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  1. #1
    trauma is offline New Member
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    Aug 2003

    lab results...opinions please

    i'm on the low end or low on all of these. need some honest opinions. the doc that drew them was a prick! i complained of fatique and he didn't even schedule a follow-up...didn't even call to tell me some other labs were out of whack. oh yeah, i'm 29yo and clean...i just want to feel good again!

    B12: 286 normal:200-1100

    test: 290 normal:241-827 or 300-1000 depends on where you look

    free test: 12.9 normal:13-40

    % of free test .44 normal: 0.2-0.7

  2. #2
    seanw's Avatar
    seanw is offline Banned
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    Aussie in Singapore
    So give us a bit more background. Have you ever cycled ? If so when did your last cycle end ? Did you do PCT ? The Test level is way too low, I am off cycle at the moment I am 50 and mine is around 600. What do you mean by " some labs were out of wack" ?

  3. #3
    trauma is offline New Member
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    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by seanw
    So give us a bit more background. Have you ever cycled ? If so when did your last cycle end ? Did you do PCT ? The Test level is way too low, I am off cycle at the moment I am 50 and mine is around 600. What do you mean by " some labs were out of wack" ?

    let's see...a few cycles in the past. years ago. proper pct at the time. so this shouldn't be an issue. as for the rest, my ALT(liver profile) was a bit real concern as my AST was normal along with all the other liver values....i also take tylenol sinus on a regular basis which could raise this value.
    there's also a note on the lab results that says B12 levels under 300 may experience uneplained neuro-psychiatric or hematologic abnormalities...thanks for teling me doc!

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