20 yrs old
bench: 375
8 weeks left on cycle...
20 yrs old
bench: 375
8 weeks left on cycle...
thats coool , apology not necessary , we r all here to learn and HAVE FUN..SO trust me ill be the ;ast to be ofended..........and Regarding genetics trueeeeee, also take into consideration my asssss has been fat for 21 years out of my 23 years of age, so I know thats also a factor...Originally Posted by KINGKONG
this thread will never die
Not if we keep talking about the fact that will never dieOriginally Posted by redmeat
Plus everybody want to let us know the question I get at every bar I ever go to "How much can you Bench" usually by some crackhead or some fatass who says Oh thats a good bench but I got 10 pounds more than that or they have a friend that they just have to tell me about that can bench more than me...That pisses me off something special,getting told by some nerd that his cousins uncle can bench 600 poundsinsecure a$$ PPL...Why do you tell me this?Sorry Iam kinda ranting just got asked 3 times last night how much I could bench and had an old lady call me and my friends "workout freaks" like we are supposed to be in a sideshow..WTF
So is it safe to assume that the couple guys back in high school football 18yoa at the time, that were benching 405 were likely on gear at the time? I mean they were good size and all 6'2", muscular-not fat, but they were like in no mans land compared to what the rest of the team could/was benching.Originally Posted by anaBROLIC
Well I don't look like I can do it though. no one believes me untill they see it. I am strong but look pretty small. it sucks a whole lot. all I really care about is size.
jo150 what part of Missouri do you live in?
What's your point? Should I allow for your hormone fluctuations in regards to your statement?Originally Posted by bmg
5.9 205 20 year old benching 395 x1, terrible form but o well i got it up!
23, 216, 5'7",
bench: ?? i use 125 dumbells for 3 sets of 6, im assuming that means i can bench like 325 at least. I remember when i used 95 and 100's i was able to get 265. I can prob get more than 325 but ill be modest about it cause i dont know for sure.
squat: 450, dont like to though i have a horrible knee
deadlift:?? never do it, im afraid cause i have scoliosis
not currently on cycle, will be soon
23, 216, 5'7",
bench: ?? i use 125 dumbells for 3 sets of 6, im assuming that means i can bench like 325 at least. I remember when i used 95 and 100's i was able to get 265. I can prob get more than 325 but ill be modest about it cause i dont know for sure.
squat: 450, dont like to though i have a horrible knee
deadlift:?? never do it, im afraid cause i have scoliosis
not currently on cycle, will be soon
Great way to end up in the hospital. Congraduations.Originally Posted by needle
21 5'7 190lbs...i never do max just working sets
bench - 265lbs
squat - 495lbs
dead - 315lbs - i dont do these too much cause it puts a lot of stress on my lower back
I go to a big school (25,000 students) so that means about 11,000 guys (more women then men) and I rarely see 315 on bench much less then 405, and that 11,000 18-22 year olds. But i guess people on this board are bigger then the avg person for a reason
honostly guys, and i will be 100% honost. have never touched gear. i just turned 19 by the way. i figure that if i were to cylce right now, i gaurentee you that my bench would go up 60 pounds at the least, that would put me at 400. and dont think for a second that no naturally strong 18 year old in the history of the universe never shot himself with test.Originally Posted by SINCE73
number 2. i have seen kids in person that you all for sure would call bs on if they posted their legit stats
Last edited by IronReload04; 04-12-2005 at 09:48 AM.
What kind of gear are you going to take to get your bench up another 60 lbs. to 400? Benching 340 and benching 400 is like picking up an escort and then trying to pick up a bus. You have way to much confidence in standard gear.
i agree. adding 60lbs on the bench in 3 to 4 month period may not be such an obtainable goal.Originally Posted by GrantC5
i also have to mention how amusing and funny some of these posts are. this is a freakin steroid forum and dudes are flamming those whom are strong? that shiit doesnt make too much sence to me.
another thing.... a 400 lbs bench is something to be proud of im sure. but some of you guys act like a 400 pound bench is so rare is should be protected by an activist group. im comin to you from the backyard of westside barbell. in my little nick of the woods there are probably about 20 or so dudes who bench over 550. im not one and these guys are older, but they are out there.
even for a first cycle? i have read posts where guys say their bench went up 100 pounds their first time. and they bench high reps with what they were maxing beforehand.Originally Posted by GrantC5
i jsut got done reading a post where a guy's bench went from 250-320 in one cycle and that was test at 500
"Strength still continues to increase, I've added about 80lbs to my bench for sets, haven't re-done my max yet"
and that was test e at 500 a week also kickstarted with dbol 30mg
Last edited by IronReload04; 04-12-2005 at 03:14 PM.
well if his bench was only 250 then he shouldnt of been using AAS in the first place.Originally Posted by IronReload04
personally i agree i have read countless post on guys benches going up 70 - 100 pounds in 10 weeks with test fora first cycle, im not saying it always happens but having seen it happen my self with freinds...i belive its very possible.
if you have the ultimate diet routine and workout routine that very1 on here so many people preach with gear you should not have too much truoble getting there.
Preach the gospel brother...The weak may not lay there hand apon the sacred juiceOriginally Posted by Consistency
Iam just glad Iam not the weakIf you'll really want to see a slide show of my pretty a$$ pushing a bunch of metal...Let me know...I think it's hilarious..Then maybe I'll sell my bench shirt on e-bay for all you who thinks 400 pounds is so much to bench..You can make a shrine of it
They call me Frank Sepe bitches if you don't know use your search engine and make sure to get your met-rxOriginally Posted by KINGKONG
Let me quote myself again and whore some more......Originally Posted by KINGKONG
Ive always liked these dancing guys but Ive never used them
I think this thread will set a new record for posts lies and flaming!! Glad i could be of service and to all you tall bastages that claim us short bastages can only bench is due to lack of movement is say.....its all relative. I would like to add that i think if you can bench @185 -225lbs that and can throw a punch you can KNOCK OUT A big mofo. Its hard to strengthenm a jaw and your heart is what it is! Juice grows muscles NOT HEART! peace![]()
to add to my quote the other day,...did the same exact bench 2 days ago..315 14 reps, 405 3 reps,....its now 420 for 1 rep,..just thought id add that in,..ya know,..the whole 5 pound increase!!!
i hardcore agreeOriginally Posted by Consistency
im not saying its impossible, my last max was 390 3 times. then 420 once. Im just skeptical of some of these "natural 18 year old" who bench 400+, like i said i see thousands of 18-22 workout every week and rarely see 315, i guess i just go to a weak school.Originally Posted by KINGKONG
u do if u go to tennesse go DAWGS
No I don't think there is alot of natural 18-22 year olds throwing up 400+Originally Posted by Consistency
At least I don't see them..Iam far from natural myself..But the gym Iam at there is quite a bit of juice..So it's hard to say who is natural..Everybody lies about whether there using...I know I do..![]()
DONT worrie about it!!!Originally Posted by znak
23 was 125 kg benched 467,5 lbs
23 190 285lb bench
some of the figures here are bs. i never max so i will just put what i do for my sets...bench 265 x 8 reps, but since i love doing squats here is my squat weight 405 x 12 reps. oh yeah im 5'7 190lbs.
18 yrs old, 215 lbs, BP 330 ORM
ha please.. i do believe beat yall at your place last football season!!Originally Posted by bigswolegunz
u dont believe me?Originally Posted by GOATNUTS
5'6 and a half. weigh 174 bench @330.(x1) Will weigh 195 at end of cycle.Quote
174 lbs benching 330, no sorry I don't believe you, not even for one. 2nd I don't believe at 5'6" your going to add 21 lbs of muscle on at the end of your cycle. Unless its alot of water weight. Post your cycle info.
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