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  1. #1
    The Baron's Avatar
    The Baron is offline Fourth Koala of the Apocalypse
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    Mar 2002

    Just put the scissors to 6 credit cards

    Woo-HOO! Called up all my credit cards and told them all to drop my interest down below 10% or close the account, and now I am down to 3 good cards, and I tossed the losers. Feels pretty good! Two cards from the same bank got consolidated together and the interest dropped. Another that already had a low interest, dropped even more. I can get a cheap card through my union, and my credit union also offers a super low card. I am now a walking hard-on, financially speaking!

    My exes did a good job of trashing my credit last year... while I was out in the middle east, they were paying my bills late, not paying at all, running up the one card that they could use over the limit, etc and put my interest rates at the default interest. I left owing about $17,000 in unsecured debt, and when I got home, it was about the same, in spite of sending home enough money to more than pay it all off. Now, I am debt free, except for a small balance on one card for a recent medication purchase. I tell ya, it really feels good to have a cheap line of credit equal to almost a year's earnings. My sh!t doesn't stink a bit!

    Just had to blow off about that. I am so friggin amped up about this! So to anybody out there strangling in credit card debt, there is hope, there is light at the end of your tunnel, and you CAN come out smelling like a rose if you are willing to make a few sacrifices and are a firm hand at bargaining for interest rates.

  2. #2
    BARLOW is offline Senior Member
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    Dec 2004
    in a hole
    good job bro

  3. #3
    Juddman's Avatar
    Juddman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Jan 2005
    Good to hear bro..I'm in some credit card debt myself here...Nothing that cant be paid off now that I got a full time job for the next 18 months...glad to hear it though.

  4. #4
    Psychotron's Avatar
    Psychotron is offline Anabolic Member
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    San Diego
    What the hell, you had 9 credit cards. I have one and a checking card.

  5. #5
    The Baron's Avatar
    The Baron is offline Fourth Koala of the Apocalypse
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    They used to send them to me without even the courtesy of sending an application first, LOL!

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