isn't even the steroids you have to worry about, its more the anti-e's like nolva and clomid. They are proven to seal growth plates.

  7. #7
    redmeat's Avatar
    redmeat is offline Senior Member
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    Chicks will never understand. Tell her to deal with it or get lost. There's plenty of pussy out there.

  8. #8
    newbrew is offline Senior Member
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    If you get the urge to hit her fromt he roid rage , DONT. Just shake the sh1t outta her.

    Btw, wtf happened to my avatar and what is this homo car?

  9. #9
    Nutz56's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newbrew
    If you get the urge to hit her fromt he roid rage , DONT. Just shake the sh1t outta her.

    Btw, wtf happened to my avatar and what is this homo car?
    lmfao @ "wtf happened to my avatar"... i've seen this in like, every thread of yours today. classic

  10. #10
    LoggedOut is offline Junior Member
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    [QUOTE=BlInDsIdE](I about crashed my camaro) QUOTE]

    Way 2 go joedirt

  11. #11
    Seajackal's Avatar
    Seajackal is offline Anabolic Member
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    Just test yourself if you love her more than you love the gear so
    fvck the gear but if you love the gear more than the girl, so fvck
    the girl and grab some more pussies around bro, you're young and

  12. #12
    KAEW44's Avatar
    KAEW44 is offline Senior Member
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    1-Shouldnt be doing roids at 18
    2-Shouldnt be assuming that u found the girl of your dreams at 18
    3-Shouldnt be telling that chick about roids, infact u shouldnt be telling anyone
    4-Chicks tell their best friends everything
    5-Their best friends tell their best friends everything
    6-Your entire school and town will know

  13. #13
    sp9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KAEW44
    1-Shouldnt be doing roids at 18
    2-Shouldnt be assuming that u found the girl of your dreams at 18
    3-Shouldnt be telling that chick about roids, infact u shouldnt be telling anyone
    4-Chicks tell their best friends everything
    5-Their best friends tell their best friends everything
    6-Your entire school and town will know
    This is a very wise post.

    If it doesn't work out with her, you will find now that many people will no what you are doing. In some ways women frown on mild recreational drugs less than steroid drug use. I do not think you should have told anyone what you are doing. Remember you are using illegal drugs and people talk. I have not told one friend of mine, even people I have known longer then you have been alive that I hang out with on a regular basis. Not even when they have put me on the spot. Take this as a lesson. If you want to tell her its important you finish what you are currently doing and then you are willing to leave it all behind for her You have put yourself in a bad spot in my opinion.

  14. #14
    bigcut77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KAEW44
    1-Shouldnt be doing roids at 18
    2-Shouldnt be assuming that u found the girl of your dreams at 18
    3-Shouldnt be telling that chick about roids, infact u shouldnt be telling anyone
    4-Chicks tell their best friends everything
    5-Their best friends tell their best friends everything
    6-Your entire school and town will know
    Very good points. I have nothing else to add LOL.

    She already knows so you are kinda screwed. Try educating her on AAS and see if that helps. Or if she means that much then you might have to give it up after this cycle. Give her some BS about the dangers of abrubtly stopping without proper treatments and what not and she will probably at least let you finish this one out.

  15. #15
    LL08's Avatar
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    OK bro you gotta mack hard on this one but not too hard. Too many of you bros are focussing on the past. Sure by saying he shouldn't do roids at 18 other young bros reading AR may think twice but its too late for blindside, decision made. Personally I don't advice taking AAS until your epiphyseals are closed and if you MUST then take anti e's so to prevent the estrogen closing them at a younger age. The maturity which comes with age definitely comes in handy when cycling BUT thats not to say that all dudes over 21 or 25 are responsible with AAS and all young bros aren't definitely not true. Anyway here is what I would do bro, again in retrospect I agree with some bros comments don't tell anyone that your juicin but again this is too late now. So, heres the deal tell her your sorry - explain to her that you regret it but need to finish the cycle and explain to her about how most bros wouldn't be using PCT and use AAS irresponsibly, cite some studies on the aas your using just so she worries less. Then tell her you don't want to do it again and that you regret her knowing but put a spin on the situation by saying that you are the type of guy who has to be true to himself and truthful to someone he really cares about. Just put a spin on it whereby she thinks - **** if this guy is honest about something like this then maybe he is gonna be a great and trustworthy boyfriend. Instead of her thinking if he juices what other dodgey stuff might he do, behind my back. Reassure reassure. haha, but hey this isn't a dating advice board so i'm outty.


  16. #16
    clhp20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by playboii
    You should deff not give up the roids. Finishing your cycle is a must. so just use your mack skills sweet talk her buy her watever flowers candy watever makes her happy if not wait till you finish you cycle and try things out with her again if she still not having it then fck her and flex your way to another girl lol plain and simple

    yeah basically lie to her so all of us can get off the hook for a minute..

    Seriously. You shouldn't of told her in the first place.

    and @18 you will find others if she decides she wants to leave you becuase of this. It's gonna hurt. but you can and will overcome this if the worst does come out of it..

    Good Luck. i feel for ya bro..

  17. #17
    GridIronDevil is offline Associate Member
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    hell bro that was **** good advice ll08 smart bro...if i was u blind i would listen to him hesa true mackdaddy

  18. #18
    TRICK's Avatar
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    dude, you're way too honest. it's a flaw that you must correct or you'll spend your entire adult life in the dogg house. would you also tell her that you cheated on her with her best friend? if not, there is hope for you. if so, LHM on your soul.

  19. #19
    peaker's Avatar
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    mate. you are in a very sticky situation, like what was said earlier, she will most likely tell her friends, women talk if she likes you and know knows you juice she will tell her friends get their advice, rah rah rah, and you know the rest.
    alot of people accept rec drug use over gear use because more people do that, the can relate to another like we do with our use. the thing is, gear is like the devil to people who are uneducated on the subject. you can get people who drop pills every week telling you AAS will **** you up and **** but will condone their mind altering drugs and defend their usage.

    back to the point, you are only 18, but if you have liked her for so long then you have to make a decision, either way i think its going to end up ****ed up for you.
    if you do get together and stay on, keep your cool at all times. your gear usage will come back to bite you on the arse, she will be saying your ****ing angry because of gear instead of reason which may be valid, this had happend to plenty of bros.
    if it ends then you have to worry about her running her mouth and at 18, she probably will.

    i am lucky to have a gf who understands, has known from the start of my use, and even see me do my shots, and is very supportive of my use and training. i guess its because i didnt turn green and put on 50lbs after one shot! even i stress about her running her mouth if things ended.

    i think the best thing for you to do is think hard about whats best for you in the long run, you are only 18 bro, plenty of travelli (type of fish) in the sea.

    best of luck bro and keep us posted.... for you too be thinking about quitting gear over her seems a bit harsh... but thats only me


  20. #20
    LL08's Avatar
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    Cheers gridirondevil. Good points made by Peaker too. End of the day there is no doubt a girl will overeact when she has to come out and ask you, the thought was probably bouncing around in her mind for sometime, who knows maybe another bro you confided in got jealous and spilled the beans to her cause he knew it would ruin things between you and your girl. Whatever happened unfortunately you can't use retrospect as lovely as the idea of going back in time may be, haha. I believe if you play the right cards and you put the right spin on things it will all work out. Bros I'll let you in on a little secret about girls, this one really works. If your girl knows some dirt on you make sure before you break up, know some dirt on her. It could be secrets her best mate told her and she swore she wouldn't pass on. Anything but if a girl has half a brain she will realise that if she spreads the word on you, then the consequence for her will be as bad or worse ie losing a close friend or worse still reputation. Joke about it with your girl when you get her to promise not to tell a sole about you juicin, say something hinting that you trust she won't spread the word because it means so much too you and that you would never spread the word of things she has told you. Look at her seemingly meaningless secrets as something like a security blanket. The hardest thing will be to keep your cool even if you are really pissed off, but usually the start of the relationship will be smooth sailing unless it is not meant to be. In case you feel like firing up remember that by not caring she will care more and want to stay with you for longer. Keep your jealousy inside and she will respect you more and be more attracted to you because you live by the mentality that if she wanted to be with someone else you would find out and it would be her loss not yours. Honestly bro be safe and don't give up. Worst case put this down to practice just don't become a whining bit*h because how you are in the start of a relationship sets the precedent for the entire relationship. Peace


  21. #21
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    It's truly a new day/age of growing up and parenting I see.


  22. #22
    AG5678's Avatar
    AG5678 is offline Member
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    def don't give up your cycle becuase of a chick. One more thing don't feel guilty for starting at 18

  23. #23
    Juddman's Avatar
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    She already knows about it, if its really bothering her then coming off prob won't help that much. The damage has probably been done IMO. I would try to get over it bro, plenty of fish in the sea, as lame as it sounds its true. Good luck brother.

  24. #24
    AbsolutDonkey's Avatar
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    Been there done that. She is just showing you that she cares. All girls do this when they dont understand research and just go off of the image of steroids the media portrays... they are concerned with your saftey.. they feel like you could die from it!!. IMO stay on and if she is somewhat understanding explain to her you have done your research. I wouldnt try to explain too long though. At your age... there is plenty of time for a serious relationship. Especially if you are in college.

    Another note.... those who fuss "your too young... yada yada yada..."
    Its too late for these lads. They have already made their minds up. Why waste your breath. 18 years old is an adult in the eyes of the government.... treat them like it!

  25. #25
    peaker's Avatar
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    agree with LL08 100%, acting like your dont care as much as you do, not getting jealous can be bad too..... its a bitch to get rid of them later lol

  26. #26
    BlInDsIdE's Avatar
    BlInDsIdE is offline "ARs Most Dangerous Member"
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    thanks 4 all the help so far guys, I know 4 a fact she won't tell anyone though even her best friend because i know things about her that noone else knows and shes not like that. Shes pretty mature for 18. And also this isn't my first cycle, its the 2nd. She asked me because of how big i've gotten she knew somethin was up. I really wanna try and work things out with her just hoping she can understand.

  27. #27
    BlInDsIdE's Avatar
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    also i'm not gonng lie to her, if it was someone else then yeah no prob, but i'm not about to start a seriouse relationship off with a lie and shes more important to me then that

  28. #28
    Thegr8One's Avatar
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    i say dump her ass in the river if she can't open her mind and comprehend

  29. #29
    LL08's Avatar
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    Looks like you've made up your mind then..If she gives you the opportunity take some time off the AAS.' Good luck with it bro and don't let her break your heart. Girls seem to do that to the nice guys. catch bro.


  30. #30
    gixxer600 is offline Member
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    I have to give you credit for telling her the truth, thats for sure. A lot of people wouldn't. If she is that special, it was a good idea that you did. lets say a year or two pass and she finds out how long you were keeping it from her, it would have only made things worse. Do what I did, I told my girl right off the bat. She didn't even ask. I offered to tell her. Then, sit her down on the computer one night and inform her on the whole thing. Bring her on this site and show here how supporitive we all are with each other and that you didn't get into the game with a blind eye. Show her that you are actually doing things the best and safest way that you could. You have to figure, if you don't, she will only believe the crap she sees on the television. This would be a bad time for her to watch tv with all the crap that has been going on with the media as well. Whatever you do though, don't let her determine whether or not you stay on. If she feels the same you do, she'll understand be supportive with what YOU decide to do. Good luck bro. Let us know how it goes!!

  31. #31
    BlInDsIdE's Avatar
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    thanks alot guys all the advice really means alot, idk what i'd do without this site. The next few days will determine what happens in our relationship i just hope we can work it out because i couldn't imagine losing her. Neways i'll keep u guys posted and thanks again.

  32. #32
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    This is bad advice. Nolvadex and clomid act like estrogen in the bones, liver, and other organs. Just not in the breast. They seal growth plates just like estrogen does.

    Quote Originally Posted by LL08
    Personally I don't advice taking AAS until your epiphyseals are closed and if you MUST then take anti e's so to prevent the estrogen closing them at a younger age.

  33. #33
    BlInDsIdE's Avatar
    BlInDsIdE is offline "ARs Most Dangerous Member"
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    its chillin either way, i'm cool with 5'11 lol

  34. #34
    TheBrent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dude-Man
    This is bad advice. Nolvadex and clomid act like estrogen in the bones, liver, and other organs. Just not in the breast. They seal growth plates just like estrogen does.
    exactly, listen to this man. take letrozole at 1.25 mg every day to help keep your growth plates open.

  35. #35
    BlInDsIdE's Avatar
    BlInDsIdE is offline "ARs Most Dangerous Member"
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    guys this is my 2nd cycle I've already taken nolva + clomid

  36. #36
    thewallop's Avatar
    thewallop is offline Associate Member
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    dude all i wanna say is i look up 2 you telling the trueth man , thats a quality that not many people have , its risky but in some situations but if shes already suspectiing u of using then i give u props for telling her when she asked. but if she didnt ask u , there woulda been no need to tell her right.

  37. #37
    OneEyedJohnny's Avatar
    OneEyedJohnny is offline Junior Member
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    Hey, is she on birth control? If she is (and you know she is), ask her if she is. Then counter her answer with the fact that she is on "female steroids ", they regulate breat tissue hypertrophy, regulate mentrual cycle, etc. Do some research on estrogen and how it effects the female body, use some medical words that sound overly smart and she should crumble since you know your sh*t. It has worked for me numerous times in the past, but you have to really know wqhat you are talking about and be able to answer her questions, if she has any. Research, research, research!!!

    Good luck bro,
    One Eye

  38. #38
    BlInDsIdE's Avatar
    BlInDsIdE is offline "ARs Most Dangerous Member"
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    thanks guys and good call oneeyedjohnny on the birth control i'll look into that.

  39. #39
    mma_badboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OneEyedJohnny
    Hey, is she on birth control? If she is (and you know she is), ask her if she is. Then counter her answer with the fact that she is on "female steroids ", they regulate breat tissue hypertrophy, regulate mentrual cycle, etc. Do some research on estrogen and how it effects the female body, use some medical words that sound overly smart and she should crumble since you know your sh*t. It has worked for me numerous times in the past, but you have to really know wqhat you are talking about and be able to answer her questions, if she has any. Research, research, research!!!

    Good luck bro,
    One Eye
    100% agreed, its a hormone just like AAS. the pill has side effects also, like it may cause cancer... i dont think any side effect of AAS can cause something as bad as cancer. explain to her it the media that give AAS a bad name. good luck!

  40. #40
    tycin's Avatar
    tycin is offline Anabolic Member
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    i say tell her to shut her mouth... if she doesnt like that u use ass then tell her to beat it. on another note u r pretty young to b using steroids but...

    i honestly dont give two fuks if peoepl know i'm on aas, why would i. i dunno why
    some guys make such a big deal about it.. maybe its different here than the states.

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